The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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Just How Many Werewolves Does Sauron Have?

Finrod was dead and Beren was left alone in the dungeon to think seriously about what he had done.

That same hour by tremendous coincidence someone showed up to save them. Let me guess, you has to be a giant eagle!

Wrong! Just this once you are wrong. It was Lúthien. Talk about the worlds worst timing. To be fair she had been delayed slightly by a small misunderstanding with Celegorm who, when he met her passing through had thought her a perfect addition to his "be Cool, good looking and charismatic, Just like Maedhros" project. ( After all what could aid him in that better than having Lúthien as a girlfriend?) and had somehow ended up kidnapping her.
Poor Celegorm. These unfortunate incidents just keep happening to him.

Still it was a minor inconvenience only to Lúthien who escaped along with Celegorm's super strong talking dog........ And by covering herself in hair.
In elf hair.
Made into a cloak.
Which made her invisible.
Wait, you mean to say all those groovy cloaks Galadriel gave the fellowship that helped them hide from people were made of elf hair?? Just how many Lorien Elves did she force to shave their heads to make those cloaks? And why didn't Legolas just make his own? Did he get some kind of strange kick out of wearing Lorien elf hair instead of Mirkwood elf hair?

If elves can make themselves invisible by wearing clothes made of hair why are their heads, where the hair normally resides not invisible all the time.

Don't Ask!
(mental picture of all these seemingly headless elves wandering around disguised by their hair. At least we now know why they all never cut it.)


Anyway Lúthien arrived.
Looking for Beren.
She stood on the bridge and sang a song, and Beren heard her an answered with a song of his own.......

Hang on. Wait just one minute.This sounds awfully familiar. She has stolen Maedhros and Fingon's rescue scene. Don't they have copywrite on this or something? Does every elf in existance now think they have to sing songs at people to rescue them?

I can hear Maedhros now. " Stop. Just stop with the song singing. It was embarrassing enough when Fingon did it. I don't need to be reminded of this every time someone needs rescuing!"

So Sauron heard Lúthien singing and sent some werewolves, (his animal of choice at the moment) after her. Unfortunately he only sent them one by one. Sending a large pack of them all at once may have been more beneficial. Another lesson learned for Sauron.
Because Huan, Celegorms super strong talking dog killed them by one.

In the end Sauron thought " if you want a job doing properly do it yourself", turned himself into a werewolf and went to see why none of them were coming back. Not the smartest move. He found out why none of them were coming back when Huan beat him too.
So let's be clear about this. Sauron has been beaten to a pulp by Huan the super strong talking Dog. Sauron is defeated. Sauron is powerless. Sauron is lying on the ground begging for mercy.
This is Sauron. Brains behind all those evil rings. Protagonist of the Ring War. Person the whole of the Lord of the Rings was about defeating. Incredibly evil guy who corrupted Saruman. Sauron, causer of misery to Middle Earth for eons.


So what happened? If he was defeated so easily by Lúthien why does he live to tell the tale and go back to happily spreading evil for hundreds of years?

Because she let him go. She asked for power over his tower and then let him go. Lúthien, did you ever stop to think about something else other than your love life for long enough to realise this was incredibly stupid, ( or incredibly selfish, take your pick.)

She lets Sauron go, collects Beren and waltzes out of there. Then she and Beren without a care go straight back to dancing round forests and growing flowers.

And Finrod was stuck in Valinor forever, desperately trying to escape the clutches of the ever persistent Amarië because of these Losers??

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