Approaching Rivendell by Ysilme

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Fanwork Notes

A take on the 100 drabble challenge in the Tolkienverse. I'm doing this just on my own outside any challenge community, though I took the liberty of using the prompt table of fanfic100 at livejournal.

The drabbles all have an exact word count of 100 as by my Apache OpenOffice (German edition) / Scrivener edition.

Disclaimer: Middle-Earth belongs to Tolkien. I'm just borrowing it to have a bit of fun.

Many thanks to curiouswombat and shadowycat for looking these over! Any remaining mistakes are my own.

Fanwork Information


100 drabbles with Elrond Half-Elven through the ages, focussing on the creation of and the living in Rivendell.

(Drabble 14 is part of the Silmfic Prompt Generator Writing Contest for SWG's 10th Birthday)

Major Characters: Celebrían, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Erestor, Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: General

Challenges: 10th Birthday Celebration

Rating: Teens


Chapters: 23 Word Count: 8, 965
Posted on 20 August 2013 Updated on 6 February 2021

This fanwork is a work in progress.

First Growth

Read First Growth

Park scene with trees, river and bridge in autumn colours


1. First Growth

(Prompt 62: Spring)

Slowly, Elrond ambled through Celebrían's garden, touching a branch with young leaves here, caressing a flower nearing its bloom there. So much beauty still to be found, he thought, years after its mistress went away.

Sometimes, he regretted the tempering influences Vilya had on the climate of his little haven. Here, summer never really left, fading into a moderate version of autumn, only to bloom back into full spring and then summer again.

He missed the bleakness of winter, missed the barren lands renewing faithfully each year their promise of new life, with tiny buds of the first, lush growth.



Chapter End Notes

Story banner: Image & layout © Winterwitch

A Thousand Years

Read A Thousand Years

2. A Thousand Years

(Prompt 93: Thanksgiving)

Elrond stood on his balcony, quietly observing his little realm, his haven, his stronghold. One thousand years ago to the day, they had reached the valley and found it the answer to their prayers. A place to survive, to fight for, to live, to prosper in secrecy.

Over the centuries, it had also become a place to exchange knowledge, ideas and beliefs, a place to meet for all peoples of Middle-Earth, a haven of peace.

Every year since, this anniversary was marked by his small people with a lavish celebration, a coming-together of friends and relatives from all over Middle-earth.



Read Sunrise

3. Sunrise

(Prompt 31: Sunrise)


She said she hadn't seen a proper sunrise since coming to Imladris, ennin ago. It was true; the first rays of sunshine only reached the hidden valley well into the day.

He packed blankets and wine. They rode out over the Bruinen and into the plains, letting the horses run, laughing with freedom and joy. The valley behind them remained but a thought.

When they became hungry, she shot a hare, and he cooked it. Later, they watched the stars, and he told her about his father.

When the sun broke over the Hithaeglir, they had become husband and wife.




Read Sunset

4. Sunset

(Prompt 32: Sunset)


Elrond let his hand fall to his side. Even with his elven sight he was no longer able to see the small craft against the setting sun, sailing straight into the west, carrying his beloved wife to the Undying Lands.

He felt like stone, frozen from within.

“Come, adar, it's time.” Two identical heads, dark like himself, came into his line of vision. Pain was etched deeply in their features, but at the same time they held a promise of youth and life he could not match.

But they needed him still. He could be strong for his children.




Read Delicious

5. Delicious


(Prompt 13: Yellow)


Stepping back, Elrond brushed his hands, admiring his handiwork.


The planting of the kitchen gardens came along nicely. This year, this tree might bear fruit for the first time, standing proudly in the centre of the herbal beds and strewn with large, white blossoms. Cydonia Oblonga was native to Valinor, and, purely by chance, some seeds had made their way to Middle-Earth.


Few specimens still grew this side of the sea, and he was looking forward to the first harvest of the fragrant, golden yellow fruit that looked so much like those of Laurelin, and the delicacies made from them.



Chapter End Notes

Telperion bore at last upon a leafless bough one great flower of silver, and Laurelin a single fruit of gold.

