The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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The Fall of Fingolfin

The Fall of Fingolfin

Fingolfin heard about all the defeats and took them hard. Angrod, Aegnor, Curufin, Celegorm, Maglor, even Caranthir.
The last straw was hearing Finrod was reduced to giving away the family jewellery. This was unacceptable. Grandsons of Finwë did not give away jewellery.

Fingolfin determined to do something about it. He marched off,(by himself) to sort things out with Morgoth once and for all.
He seems to have overlooked some important issues.
Firstly it wasn't actually Morgoth Finrod gave the jewellery to.
Secondly there has been a history of Elves facing Morgoth not doing that well. Remember Fëanor? Remember Finwë?

Fingolfin marched up to the gates of Angband and starting throwing insults at the worlds most evil Valar.
Morgoth, who had been undergoing anger management training, tried to do his best to ignore him.
Fingolfin called him a coward.
Morgoth just couldn't let that one go.

He came out. All dressed in impressive Black as you would expect.
Fingolfin was dressed in sparkly silver.
They are about to have a fight to the death but Tolkien makes sure to take the time to tell us just how good they both looked, as if they are models at Fashion week. Very odd.

As expected, Fingolfin, despite having the best looking armour, lost. He was brave though, very brave. He hit Morgoth seven times and left him with a limp so bad Morgoth never came out of his fortress again he was so embarrassed by it.

The Valar didn't cope well with disability.

Predictable as always Thorondor the Eagle shows up way too late. Makes a dramatic attempt at attacking Morgoth so he can get some glory, ( show off, show off) and flies off with dead Fingolfin.

He's dead, Thorondor. He's dead. Where were you when he actually could have benefited from you being there?

I don't get why the Elves aren't completely pissed off at the Eagles by now.
I just don't get it.

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