Fanworks Tagged with Original Character(s)

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Copper by darthfingon

In Valinor near the turn of the First Age, a young boy is tormented by a Maia of Makar.

Written for ALEC October 2010.

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A Fragile Chalice by pandemonium_213

In spite of weariness and stress, Tyelperinquar (a.k.a. Celebrimbor) hosts a gathering in his home:  a supper followed by what we might call a salon for the elite of Ost-in-Edhil. Musicians, rival poets, and lively conversation among the guests, which includes Erestor, the visiting emissary from Gil-galad's realm, provide the evening's entertainment.  An elven poetry slam causes Tyelpo to become immersed in deep memories  -- some poignant, some painful, and one dark and strange yet vaguely familiar.

MEFA 2011 Winner:  First Place, Elves, General

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Gothmog and Draugluin by pandemonium_213

“Gothmog and Draugluin” follows the antics of two Tolkienian icons who were not all about smiting and devouring but had fun, too. Little Gothmog lives in Thangorodrim with his mom (Ulbandi Fluithuin) and dad (Melkor, Black Foe of the World). Melkor’s right-hand man and Gothmog’s babysitter -- Professor Thû ("I'm not a babysitter. I'm an observer!") -- makes appearances, too. Gothmog and Draugluin also share this space with “Stinky Pete” Mêshûgganâscar, Maia of Mandos, and his pals.

"Gothmog and Draugluin" appears monthly sporadically in the SWG newsletter. View the Table of Contents for a full listing of comics.

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Lullaby by oshun

After the death of Fingolfin, Fingon says good-bye before taking Ereinion and his mother to the Havens. The lyrics of the song are important to me, because I chose Fingon as the father of Gil-galad because Orodreth was simply not big enough for me.

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Sea Wing by Himring

At the Havens, as Tuor and Idril prepare to sail into the West, Sador Labadal's niece muses on her fascination with Idril and the fate of the servants of the house of Hurin.

Originally my project for the International Day of Femslash, which means it's only about two months late. Never mind: as femslash, it isn't PWP, it's NVMHAA (Nothing Very Much Happens At All)--some readers might consider it doesn't even count.

The story also sort of features Fingon as King Arthur--but very much sort of. For reasons that will be obvious to the reader, Fingon doesn't appear in the list of Characters.

Some of this story is a bit grim, but none of the description is graphic.

Generously nominated for the MEFAs 2011 by Elleth; surprisingly, it won Second Place in the category "Men: General"!

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Eruanna by wind rider

Everything and everyone is perfect in the Blessed Realm... is it not? A new, hopeful father learnt the difference between expectancy and faith. | Dedicated to parents out there who are proud of their disabled children.

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Reembodied by Dawn Felagund

Tata was said to be the first of the Noldor to awaken at Cuivienen, yet the histories never speak of him again. Uncomfortable and indecisive as a leader, he nonetheless rejects the summons of the Valar to Valinor, recognizing a fundamental wrong in the ideas they preach. This is the story of his life. 2011 MEFA nominee.

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The Understanding of a Father by Ellie

During the preparations for the War of Wrath, a recently restored Glorfindel and his father come to a better understanding of what transpired for them both since the rebellion of the Noldor.

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In Darkness Bound by Fiondil

In the aftermath of the Darkening, three kings search for meaning in the midst of tragedy. One seeks absolution; another, vengeance, while the third merely endeavors to salvage what he can from the disaster and protect his people from future harm. All may find what they are looking for, though not necessarily in the way they expect, for, as always, the Valar have their own agenda. Many thanks go to my betas, Alassiel and Ellie.

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Bard Rising by Rhapsody

It is said that Maglor composed the Noldolantë before he was lost, but none was said about his personal accounts. The warrior bard wants to take you on a journey, a story that will tell you the tale on how a musician became a relentless kinslayer and warrior.

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Five Bells by Dawn Felagund

The people of Tirion learn of Miriel's death. For the Five Things challenge for SWG's fifth birthday. 2011 MEFA nominee.