This quote from the Silmarillion crossed my mind when my quince tree, Cydonia Oblonga, bore fruit for the first time last year. Despite other descriptions of Laurelin's fruit, quinces with their unique colour and scent and their large fruit (of the 'Portugal' variety) now are planted firmly in my head-canon as the same. I have no doubt the elves would soon have discovered the culinary value of the fruit and the unique taste marmalades, jellies and sweetmeats made of it offer.

This is how a fruit of my tree looks, not yet ripe and fully yellow.

A New Home

Read A New Home

6. A New Home

(Prompt 66: Rain)

Erestor stared glumly out into the rain.

They had retired to the caves when the heavy downpour interrupted the construction work on the house, fearing  their tents might be washed away.

But Elrond was indefatigable. Not one to be intimidated by any kind of weather, he was outside right now, observing the swelling of the river to estimate whether they would need dams to protect the future buildings and living areas.

Now he was coming back, looking much like a drowned rat, but smiling widely. He crouched down over the fire, rubbing his hands.

“Good to be inside again”.


Read Luxury

7. Luxury

(Prompt 51 : Water)

Later, he began to explain what he had seen. He talked about flow rate and how they could guide the river to give them water power for the bellows of  the smithy, a mill, and other things.

“We might even have running water in the house,” he explained with a satisfied smile.
“Just imagine, bathing rooms on every floor with no need to carry up the water. Though we'll need bathing furnaces in each of them.

This is going to be so exciting, Erestor. You'll see, we'll build ourselves a palace worthy of a king, and then some.”


Read Reality

8. Reality

(Prompt 64: Fall)

Still, Elrond's enthusiasm aside – this was going to be a stronghold first of all, a fortification to protect the survivors of the fall of Ost-in-Edhil, the last hope of putting a stop to Sauron's advance in Eriador.

So this was not to be a palace, but a fortress, with no place for comfort, barracks for as many warriors as the valley could hold, and the best defence plans the combined Noldor and Sindar forces could devise. 

Peace was a dream, a pleasant dream, but one that had seemed to be unattainable since Melkor had brought discord into Ilúvatar's Music.


Read Victory

9. Victory

(Prompt 22: Enemies)

There seemed to be no end to the stream of injured.

It hadn't been long until the defences of their refuge had been put to the test. Sauron's forces had besieged the valley when they couldn't conquer, cutting them off from badly needed supplies.

At last, the enemy yielded. They had won, had defended this valley and claimed it as their home. But at what price?

What once had been a people of thousands, populating Eregion, already badly decimated after the fall, had shrunken to mere hundreds, and of those, few were uninjured.

Elrond exchanged his sword for a scalpel.

New Life

Read New Life

10. New Life

(Prompt 29: Birth)

A reproachful scream resonated through the room, painting delighted smiles on all assembled.

Relieved, Elrond placed the tiny girl into the arms of the new grandmother. He wasn't used to this, but just weeks after their arrival in the valley and without a midwife, it fell to him as one of the healers to assist with the birth of the very first resident.

The new mother was helped back on the bed, and her daughter placed on her belly.  The radiance of her smile could have eclipsed the sun.

There's no better symbol for hope than the wonder of birth.


Chapter End Notes

I'm sure elves are too experienced and wise to force their women to lie down while giving birth.


Read Beginnings

11. Beginnings

(Prompt 1: Beginnings)

Ten years after they had come to the valley, they had begun to believe in a fragile peace.

No new assaults had happened in three years, no orc raids waylaid the travellers coming and going... and slowly, Imladris began to look like a permanent settlement.

The tents had vanished, and the hastily built wooden structures, meeting their most urgent needs at the beginning, were replaced, one by one, by solid, well-constructed stone buildings with shingled roofs. Even Elrond's old plans for water power and indoor plumbing had been realised, and the main house had become a very comfortable living space.


Written for Akallabêth in August.

