The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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Run For the Hills: Beren and Luthien are Back.

Run for the Hills. Beren and Lúthien are Back.

When Melian vanished she didn't bother to warn anybody. She didn't take the time to say, "Hey guys, I'm off, you might notice a bit less protective power around here." She just left.

The upshot of this was that when the two escaped dwarves returned, as they were guaranteed to, with impressive dwarf army the poor Grey elves were taken a bit by surprise. 
"Hey!" They exclaimed, "What's going on? You can't just walk into Doriath!" 
Sorry guys but yes......yes you can.
They were so astonished they went hither and thither purposeless. This brings to mind a rather strange mental image of a host of elves wandering round and round in ever decreasing circles while the dwarves cut them into little tiny pieces.

The dwarves were victorious as their opposition were too busy hithering and thithering, Doriath was ransacked and the Silmaril necklace went back to the dwarves again. Honestly it's like a yo yo. But it didn't end there!

Our great friends Beren and Lúthien heard about the mess at Doriath. One of the Grey elves obviously managed to pull themselves together enough to make it to Tol Galen and tell them. 

Beren and Lúthien had been happily skipping through the flowers and rearing a little family since we last saw them. They had a son, Dior. He is a bit of an idiot really but more about that later.
Dior is married to Nimloth who is a close relation of Celeborn. Try not to think about this too closely, it makes Elrond and Celebrian's hooking up in the future seem ever so slightly dodgy. Dior and Nimloth have three kids.

This is the start of the 'El's'. Remember the Fin's?? Well the El's are almost as bad.
Elured, Elurin, and Elwing. You can forget all about Elured and Elurin but Elwing you need to remember.

Beren and Dior take themselves off to avenge the destruction of Thingol. They do a good job of it too. Here Beren fought his last fight and killed the Lord of the Dwarves ripping the Silmaril necklace from him as he did so. 

What goes around comes around and the Silmaril had made its way all the way back to Beren. Of course he just had to give it to Lúthien. 

He can't help it, that's just what he does.

So Lúthien finally, finally got to wear the Silmaril and became the most beautiful vision ever seen outside of Valinor. 

Of course she did.

Then Dior took his wife and all his little El children and headed off to Doriath where the Sindar greeted him with joy.......why? Why Sindar why?? Did you not hear me say he was an idiot?!

And he sets himself to raise anew the glory of the Kingdom of Doriath.

However as you and I know that just doesn't happen.

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