The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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Is Anyone else sick of Beren and Luthien of is it just me?

I can tell you one person who isn't sick of the pair of them and that's Tolkien. In fact he is so enamoured with them he writes their story out all over again. So if we weren't already completely bored by them we have to read about them doing the exact same idiotic mistakes for a second time.

They skip all the way back to Doriath before they realise they don't actually have the Silmaril they wanted to get in the first place.

So Beren leaves to go get it......Again.
And Luthien escapes to follow him........Again.
On the way they run into Celegorm and Curufin........Again.

Celegorm is NOT impressed when he spots Beren " Hey you" he shouts, " where is Finrod? What have you done with him?" And then he sees Luthien is there too and gets even less impressed. " you are that chick who stole my super strong talking dog! What are you about? You can't just run around stealing people's dogs and think you will get away with it!!"
And so he shoots some arrows at them in an attempt to exact vengeance for Finrod obviously. As usual it all goes wrong and he and Curufin end up running away.
Poor Celegorm. He tries so hard but yet again this is not the way Maedhros would have handled things.

So Beren and Luthien go on their merry way off to see Morgoth.......Again.
But not before Luthien steals Celegorms super strong talking dog.......Again.

No Sauron this time, he is still off sulking about the werewolf problem.

Using various magical tricks they elude all Morgoth's minions.......Again.

They walk right into his hall then Luthien puts him to sleep. Who knew it would be so easy.
Then they prove how absolutely selfish, ( or stupid) they are .........Again.

This is Morgoth. Evil Valar. Killer of multiple important elves and torturer of many more. Morgoth, boss of all the evil bosses.
He is asleep. At their mercy. Unconscious on the floor.
Beginning to sound like the Sauron situation? That's because it is. Exactly the same.

And Beren and Luthien don't use their advantage to kill him. They don't seize the opportunity to end this whole sorry saga and free Middle Earth from his tyranny.

No. Oh no. Because that would be magnanimous. That would be putting others before themselves and if there is one thing Beren and Luthien NEVER do it is that.

They ignore the best opportunity ever for Elves and Humans to kill Morgoth and go for the Silmaril instead, waking him up in the process.

Damn shame Morgorth didn't cut them both up into little pieces then and there if you ask me!

Note to Beren and Lùthien: you do know if you had just killed him first when you had the chance you could have walked away with all the Silmarils don't you??

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