The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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So Now it's Gondolin's Turn

So Now it's Gondolin's Turn

It has started to become apparent that in Middle Earth there is something I call "The Man Effect" 

This involves Elven conclaves happily going about their business and doing very well at it until........hey presto A Man shows up and utterly destroys them.

Why don't we pause to have a closer look at this phenomenon.

It all started with Beren of course, although he didn't actually destroy a settlement but he did see off Finrod quite effectively.

Then poor old Maedhros and Fingon. The pair of them charging happily along organising quite efficient cooperation to wipe Morgoth out but undone by those drafted Easterlings and the rather obviously named Uldor the Accursed.

Turin was next. A master at "The Man Effect" he marched into Nargothrond and from that moment on there was nothing that could save the place.

And last but not least Hurin, whose generous gift of a necklace he didn't own signed, sealed and delivered the end of Doriath. 

So we are left with only Gondolin and a smattering of random other not as important Elven hang outs. (Sorry Cirdan, I know you are really old but at this stage truly not that important.) 

Now Turgon although boring is not a stupid Elf. He is also slightly on the conservative side and definitely risk averse so surely, surely, when A Man comes creeping round Gondolin he is going to turf him out pronto saying "Never darken my doorstep again!" 

You would think he might have placed sentries with the specific instructions to kill on sight any Man that came within a hundred miles of Gondolin.

Sadly he did not.

In fact when Huor's son Tuor showed up raving madly about having chatted to Ulmo and all dressed in black they not only let him in they did so at great haste and proceeded to give him as much honour as they could possibly throw at him.

How the Conversation should have gone.

Turgon: So Tuor, Who do you think you are snooping around here dressed in black and flaunting my old weapons?

Tuor: Ulmo sent me. I am his mouthpiece. You must do as I say. 

Turgon: Are you serious??? Do you know how old I am? Do you know how long I have successfully kept my people safe in this hidden city? Get out of here before you bring destruction on us all!

Tuor: Ulmo said you have to do what I tell you.

Turgon: I think you will find I am the High King. I don't have to do what anybody says! And don't think I have forgotten that drivel your Dad spouted about you marrying my daughter. I haven't kept her hidden away here for hundreds of years so the first random Human could have her. That's SO not going to happen.

Tuor: But Ulmo........

Turgon: Get out of here! And you can tell Ulmo from me I know all about how he got his thrills spying on Finrod and I at the river. If he wants to send me a message he can just send Finrod back with it. Maybe then I will listen to him!

How the Conversation Actually Went.

Turgon: So Tuor, Who do you think you are snooping around here dressed in black and flaunting my old weapons?

Tuor: Ulmo sent me. I am his mouthpiece. You must do as I say

Turgon: Well I am not 100% sure about that but while I think about it come on in. Here have the keys to the city, all the wealth you want, oh and why not take my daughter while you are at it. 

Tuor: Well I don't mind if I do!

Oh Turgon, 
What were you thinking? 

Something tells me at this point Turgon maybe had a bit of a death wish. Perhaps he had decided the quickest way back to Finrod was via Mandos's Halls so when a Man showed up "The Man Effect" seemed like his perfect ticket out of there.

I can think of no other explanation.

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