Fanworks Tagged with Romance

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For Love or Money by Lady MSM

After an argument with his stepmother, Feanor runs away from home, adopts a new identity, and finds a new life with master craftsman Mahtan and his family. Everything is perfect...that is, as long as they don't find out who he really is.

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Spherical by Himring

Whether it was a vision, a dream or a flight of lunacy—its significance seems to Maedhros too obvious to need discussion.  But that is not quite how it is...




Intended for last month's revisited Challenge but I was a bit slow.

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Quoth the Raven by Noliel

It's his call, this time, and it lifts a burden from her shoulders as heavy as the roots of the mountains. But that doesn't mean Miriel has to like it.

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A Plain, Simple Love Story by Keiliss

The king and the archivist. Respect, friendship, misunderstanding, making up - all the good things that build a forever kind of love.

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Unrequited by elfscribe

A lovesick Daeron crafts a new song to try to gain Lúthien's attention.

A triple drabble (300 words)

MEFA 2010 First Place Winner:  Genres: Fixed Length

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Tainted Light by Eldalie

Silme loved and followed Maedhros from the peace of Valinor to his fiery end. Now Galadriel, her cousin and friend, reads her memories, and the exile and downfall of the Noldorin Elves live again through the tale of this doomed love. MEFA 2010 NOMINEE

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A Bit of a Bore by Himring

Boredom, like beauty, may be in the eye of the beholder

Maedhros receives a series of messengers from Fingon.

Warnings: gratuituous mention of missing socks and burnt porridge.

This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Lyra. Thank you very much!

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Fill The Night With Stories by Klose

A place to house my short ficlets as I write them, or the ones that I can't bring myself to post here as individual stories anyway. Most of these will just a couple of hundred words long. 

#1 - "The Way That We Love" - Fingolfin/Anaire, very loosely based on theme of "Five Things Anairë Hates About Fingolfin". Written Dec'07.

#2 - "Inheritance" - a sort of missing moment story featuring Círdan and a very young Ereinion Gil-galad. Gen. Written Mar'10.

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Eminently Unsuitable by Himring

It is reported in the Silmarillion that when Finrod Felagund first met the people of Beor, he had been hunting with Maedhros and Maglor, but had parted from them because he was “wearied of the chase”. According to this story, that was the official explanation given out for his abrupt departure but what in fact had happened was that he had a conversation with Maedhros that first surprised, and then upset him...


The “eminently unsuitable” person of the title is Fingon, of course, but as the story is told from Finrod’s point of view, this is not explicitly stated anywhere.


This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Hallbera. Thank you very much!

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Down. Out. Up. by Himring

What I was not going to write, but did:


Down.   What Maedhros thought as he jumped.


Out. Up. Fingon takes Maedhros home to Tirion after his reincarnation. Finarfin insists on confronting him.  Told from different points of view (Fingon, Finarfin and, briefly, Maedhros).


Now illustrated by Alasse!

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More by Himring

I:  Fingon is unable to articulate his wishes unambiguously, so Maedhros finds seduction a terrifying and lonely business.

II: This time, Fingon states his feelings very clearly, in the face of Maedhros’s doubts.

Originally designed as a companion piece to Counting the Hours largely from Maedhros’ point of view, as the other story is largely from Fingon’s. (The original  middle section has since been moved elsewhere in the series.)

Re warnings: "Graphic" really only applies to the beginning of Section I, I think.

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A Waiting Game by Elfique

Love, no matter how wicked, always finds a way.

A slightly strange something I wrote for Jan/Feb's ALEC 'Forbidden Love' theme.

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A Bridge in Dor-lomin by Himring

Maedhros thinks that he's had time enough to get over his feelings for Fingon. It turns out that he has not. At first he's disappointed, then he makes a discovery.
Told from Fingon's point of view.

For Oshun, because I re-read her biography of Fingon and realized I'd left something out.

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Praying for Lightning by Himring

A bit of pillow-talk between Maedhros and Fingon, framing memories of Araman, the Helcaraxe and Mithrim.

Fingon has to struggle to re-define himself twice, once when he learns what was really going on at Alqualonde, the second time when he realizes that their deepening love means that Maedhros and he have become mutually irreplaceable to each other and what that might entail. Each time, Maedhros turns out to be part of the solution as well as part of the problem.

P.S. In the last update I changed the title, summary and notes. No changes to story.

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The Military Relevance of Sewage by Himring

Maedhros carries discretion to extraordinary lengths. In the Second Age, Elrond matches him for reticence.

Maedhros/Fingon slash, but sexual content only hinted at and off-stage.

This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Dawn Felagund. Thank you very much!

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Cabbages and the Embarrassment of Being Maedhros by Himring

Cabbages, because they are almost entirely unlike Silmarils...
Maedhros has been rescued from Angband by Fingon and has handed over the crown to Fingolfin. He recovers from his ordeals (more or less), sorts out things with his relatives (not quite), and departs with his brothers for points east. Later, after the Dagor Bragollach, he reviews the situation, considers giving up the struggle (not really), and is badly shaken by a presentiment of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
Romance (Maedhros/Fingon) and in part a prequel to "Looking at the Stars", but also about Maedhros's relationship with Maglor, the "shadow of pain", etc.
Minor warnings: Non-graphic references to torture and swearing. Non-graphic descriptions of insanity and vomiting. Brief references to prayer.

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Looking at the Stars and Counting the Hours by Himring

Falling in love helps Fingon cope with the death of his father, but on a visit to Himring a year later he finds love can't cure everything. Except I couldn't quite leave it at that...

Variation(s) on familiar theme(s). Not only do I not own the characters, I own very little else...

Fingon/Maedhros. Not rated this for incest, as cousins don't usually rate for incest on this site.

Character death only as per canon and also off-stage. Some angst and flashbacks.

This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Angelica. Thank you very much!

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One Afternoon by Araloth the Random

The beginnings of a Finwean romance lie back in an innocent childhood game. . .a teenage!Celegorm/Aredhel fic. Not gross - just fluffy.

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The Fall Of Doriath by gamil-zirak

This is an attempt at writing an account of the destruction of Doriath by the Sons of Feanor. It shall include the battle and aftermath. Hope you enjoy it.

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The Tale of the Twin Stars by Cirdan

Elros and Elrond fall in love and must cope with the Laws and Customs of the Eldar.

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Queen of Hearts by Cirdan

Celebrian falls in love and loses Celebrimbor, refuses Gil-galad until it's too late, and finally finds love with Elrond.

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Kindreds Apart by Cirdan

The tale of Elrond and Gildor coming together. Elros sees Elrond again, has sex with Gildor, meets up with Maglor, and dies.

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Tears of Joy by Cirdan

Romance story between Maedhros and Nienna.

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Bittersweet Dark Chocolate by Cirdan

Maedhros and Fingon see each other after missing each other for some time and make out. Bittersweet nature of elven love.

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The Redemption of the Noldor by Cirdan

This is the Redemption of the Noldor and the love story of Cirdan and Finrod. (There are 2 endings.)

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