The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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In Which Turgon Loses his Train of Thought.

In which Turgon loses his Train of Thought

Turgon liked a quiet life and things had been oh so lovely and quiet in Gondolin since Aredhel had done a runner.

He was as happy as he could ever be, ( given that he had a tendency to pessimism). A lovely secret city, far, far away from those nasty over dramatic Fëanorians and that.............Finrod, ( the less Turgon thought about him the better.) Surely nothing could go wrong now.

Oh yes it could Turgon.

It all started with a happy family reunion. After a few hundred years being missing Aredhel turned up. It was every fathers (or big brothers) nightmare. She turned up with a mystery child in tow and no husband to be seen.

Turgon said " It's great to see you sister. We have missed you so much."

Turgon thought " For Gods sake, Why did she choose to come back to bother me. Could she not have gone to Fingon's place for a change"

Aredhel introduced her mysterious, surly, monosyllabic son.

Turgon said " Any son of yours will be welcome in our family"

Turgon thought "As if I didn't have enough problems with my own know it all, sanctimonious daughter now I am going to be landed with her uncooperative, antisocial son. What am I going to do?...... Perhaps I could send these guys to Finrod, he is very friendly........... Then I could go and visit.............Stop! Stop thinking about Finrod!! .............but his hair is so golden...."

Ok Turgon's attention has obviously wandered.

Just then Eöl was dragged into the room. Having been captured trying to get into the city they then bought him in themselves. (Something seems wrong there)

He protested loudly about Turgon kidnapping his wife and son.

Turgon said " Any husband of Aredhel's is a Brother in Law of mine. You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave."

Turgon thought. " Thank God, she has a husband. She is not my problem any more! ......but this means I can't ship her off to Finrod I don't have a reason to visit him............. Not that I want to. There is no one I less want to visit than Finrod.... STOP thinking about Finrod!!!!"

Luckily for Turgon a commotion dragged him back to reality.

Eöl didn't like the thought of Eternity in Gondolin living with all his annoying wife's tedious relations. Who can blame him. When Maeglin refused to leave with him he took the tough love thing too far and shot him with a cunningly concealed javelin. Because when you are chasing your runaway wife and son across country that's what you take with you...... A javelin. Eöl obviously had the same " How to Pack for Secret Missions" handbook as Fingon, ( remember the harp!)

Unfortunately Aredhel chose that moment to finally behave like a mother and stepped in front of her son.
All descended into chaos.
Aredhel died,
Eöl was imprisoned and thrown off a cliff,
Maeglin stared moodily throughout the whole incident
and Turgon saw his hopes of a visit to Finrod disappear......not that he ever wanted to go in the first place.

At the end of this sorry tale I have one question. Doesn't pushing Eöl off a cliff mean Turgon and his folk are now Kinslayers? I mean Eöl = Elf = Dead= Kinslaying . Or is it just Fëanorians carrying swords that applies to.

Seems slightly unfair to me.

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