Anathema by Harnatano - Lithenna
Fanwork Notes
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Fanwork Information
Summary: From their flight from Himlad to their flight from Nargothrond, Celegorm and Curufin have to face the abyss of their defeat, the bitterness of their broken pride, and the tempting shadows of greed. Through envy, frustration, pain and resentment, they have to choose which path to follow, not yet aware that their choices will affect all the people of Beleriand. Curufin's pov. Canon based, more like a personal combination between the different versions given in HoME and the Silmarillion. Major Characters: Original Male Character(s), Beleg, Celebrimbor, Celegorm, Curufin, Fëanor, Finrod Felagund, Huan, Orodreth Major Relationships: Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: Character Death, Suicide, Violence (Mild) |
Chapters: 14 | Word Count: 58, 725 |
Posted on 3 May 2016 | Updated on 19 July 2021 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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Table of Contents
First Age - Winter 455. Dimbar, near the river Mindeb.
The Lords of Himlad have been driven away from their lands, the troops coming from Angband overwhelming their forces in the Pass of Aglon and forcing them to retreat and to flee. With what remains of their riders, they followed the Marches of Doriath, and settled in Dimbar for a few hours.
Last update sept, 3, 2017
"Shall you let the Enemy maim him and pillage his lands? Or shall we fight, together? Shall we protect what is dear to us, and give the Black Foe a new reason to tremble upon his throne?”
Last update: sept. 03 2017
Another fight, another flight.
Last update: Sept. 3 2017
The time has come for Celegorm and Curufin to convince Finrod and his people to offer them a shelter, and to accept their offer.
update: Sept 03 2017
Between pain and dignity, expectations and apprehensions, choices must be made, but the Fëanorions' humility is nowhere to be found.
And in spite of his pride, Curufin must learn to cohabit with new wounds and inner troubles. Luckily, he's not alone.
Curufin and Celegorm finally meet King Felagund privately, hoping to agree with him about their roles and places in the kingdom, but their expectations won't exactly be fulfilled.
New tidings are coming from the North, dreadful and alarming, while Curufin still struggles with doubts, unable to understand the person he has become, unabe to know how to behave with his son.
Last update: Sept 4 2017
Woooo! I know, I know, this is very late, but here it is at last! In this new chapter, I experiment a bit, especially with the characters' perpective, and I hope it is not too confusing for the reader. Feel free to let me know!
Curufin keeps on struggling with self-image and with what it means to be respected and admired, and loved. His mind is too full of contradicting stuff and he doesn't know what to do with it (though he keeps on pretending that he knows).
And if you want the writer's opinion: Celebrimbor's patience with him is praiseworthy.
Warning: There'll be mentions of suicide.
Communication between father & son is getting more and more difficult, but a devoted brother can always bring some sort of relief.
Orodreth and Finrod have something important to ask, and an opportunity to give to Celebrimbor... And Curufin is not sure what to think of it, and he certainly doesn't know how to deal with it.
{Feat. Young Gil-Galad}
After this succession of disappointments, it's time for a decisive shift in Curufin's motivations.
[Quite a short and experimental chapter in terms of narrative pattern since it relies mostly on flashbacks. I hope it's not too confusing - partly based on this thing i posted a few days ago.] [Besides, this chapter can be read independently of the rest of the story]
Long story short, hm?
.... Celegorm doesn't agree with his brother's initiatives, and Finrod thinks he has to do something about it... for better or for worse.
Daddy issues and politics don't go well together.
TW : Self-harm
The Fëanorian lords shamelessly play with their influence in Nargothrond… Finrod, and to a lesser extent, Celebrimbor, are confused.
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