The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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The Fins.

Now I know Feanor is a Fin as well, (Curufinwë) and Maedhros should be hear too, (Nelyafinwë) not to mention Curufin.....but I wanted Feanor to have his own chapter, and his sons as well So these are just Sindarin Fins. If I added the Quenya Fins as well it would be neverending!

Chapter 5. The Fins.

When Tolkien liked a name he REALLY liked a name. I mean he just could not let it go.

Arador, Arathorn, Aragorn

Elrond, Elros, Elladan, Elrohir (I am forever surprised Arwen wasn't called Eloise..... or even just Ellen. I guess she went on to have Eldarian though, you know, carry on the family tradition)

This is the story of the Fins. A name so loved by Tolkien he even gave some poor elves 2 Fins, just shove as many Fins in as you can seemed to be his motto.


Finwë started off the whole Fin business. High King of the Noldor. The grass was always greener on the other side for Finwë and so he dragged his people to Valinor.
Finwë had two wives, This caused him so much trouble no Noldor elf has ever dared to go there since.

Elf no. 1: "oh I like the look of that Elleth, maybe I should get me another wife"
Elf no.2: " Mate, don't do that Remember Finwë !"
Elf no.1: " Damn, you're right, .....walking away from the Elleth. Walking slowly away from the Elleth..."

Unfortunately Finwë came to a sticky end, courtesy of Morgoth.


The first double Fin. Second son of Finwë. Had a few issues with his older brother Fëanor. Not the healthiest sibling relationship in the world.
Followed Fëanor round like a puppy, even when he got sand kicked in his face for doing so. Could have benefited from not being quite so forgiving.

Ended up High King of the Noldor, surprise gift from Maedhros. You can almost hear Fingolfin thinking " how the hell did this happen???"

Fingolfin came to a very sticky end, courtesy of Morgoth. What a shame Thorondor the eagle couldn't be bothered to arrive until AFTER Fingolfin was dead. You might have been a bit more helpful if you got there earlier Thorondor, just saying.


Another double Fin. Honestly Finwë used up what little naming creativity he had with Fëanor. He didn't even pretend to bother with these other two.

Finarfin was Finwë's youngest son. A bit of a mummies boy. He was going to leave Valinor but changed his mind at the last minute and stayed home instead. Had Golden hair, probably his most impressive characteristic. That pretty much sums up Finarfin.

He did give Middle-earth Galadriel so I guess we should thank him for that, ( though Oropher and Thranduil may disagree with me )

Learning from his elders mistakes Finarfin did his best to avoid Morgoth so no sticky end for him.


Fingolfins son. (Fingolfin obviously inherited his gift with names from his father.)

Fingon was brave and valiant, also I have a sneaking suspicion he had a bit of a thing for Maedhros but let's keep that on the down low because the Valar wouldn't approve.

Fingon and Maedhros were Tolkien's first bromance, and man did he write a lot of those.

Fingon liked to wear pretty things in his hair, ( more evidence on the Maedhros front I am afraid)

Thankfully Fingon had the commonsense to name his son Gil-galad ( well maybe he was his son, depends who you talk too ) thus saving readers from further torture remembering which Fin is which.

Fingon came to a very very sticky end, courtesy of Morgoth ( and a Balrog).


Finrod was the son of Finarfin.

Finrod was a nice guy, very friendly, everybody liked him. He obviously wasn't that keen on his name because every time he met someone new he would ask them to call him something different.

Unluckily for Finrod he didn't learn from his cousins that making a vow can come back to bite you if you're not careful, made the mistake of getting enmeshed in the disaster of Beren's love life and didn't live to tell the tale.

Finrod lost in the Battle of the Bands to Sauron of all people. Seriously who in their right mind voted for Sauron instead of him???

Finrod came to a very heroic but very, very, very sticky end courtesy of Morgoth, ( and a werewolf) Anyone else seeing a pattern here?

Bonus for Finrod. Mandos liked him, it pays to be likeable, so Finrod won a round ticket back to Valinor, hooked up with Amarië, who he had ditched to go to Middle-earth (wasn't she patient and tolerant), and probably lives happily ever after with lots of baby Fins that thankfully we don't have to keep track of.

Here ends the tale of the Fins

Apart from Findis...... And Finduilas........and GlorFINdel......

Honestly Tolkien, enough is enough, let it g

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