Read Storm

12. Storm

(Prompt 70 : Storm)


 Clouds chased the sky, wind rattled the shutters, trees danced a wild roundel in their colourful garb.
 Inside, Elrond warmed his hands over the fire, relishing in the warmth  and enjoying the absence of wood smoke permeating a dwelling without a  flue.
 After much labour and more than one setback, the main house was finally  habitable. This winter, they would have warmth and comfort, and live  again a more normal life with joy and merriment even when the weather is  at its worst.
 Storms, finally, were no longer a cause for unease or worry, but a delight in nature’s diversity.



For Shirebound.

Many thanks to lordhellebore for the quick beta!

Read Offspring


13. Offspring


(Prompt 24: Family)


Elrond was sitting at Erestor’s side, watching three small bodies crawl about each other. On Erestor’s lap, Morusso groomed herself, looking very proud of her offspring.


“They are adorable, Erestor. How old are they?”


“Six weeks. They are never cuter than in this stage.”


Elrond held out his finger, and the little ginger took it in his paws to gnaw at it.

“Are you not a ferocious little warrior! I am afraid what will happen when my children see them.”


Erestor laughed. “Afraid? ‘Resigned’ would perhaps be the better description. I do not have any doubt what about will happen!”




Written for the Silmfic Prompt Generator Writing Contest for SWG's 10th Birthday using the prompt generator for the two following elements:

Theme: suffering
Story Element: seashells and pearls

Read Experience

14. Experience

(prompt 71: broken)

 With a squeal of delight, Elrond bent down and plunged his hand into the clear, cool water to retrieve the pearl he had spotted among the seashells.

A squeal of pain followed, bringing Maglor quickly over.

He inspected the bleeding hand, cut open on a sharp edge.

“This will teach you to look before you grab,” Maglor remarked drily.

Elrond bit his lip, glancing down at the water, which no longer seemed so inviting.

“It will also teach him that everything has its price,” another voice added.

Elrond looked at the scarred face of the tall redhead, feeling oddly comforted.

Chapter End Notes

Strictly speaking, this drabble doesn't fit in the general theme of this drabble set, as it's about young Elrond growing up with the Fëanor brothers. It was inspired by one of the 100 prompts and while pondering new drabbles for the set, though, so I'm keeping it in.



Written for the Cluedo challenge at tolkien_weekly at livejournal for the prompt "hallway". Many thanks to curiouswombat for looking this over.

Read Construction

15. Construction

(prompt 90: home)


Elrond stood, gazing about. Not much to see yet, just one or two rows of stones, laid carefully along marked out lines to ensure right angles.

But in his mind, he saw much more: the finished building, the first proper stone house in the valley. No improvised shack, no log cabin, no lean-to against the rock face. No, a big house, their dwelling for the foreseeable future. And here, just where he stood, was going to be a wide hallway, traversing the building and leading to all the wonderful halls they would have. The Last Homely House. His home.


A New Friend

A little spin-off to my story Coming Home, where Sam Gamgee has travelled to Valinor and made fast friends with Elrond’s little daughter Elaniel.
Many thanks to lordhellebore for the beta.

Read A New Friend

16. A New Friend

(Prompt 28: Children)



Elrond took a moment to look up from his reading, immersed as he was in a treaty about the usage of seaweed. “What is it, Lanie?”

His daughter hopped up and down, barely able to conceal her excitement.

“Can I go visit the Hobbits, please? I am sure Master Gamgee has rested enough by now. He has slept for four whole days!”

Elrond laughed. “Yes, he surely has rested enough by now, although I do not think he slept all the time. He is not a child, even if he is as small as you are.”


Read Choices


17. Choices

(Prompt 86: Choices)

Erestor looked up when the door opened. It was Elrond, lost in thought, not really noticing what was going on around him as he went straight to the section of the library which held his current interest. It took a while for him to make his choice.

Erestor smiled. It was good to see Elrond so immersed in what he loved, getting re-acquainted with many things after so many years as a soldier and an administrator. But now as the valley was secure and had become their safe haven, her Lord was free to pursue his true passion, healing.


For Borka and Mattis

Warning: Character death, death of a pet

Read Loss

18. Loss

(Prompt 30: Death)

“I am so very sorry,” Elrond said, gently stroking the soft, black, fur. “There is nothing I can do for him.”