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Left Behind by Isil Elensar

A series of drabbles connected though a family. Each drabble is a look at how certain family member handle being left behind.

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Similitude by Isil Elensar

Someone thought long forgotten is found by someone he never expected to find.

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The Handmaiden's Rainbow by Isil Elensar

A series of drabbles (five in total) depicting a young elf-maiden who takes pride in her work and service for the Lady Galadriel.

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Atop Bald Mountain by Iavalir

A letter speaking of the doom that awaits this universe, goes on for thousands of years without ever reaching its recipient. One day it is picked up by some humans, and its perilous message is finally revealed to the world.

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Admission by SurgicalSteel

Zamîn and Nemir (two of my OCs) meet after the Last Alliance and discuss their losses.

References my other Second Age fics archived on this site.

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The West Wind Quartet by Himring

Emlinn, a Sinda, becomes Maglor's student and experiences the end of the Siege of Angband and the Battle of Sudden Flame.

Now added: Bonus chapter: Like a Friendly Touch Among the Crowd (ft. Elrond).

Illustrated by Alasse for B2MeM 2012: see link at end of Chapter Two!

Kindly nominated for MEFAs 2011 by Angelica. It won a Honorable Mention in the category "Elves: House of Finwë" and a Smaug's Treasure award.


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Pyrrhic Wedding: Loss All Around by Himring

The future of her ladies-in-waiting becomes a counter in the marital conflict between Tar-Ancalime and her estranged husband Hallacar. Hallacar shames Tar-Ancalime into permitting them to marry. We are allowed to assume that they all were unreservedly grateful for this opportunity. But were they?

Now added: A second chapter from Ancalime's POV for the International  Day of Femslash: Loss All Around

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Copper and Flame by Araloth the Random

A sweet and light-hearted story in which a young Feanor discovers new feelings for the daughter of a craftsman. Slightly AU. Complete!

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Song of Summer by pandemonium_213

While visiting Imladris during the 20th year of the Fourth Age, Radagast overhears an elf-woman singing in the kitchen gardens of the House of Elrond. There he finds Mélamírë bending to pull weeds, but when she stands straight by a row of tomatoes, she sings a song in Radagast's mother tongue.  When the wizard observes that she has used a Song of Making, she informs him of her purpose and priorities.

Inspired by a peculiar confluence of recent discussion of Lúthien on The Heretic Loremaster and ripe New Jersey tomatoes.

MEFA 2011 Winner.  First Place, Ficlet, Later Age Elves

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The Jinn by pandemonium_213

While leading his tribe into the deep desert to escape the inevitable war between the Zigûr and the Sea-kings, Sharif finds a woman — injured and unconscious — among the rocks.  He discovers this is not a mortal woman, but one of the immortal demons of the north. He is ready to kill her, but the tribe's priestess stays his hand, warning him that slaying the jinn would bring terrible misfortune to his tribe.  His wives care for the jinn, who recovers and aids the tribe as they journey to the East in search of a mysterious land where they hope to find sanctuary, the jinn no less than Sharif and his tribe as they flee from the Zigûr and the Sea-Kings.

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The Findaráto Diaries by Fiondil

A hundred years before Glorfindel was released from Mandos, Finrod Felagund, once King of Nargothrond, was reborn to walk with his father in Eldamar. This is his story. A companion tale to Elf, Interrupted. As always, my sincerest thanks go to Alassiel for the beta.

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Elf Academy by Fiondil

Desperate for employment, six Elves who never left Middle-earth, decide to apply for the one position that is ready-made for them — being Elves. There’s just one catch. My thanks to Alassiel as always for the beta.

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For Love or Money by Lady MSM

After an argument with his stepmother, Feanor runs away from home, adopts a new identity, and finds a new life with master craftsman Mahtan and his family. Everything is perfect...that is, as long as they don't find out who he really is.

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Fire and Smoke by Marta

"Thereafter the fire and smoke went up without ceasing; for the power of Sauron daily increased, and in that temple, with spilling of blood and torment and great wickedness, men made sacrifice to Melkor." (Akallabeth)

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