The Work of Small Hands by Dawn Felagund

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Fanwork Notes

The Tirion Mothers Against Oath-Taking Public Service Award

Fanwork Information


Valinor has been plunged into darkness, most of the Noldor have gone into exile, and the Teleri grieve for those lost in the kinslaying. The Valar have turned their backs on the remaining Noldor--left without a king--and chaos rules the streets of Tirion. Can Eärwen, the quiet wife of a third-born prince, find the courage and strength to save her husband's people? 2008 MEFA nominee.

Major Characters: Anairë, Eärwen, Finarfin, Indis, Nerdanel

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Adventure, Drama

Challenges: Strong Women

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate), Violence (Moderate)

Chapters: 11 Word Count: 30, 443
Posted on 2 April 2008 Updated on 18 May 2008

This fanwork is complete.

Table of Contents

With apologies for the delay in updating this and gratitude to all who have been reviewing it nonetheless!


The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

Thank you for reading and commenting! :) (And sorry for the delay in replying; we recently had an issue with notification emails not sending properly! I found the review on "Feanor's Mistake" quite by accident because I though, well, it's a great story to test notifications on since it doesn't have comments so I don't have to worry about deleting anything real. And lo, it had a real comment! \0/ Which led me to look for more.)

I remember as a very new Silmarillion fan being bothered by the darkness in early Aman and the issues it would have presented for ... well, everything! I don't know that this can be fully resolved in the universe as it's written, but I at least wanted to acknowledge some of the problems it may have posed post-Darkening.

The difference between the Ainur and the Elves is big to me. At first, as a new fan/writer, I pretty much loathed the Valar. Then I realized that they didn't do what they did from a place of malice but from ignorance. I try to convey that in my stories: that they are left trying to coexist in a world with beings eerily like them in some ways (as children of Eru) and yet profoundly different in others that might be less obvious. I think they learned a lot of things the hard way.

I'm glad you liked the friendship between Earwen and Anaire! That line in the HoMe about how Anaire stayed behind because of Earwen has always tugged at my heart and my imagination.

Thank you again for such a lovely comment! :)