The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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A Breif Feanorian Conversation.

A Brief Feanorian Conversation.

Celegorm was miserable. He had run all the way back to Himring and now Maedhros was reading him the riot act with Maglor standing silently behind him......Glaring. Celegorm found he wasn't entirely sure if he was glaring at him or at Maedhros which was rather disconcerting.

" Never again will I let you wander around without supervision! What were you thinking Celegorm?? Let me guess, you just weren't thinking at all were you!"

" I WAS thinking Maedhros, I was trying to be more like you..."

" You have to be kidding me! Did you seriously think I would let Finrod go off alone with a lovesick human to try and get one of OUR Silmarils. You knew he had been a mess for ages and I was trying to get him back on the straight and narrow. How could you be so irresponsible?"

" I was trying to stop all went wrong..."

" and you thought I would think it politically expedient to kidnap Thingols only daughter and try and shoot her?? "

" Maedhros, you don't understand ......She stole my dog!"

" How is it possible that I have six brothers and only one of them has any brains???
I am trying to build this amazing new Elf alliance and now there is no one from Nargothrond and no one from Doriath because you have upset them all. Thank Goodness I have all those Easterlings to rely on."

" About those Easterlings Maedhros .......... Do you think that's wise?...."

" I don't want to hear another word from you Celegorm. Now hurry up, I told Fingon I would meet him on the battlefield at 10 and I am late already, He will think I have stood him up.....come on will you......., Uldor the Accursed wants to talk to me before we go"

And Maedhros stormed off leaving poor Celegorm trailing unhappily behind him.

Oh should have listened to Celegorm......just this once!

P.s. As a general rule you should probably avoid people named " Accursed"

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