A strangled sob was quickly swallowed as Erestor turned away, his back painfully rigid. “Thank you all the same,” he said with a choking voice.

Elrond did not know what was worse: being unable to help the badly-injured cat, or witnessing the distress and pain of his dear friend, unable to help him either.
Erestor’s shoulders heaved. “He is so dear to me, more than any cat has ever been before. How shall I bear living without him?”


Read Meeting

19. Meeting

(Prompt 27: Parents)

Elrond had always refused to believe that Maglor was dead.

People said it was just folk-tales that Maglor still wandered the shores and sang his laments. He had not been seen since that fateful day, he must have followed his brother.

Elrond thought differently. Maglor was strong, he would come back.

Out on patrol, one day, at the coast, they saw a lone figure in the distance. Elrond knew it must be him.

Proceeding alone and on foot, he approached.

The other just stood.

Unkempt, scraggy, with a blank, half-wild gaze. Barely recognisable.

Elrond extended his hand.



Read Lovers

20. Lovers

(Prompt 23: Lovers)

His steps guide him faithfully along the paths they had walked together so often, sometimes talking, sometimes in companionable silence.

He feels closest to her here, among the shrubs and herbs she had planted in elaborate ornamental designs, and remembers with fondness their mutual delight in the shared love of all things growing.

Most times, her garden brings him comfort and solace. But on some days the pain of her loss is so sharp breathing becomes difficult, and he sinks down, ripping off twigs and leaves and tearing out tufts and stems, destroying their work.

“Why have you left me?”


This is a follow-up of sorts to chapter/drabble 18.

Read Life

21. Life

(Prompt 87: Life )

Gently crading the tiny being to this chest, Elrond hurried over the courtyard. He hoped it was not to soon - barely a moon had passed since Erestor’s little companion had gone. But this one needed help badly: the sickly runt of a large litter, and his mother not having enough milk.

Erestor took a step back when he saw who was at his door, and what he carried.

“Elrond, do you not dare -”

“I need somebody to care for this little one. He is ill, and his mother cannot cope. Can you take him?

Erestor nodded, already convinced.

A memorable affair

Read A memorable affair

22. A memorable affair

(Prompt 58: Dinner)

The dinner was going well, despite the ado about their illustrous guest from the Far Harad.

“I am just glad he likes what we serve,” Erestor remarked. “His servants were quite specific about the few likes and many dislikes of His Importantness…”

Elrond chuckled. “Actually, he tried everything, and had second servings from most dishes. I have an inkling that these detailed demands are more a thing of prestige than of real preference and dislike.”

“What are we serving for dessert? I hope it is something spectacular to leave an impression.”

“A new dish just devised by the cook, pancakes.”


Read Dessert

23.  Dessert

(Prompt 12 : Orange)

“Pancakes? But that is neither new nor special!”
Elrond stared in shock.

“Not the regular ones, no. These are extra thin and served with some exotic fruits the guests brought as gifts. I sampled it, really lovely - something complicated involving compote of the fruit, its peel cooked in sugar, and fruit liqueur, also a gift, used liberally. For serving, there is something involved called flambée, and the result is something else indeed.”


“Some spirit is poured over it and set aflame.”

“I see.” Elrond rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“And how is this miraculous fruit called?”



The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

I've never been spoilt with reviews; every single one is precious to me. ;o) So thank you even more for reviewing each single drabble so far!

Indeed, he would. Elrond is such a multi-layered personality in my mind, with the inquenchable thirst for knowledge forming an important part of his personality.


And another favourite! What I love a lot about this drabble series is the amount of facets that you are managing to give Elrond - we know he is a great healer, but somehow (for me) this drabble shifts everything into the right focus. Wonderfully done, again. I'll keep my eye on this drabble series!

I like this! You really capture a lot of different moods for Elrond, and in only a few words. I like how the drabbles are getting happier as this goes usually happens the other way!

I especially liked A New Home. Elrond's a true loremaster, finding useful knowledge and excitement in any situation, haha.