The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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Elwing: Mother of the Year

It is apparent to everyone except Elwing what was gong to happen when she said "No." to the Son's of Fëanor. 
If the Son's of Fëanor were around today they would be diagnosed with oppositional defiance disorder. They had issues with being told No.

So yes, there was another kinslaying as expected and yes, the Son's of Fëanor won......if you could call it that.
Sadly the strange twins, who called each other by the same name and never really got much of the limelight, died and we are left with just Maedhros and Maglor. 

Be warned Maglor. Any more strange going's on happening with you two now, we KNOW it was you! There is no one else left to blame. 

Gil-Galad arrived conveniently late to the party and missed all the action but don't be too hard on him. He is just learning the kingly ropes remember. Just a short while ago he was a random fatherless Teleri boat builder. Give a guy a break! He does improve at the King business later.

What happened to Elwing and Eärendil? You cry. 

Well Eärendil had some time earlier taken his golden oared boat and gone on an ocean voyage. He SAID he was trying to find Valinor but I have a sneaking suspicion he was just trying to escape Elwing's nagging at him to "do something!" He was probably just sailing around in circles avoiding going home.

Elwing was faced with a terrible choice. 
The Son's of Fëanor were descending on her in a rage, killing people. 
Her husband was AWOL. 
There was just her, her young twin sons and the Silmaril.
She could give up the Silmaril........
Or abandon her sons.

Hang on that's not actually a terrible choice at all.
A jewel that isn't actually yours in the first place or your sons.

She is obviously going to choose her children right? Because Tolkien tells us Elves treasure their children above all else. 

Ah, no.....not Elwing. 
The Silmaril it is.
She turns into a bird and flys away with it. 
"Sons? What sons? Did I have any Sons?......Look at this shiny Jewel!" 

She flew herself all the way to Earendil's ship. I am sure he was pleased to see her.

" Damn! She found me."

I can imagine the conversation now.
" nice of you to drop in.....where are the boys?"

" Boys? What boys? Look at this shiny Jewel. How pretty it makes me."

"Our boys! Where are they?"

"Oh.......well you always wanted them to go to Fëanorian finishing school didn't you? It will be the making of them!" 

And what did Eärendil do when he heard this news? Did he rush back to Middle Earth to fight for the lives of his sons? To free them from captivity? 
But more about that next time.

Luckily for Elrond and Elros, Maglor actually took a shine to them. 
( or maybe he was just looking for someone else to be around to take the blame?)

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