The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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So finally free of the depressive cloud that was Turin I excitedly turned to the next chapter.
Now we get back to the good stuff right? Now we get some more Sons of Feanor........(what exactly have they been doing all this time? ) and other sexy elves.

Sadly No.

Instead I found..........Hurin.
Turin's Dad.
If anything even more depressing than Turin himself.

Morgoth has finally set him free telling him it is because he is a caring and magnanimous kind of chap who just wants everybody to be happy. 
In actual fact it is because Turin is dead and he has no one to amuse himself with watching as they stumble round turning everything into disaster. He thinks Hurin might be really good at that.

He is right.

First stop for Hurin is Gondolin. He thinks he might just call in to see his old mate Turgon. But he can't find it, despite having been there once before and wanders aimlessly calling out to Eagles instead. Thorondor spots him but instead of going to have a chat flys off to Turgon.

Thorondor: Mate, Hurin's back. He wanted to come in.
Turgon: I don't THINK so. Do you think Morgoth suddenly turned into a caring, magnanimous, being or something??
Thorondor: How dare you?! Do you suggest I am a less than efficient sentry. I am Manwë's eagle remember!
Turgon: Well if you are Manwë's eagle how about you bring me some useful news, like how is Finrod getting on in the undying lands? Oh and how about investing in a more efficient timepiece so you can actually turn up on time for once.

Thorondor got the huff with this and went off in a sulk with Turgon shouting after him.

"My heart is shut, I tell you, shut. Hurin can go jump. Come back when you have found Finrod and not before!"

However he calmed down once the annoying eagle had departed. He had had issues with Thorondor ever since he had arrived with his Dad Fingolfin's dead body boasting about how he was just a second too late to do anything about his death.

"I bought you your Dad, Turgon. Damn shame I slept in and didn't actually get there in time."

Anyway. Turgon rethought his hasty words and remembered, a bit late, that Hurin HAD actually sacrificed himself so he could escape the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, so he swallowed his pride recalled the Eagles and tried to find him.

He had no luck.

Instead Hurin, angry ( quite reasonably) with being abandoned spent his time going around shouting, "Turgon is here! Turgon is here!" Just so Morgoth knew.

How the Eagles failed to find him when he was making so much noise and drawing so much attention to himself I do not know.

I think Thorondor was still sulking.

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