Fanworks Tagged with Gil-galad

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Miracles Great and Small by janeways

Spending the holidays with your family is always difficult. Especially if you've disowned them.
Or, Celebrimbor discovers you can choose your own family (sometimes, it's even the people you're related to).

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The Long Road by Kaz

Elladan really wasn't planning to get thrown back in time to Beleriand, but the world didn't bother asking his opinion. