Drabbles for Tolkien Weekly by Ysilme

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Fanwork Notes

The drabble sets follow the prompt groups of tolkien weekly and are posted in chronological order, but aren't necessarily connected. I'm posting here only those who are inspired by the Silmarillion, the Unfinished Tales and other Tolkien writings, though sometimes a bit of LotR might appear.

All drabbles have an exact word count of 100 as by my Scrivener (the earlier ones by my Apache Open Office German edition):

Many thanks to shadowycat and Oshun for looking these over. All remaining mistakes are my own.

Disclaimer: Middle-earth belongs to Tolkien, I'm just playing a bit with it for fun.

Fanwork Information


Small drabble sets about three pairs of brothers, inspired by the prompts of tolkien weekly, the Silmarillion and the Unfinished Tales.

Major Characters: Celeborn, Celebrían, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Elros, Galadriel, Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 21 Word Count: 78, 501
Posted on 26 August 2013 Updated on 7 October 2018

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Big Brother

Read Big Brother

Challenge: Communication - Sign Language

Elrond cowered at the sound of the thundering voice of the tall man with the fiery red hair.

A small movement of his hand signalled his brother to stay hidden – no sense in drawing unnecessary attention. Even knowing it was more bark than bite Elrond was afraid of the Noldo, and Elros even more so.

Then the dark-haired came, talking in that foreign language and laying his hand on his brother's arm. Elros wondered if they had some secret signs of their own, like he and his twin, for the redhead always calmed after that.
He wanted his nana.


Changing Perception

Read Changing Perception

Challenge: Communication - Body Language

“Now put your hand here, and the other there, and let your fingers feel the vibrations. Yes, that's right.”

Two dark heads, one large and one small, bowed close together. A melodious voice explained patiently, while large hands guided small ones on the instrument.

“Like this?”

Another movement, brows knitted in concentration, some tinkling sounds emerged.

A smile lit the grave face of the adult.

“Well done, Elrond! Now try it again.”

The boy looked up with a nod, shoulders sagging with visible relief. Slowly, the frightening stranger had changed into a stern protector and then a kind mentor.


Chapter End Notes

This was also inspired by the artwork Harp Lessons by Jenny Dolfen.



Read Lost

 Challenge: Communication - Drawing

With a sigh, Elrond let the scroll snap closed. He walked to the window, staring blindly out over his small realm.

It was no use.

Renown lore-master he might be, and guardian of the most extensive library of Ennor which housed every bit of wisdom known to elf and man alike and then some, including copies of every map ever drawn on this side of the Sundering Seas.

But no book could tell him where his brother now dwelt, no map could guide him there.

Elros had gone beyond the gates of this world and was forever lost to him.



Read Gobbledygook


Challenge: Communication - Speech

“Come, you must see this for yourself!” Celebrían dragged Elrond along to the tree where their sons were engrossed in a game.

At first, she had been thrilled when they started talking at such a young age. But soon surprise, and then apprehension, had set in: while the twins clearly were using words and whole sentences, she couldn't understand anything.

“Is something wrong with them?”, she worried, “They don't seem to use any normal words.”

Elrond smiled, looking proudly at his sons. “No, everything is fine. Twins often invent their own language. They'll learn ours just as easily.”



Read Sea-longing


Challenge: Communication - Mind Reading

As soon as they saw Legolas in Minas Tirith, they knew. He had never spoken about it since that day during the War of the Ring, when he had first heard the cries of the gulls. But the sea-longing had been evident in his eyes ever since.

Now, with their brother gone, the longing had grown too strong to resist.

When he came to Imladris to say farewell, they didn't even need to look at each other. They hadn't spoken about it since their father sailed, but now, no talk was necessary.

Speaking as one, they asked: “Can we come?”


The Last Letter

Read The Last Letter

Challenge: Communication - Writing

As it was his habit, Elladan sat down to write a letter to his parents, telling them his news.

He had written weekly at first, then monthly, then yearly; but after the last ship had finally left the Grey Havens, this self-imposed ritual became increasingly painful. All the missives written since then still sat in a small chest in his room, and he hadn't known if his parents would ever get them until now.

But this was the last one, and he would deliver them all himself.

Suddenly, the pain of leaving everything behind he had ever known became bearable.


Chapter End Notes

I'm taking it literally here that the ship Elrond took was one of the last to leave Middle-earth, until Legolas built his own.


This set of drabbles is for the Petrology challenge and set in the Silmarillion.

Characters: Elrond, Elros, Elladan, Elrohir

Read Students

Challenge: Petrology - Chalk

Sitting side by side, so close they nearly touched, two heads bowed over their assignments.

One small hand was gripping a piece of chalk, drawing on a grey slate, frowning in concentration. Awkward letters were forming, one by one.

“There, how is that?”

The other looked up, scrutinizing the offered result.
“Much better, Elros. But the “rómen” and “alda” are still wobbly.”

The chalk was thrown on the table with a huff.
“Valar, I'll never learn that! It's much too difficult!”

Elrond smiled. “No, it's not. You just have to practice, like I have to practice calculation.”


Full Circle

Read Full Circle

Challenge: Petrology - Slate

Sitting side by side, so close they nearly touched, two heads bowed over their assignments. Small hands gripped pieces of chalk, carefully drawing letters on their slates. A tip of a tongue peeked out of a mouth in concentration.

Unperceived by them, their father stood in the doorway. A painful bolt of recognition hit him as he took in the peaceful scene. They looked so much like Elros and him, all those yéni ago!

“Look!” Elrohir looked up, satisfied, and smiled at his father. “I can now write adar!”
Proudly, he showed the ando and óre on his slate.


Chapter End Notes

The re-use of the first line from the previous drabble is intentional. ;o) Also, my Tengwar knowledge is nearly non-existent. I cobbled this together from some samples and tables found online and ask for your patience if I botched it.


Read Ai!

Challenge: Petrology - Marble


Elrohir stared in fascination at his brother's forehead, where a marble-sized bump was slowly growing.

Elladan sniffled, valiantly trying to suppress his tears.

Rubbing his elbow, Elrohir said: “At least you won, and you're going to have a cool bruise to show off.”

Elrond was carefully examining the swelling, and, satisfied that the skin was unbroken, applied some salve. Then it was Elrohir's turn with more salve on the elbow.

“There now, it's not so bad,” their father said. “But no more running in the hallways, you little rascals!”

“Yes, adar,” they answered in unison, rolling their eyes.

Cultural Difference

Read Cultural Difference

Challenge: Petrology - Obsidian

Something small and dark glittered on the riverbank. Elros picked it up, marvelling at the  glossy sheen and the regular shape.

“What's that? This can't be natural!”

“An Avari arrowhead,” Ereinion said dismissively, “rather primitive.”

“It looks wickedly sharp”, Elros commented, fingering it careful. “Is this really stone?”

Elrond, having finally caught up, looked at Elros' find and nodded.
“Obsidian, I think. It's of volcanic origin -”

“Stop lecturing, brother,” Elros moaned. “I get it. Ai!”

“-  and extremely sharp,” Elrond finished, digging in his pocket for something to bandage his brother's bleeding hand.



Read Conflict

Challenge: Petrology - Granite

“That's enough! I said no, and I mean it.”

Elrond sighed. Trying to reason with his headstrong son was like biting on granite. Elladan would always find another argument against any of his father's, just like Elros always had.
Oh brother, I miss you. I wish you could have met your nephews!

Elladan hung his head and turned to leave, biting his lip.

“Elladan!” Elrond caught him at the door, laying a hand on his shoulder. “I'm not forbidding this to vex you, but to protect you.”

“I know, adar. That doesn't make it easier.” But he accepted Elrond's hug.



Creature Comforts I

This set of Drabbles is for the Woodwork Challenge and set in the Silmarillion, sometime after the kinslaying at the Havens of Sirion.

Characters: Maglor, Maedhros, Elrond, Elros.

Read Creature Comforts I

Challenge: Woodwork  - Drill


Elrond observed attentively as his foster-father drilled a hole in the plank he had wedged against a rock.

“What are you making?”

Maglor looked up, giving the boy a tight smile. “A chair, for Maedhros. He would never admit it, but he gets uncomfortable sitting on the ground all the time.”

“Can I help?”

The Fëanorion looked appraisingly at his young charge. “Why not? Have you used a whittling knife before?”

Elrond shook his head. Maglor set his task aside, found a suitable knife and some wood, and beckoned the boy to join him.  

“Here, hold the knife like this...”

Creature Comforts II

Read Creature Comforts II

Challenge: Woodwork - Peg

Later, Maglor let him try for himself. Elrond bit his lip, remembering everything the Noldo had shown him, and set the knife on the piece of wood in his hand. It took some tries, but it wasn't as difficult as it looked. With a satisfied smile, Elrond carefully lifted off chip after chip until the piece was as thin as Maglor had wanted.

He held out his handiwork. “Here, I'm finished. Is this acceptable?”

Maglor examined the piece carefully. Then his face lit with a rare smile. “That's perfect, Elrond, well done! This peg will hold the whole chair together.”

Creature Comforts III

Read Creature Comforts III

Challenge: Woodwork - Sand


Next, Maglor showed Elrond how to sand down the finished pieces. As always, the young Peredhel did as told, unasked questions on his tongue.

How should this become a chair? To him, it still looked just like two planks, one with a wide slit in it, and the other with a smaller end and another small hole.

When the wood was smooth and free of splinters, Maglor assembled all the pieces with a few grips. To Elrond's surprise, suddenly the two planks had, indeed, become a chair.

Smiling, Maglor gestured for him to sit.

“Well, what do you think? Comfy?”

Creature Comforts IV

Read Creature Comforts IV

Challenge: Woodwork - Polish

Much to Elrond's disappointment, the new chair didn't improve the red-hair's mood, not even with the warm sheepskin Maglor had added. He was still as grumpy as always, and when he saw Elrond trying his new skills at carving a spoon, he scoffed:

“Quite the polished pastimes you're teaching the boy, Makalaurë!”

