The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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Celegorm was miserable

Celegorm was miserable. Since the disastrous episode with Aredhel which Maedhros had put a stop to, he had had no love life. No girlfriend and no boyfriend either.

He was forced to live a bachelor life with his brother and a talking dog. A dog who was only allowed to talk three times in its life yet despite Celegorm caring for it lovingly for thousands of years the dog never chose to talk to him.

Celegorm was lonely. He didn't want to be an anorak wearing bachelor, he wanted to be a cool, good looking, charismatic guy with a handsome prince for a boyfriend, ( just like his big brother).

Embarrassingly he and Curufin had ended up running away from Morgoth. This was not a good start in the cool, good looking, charismatic project. You didn't see Maedhros running away from Morgoth.

He wandered the land with his army contemplating his next move " What would Maedhros do?" He asked himself. (Well Maedhros wouldn't have run away in the first place Celegorm but there is not much you can do about that particular point now.)

Then he remembered Maedhros's words of advice all those years ago..... What about Finrod?????

"Hmmm" he thought. " The gossip says Finrod has moved on from dwarves and is now into Men, well I look more like a Man than a dwarf, if I dirty myself up a bit maybe I have a chance"

And so he and Curufin, ( who he just couldn't seem to get rid of) went to pay a visit to Nargothrond. Things went well initially. Finrod was friendly, Finrod's people were friendly. I am sure the fact Celegorm had bought a large army with him when their own army had nearly been annihilated had nothing at all to do with that.

But much to Celegorm's frustration he got nowhere with Finrod, nowhere at all.
"What am I doing wrong" he said to himself, " I am a son of Fëanor, I am powerful and desirable, why doesn't he want me? I spend lots of time with him. Honestly if I have to listen to any more of these constant conversations about Turgon I am going to go mad. The man is the most boring elf in Arda, how on earth can Finrod find so much to say about him???"

Celegorm decided he had to stick it out. Time was on his side. He just had to stay in Nargothrond long enough and Finrod would fall for him. He invested in some earplugs to help with his Turgon intolerance and kept on trying.

Then Beren turned up.

He strolled into Nargothrond like he owned the place, gate crashed a council meeting, flashing Finrod's ring around demanding Finrod fulfil his oath and go with him to get a Silmaril from Morgoth.

And Finrod listened.

Celegorm was horrified. Didn't Finrod know what Morgoth would do to him, what he had done to Maedhros, to Fingolfin??? Celegorm had become very fond of Finrod, he just couldn't let this happen.

So he begged and pleaded, he reminded Finrod how dangerous it was, asked him to reconsider.

Finrod didn't listen.

So Celegorm tried another tack. He got angry, he blustered and threatened, he promised the wrath of the Sons of Fëanor would rain down upon Nargothrond if they helped Beren in his quest.

But Finrod left.

And all Celegorm managed to achieve was make Finrod have to go on his own while his army stayed behind, afraid of the Fëanorian's.

What had he done?

It wasn't till several days later a thought occurred to Celegorm.
" Maybe I should have gone with them, with my super strong talking dog. I could have protected Finrod and claimed the Silmaril for the Sons of Fëanor .............That's what Maedhros would have done.........."

Oh Dear.

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