The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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Where is a Relationship Counsellor when you need one?

Where is a Good Relationship Counsellor when you need one?

Meanwhile on a Battlefield far, far away Fingon was waiting for Maedhros.......and waiting , and waiting.....
" Where is he?" He muttered. " He is such a terrible timekeeper, he is always doing this....shows me no respect. I am the High King after all, not him. Why is this called the Union of Maedhros and not the Union of Fingon? No wonder my best mates are always telling me I should dump him during our wine drinking, gossip about your boyfriends, sessions."

He was interrupted from his relationship angst by the surprise arrival of his brother Turgon, who had managed to pop up from around the corner with a handy 10,000 elves.
10,000 of them and no one saw them coming.
I think Fingon needs to sort out his information network which seems kind of lacking.

Still Fingon was pleased to see him. " Turgon!" He exclaimed " Long time no see. You disappeared for hundreds of years and none of us have given you a second thought but still great to see you back! do realise you missed Dads funeral don't you?..."

" Hi Fingon," Turgon replied nonchalantly " just happened to be in the area and thought I would drop in. Just an accidental coincidence of course....I certainly wasn't planning to be the way...I don't suppose you have seen Finrod here anywhere? Not that I came on purpose to see him or anything, But now that I am here.....I thought he might be around.....really should just say hello......would be polite...."
" Brother" said Fingon " You seriously need to get out more. Didn't you hear he died? Ages ago, a Werewolf ate him. It was all the gossip for months, how could you not have heard?"

Poor Turgon was speechless "What?......but I just realised......I thought I could....that we would................dead?????"

" yes well, it was all very upsetting of course" continued Fingon " but enough about old gossip that happened years ago, what about me. Maedhros has stood me up....Again. He does this all the time you know. I have to do something dramatic to make a statement this time. That's what my friends say I should do. I can't let him get away with this..." And off he went leaving Turgon a stammering mess on his own.

Fingon decided he had had enough. This was the last straw. He would not hang around waiting for Maedhros any longer. He needed to show Maedhros that he didn't need him. His mates were right.......... It wasn't ok to let Maedhros keep treating him like this.

" Right." He said to his men, " This is the last time I let Maedhros walk all over me. We will attack without him. That will show him. He will never leave me waiting around again!"

Fingon, I don't think you have given this enough thought. Maybe a battlefield is not the appropriate time for dramatic relationship statements.
Remember this is the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. That should give you a hint that this is NOT a good idea.

But there was no stopping Fingon. His mind was made up and off he went, on his own, without Maedhros to fight Morgoth. Well he did have an army with him so slightly more clued up than Fingolfin or Fëanor had been but still,

There is no way this can end well.

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