Elrond bit his lip. The spoon was for Maedhros, as it was difficult for him to pick out the chunks with his knife without a second hand to hold the bowl.

 “Spoons today, harp's pegs tomorrow. Let me be the judge of what Elrond needs to learn, brother.”


Read Balance

Challenge: Woodwork - Level


Maedhros balanced the spoon on his finger, examining it.

“Perfectly balanced,” he said to Elrond, “well done. My brother is right, you will need that skill one day.”

Elrond swallowed when he felt Maedhros' level gaze looking him over.

“You have a kind heart, Elrond Eärendilion, young as you are. I respect and admire that. But I can't in all honesty encourage this trait in you. It will bring you only pain and loss, if you don't learn to curb it in.”

Maglor frowned. “He's to be a hardened warrior then, like you?”

“If you want him to survive, yes.”


Read Reflection

Challenge: Woodwork – Ruler

One day, Maedhros had them draw a map. Bored silly by such lessons, Elros decorated his with doodles all over.

Elrond stared at the ruler in his hand and the small incisions marking the distance.

“Is this why a king is also called a ruler?” he asked, “because he is putting his people in the right distance to each other, so they work well together?”

Maedhros looked up. “That is a rather unusual way of imagining it. But yes, you could say that it works like that.”

Elros giggled and put a crown on the stick figure of his brother.

Winter Preparations I

This set of Drabbles is for the Signs of Autumn Challenge and set in the early 3rd Age in Rivendell.

Character: will be revealed later.

Read Winter Preparations I

Signs of Autumn - Mists


Thick mists rolled down from the mountains, cutting off the warmth of the sunshine. Shivering, he closed the shutters, lighting two lamps instead. Now that the summer was over, nobody wanted to work in the drying loft, cold and dark as it was. He volunteered for the solitude it offered.

Humming to himself, he clipped down bunches of dried herbs and spread them on clean sheets on the floor. Next came picking off the leaves and storing them in  jars for the use of the kitchens and the Healing Halls. It might be a boring task, but he was contend.

Winter Preparations II

Read Winter Preparations II

Signs of Autumn - Cobwebs


The next sunny day might find him hiking down the river, buckets and bags slung over his shoulders. The time was right for picking rose hips. A much sought-after staple for both kitchens and Healing Halls, the maws were dried, powdered, or cooked into a pulp for teas, physics, and sweetmeats. Even the seeds yielded oil for cosmetic and healing use.

The collecting was another unpopular task, and again one he enjoyed despite the thorny shrubs. This time less for the solitude, but for the hidden beauties of late autumn, like cobwebs wet with dew, glittering in the sun.

White Challenge: Tree: Celeborn

After a long pause, I'm trying my hand at the tolkien_weekly challenge again.

Characters: Celeborn
Source: Silmarillion / HoME

Read White Challenge: Tree: Celeborn

 White Challenge: Tree

Title: Celeborn




They call him the Silver Tree.

Everybody assumes it is because of his height and his graceful movements; sort of tree-like.

She loves him for it, that he knows. She says he reminds her of Telperion, and that Silver Light shines out of him.

He cannot tell, obviously, nor would he ever have attributed something so sacred to his humble self, for he does not perceive himself to be anything special.

Smiling, he recalls his childhood and his mother naming him thusly, for he would forever be high up in one tree or other, and refuse to come down.


White Challenge: Stones: Nenya

Characters: Celeborn/Galadriel
Source: Silmarillion / HoME

Read White Challenge: Stones: Nenya

White Challenge: Stones

Title: Nenya


For endless hours, he listens to the soft sound of her breathing. How can she sleep so peacefully, knowing what has happened? Knowing what might yet come to happen? Knowing what she now wears on her hand?

Celeborn turns over, seeking a cool spot on his too-hot pillow and the sleep that eludes him like on so many nights before. He is so tired, tired in mind and in body, and of their arguments. How could she have accepted, and now proudly carry the ring of Adamant?

He fears what the future will bring, and how this will change her.



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What a lovely set of drabbles!  These hang together like jewels threaded for a necklace - carefully crafted individually, but working together as a whole.  It's also more than evident that you take great care in your word choices, which is absolutely vital for a good drabble.  And that's what each of these are: good drabbles.  That is no mean feat.  I think drabbles are the most difficult writing form out there, and here you have provided insight into the characters, again, not at all easy in a short form.  Really love your characterization of Elrond!


Oh, what a wonderful review! *blushes* Thank you so much, you absolutely made my day - and gave me quite a motivation boost, too, particularly to not put my drabbles so far down on my to-do-list.

As you very likely know, the drabbles for this challenge are usually written by prompts one didn't know beforehand, so making them sit well together is an extra challenge. I don't always manage to answer to the prompts right away but did with this set, so I'm very pleased they work together not only in my own perception.

Judging them to be good drabbles is the best compliment you could have made me, since writing them at all in English is difficult enough for me. Getting concent, prompt, characterisation, language and grammar together and end up with 100 words is no mean feat and wouldn't be possible without my awesome beta.