Songs for the Seasons by losselen

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Fanwork Notes

Prose poems of loss, through the ages.

Fanwork Information


For everything there is a season. Multi-age. Multiple characters.

Major Characters: Aegnor, Andreth, Daeron, Lúthien Tinúviel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Experimental, General, Poetry


Rating: General


Chapters: 4 Word Count: 6, 262
Posted on 4 December 2014 Updated on 4 December 2014

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Songs for the Seasons

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Losselen, these are beautiful. The sense of yearning in each is palpable; the language gorgeous without being overdone. My favorite is probably the first--Andreth and Aegnor will always have a special place in my heart--and Aegnor's dawning sense of her mortality and the differences in their fates. But each prose poem is lovely and you sustain the mood so well in each. Beautifully done.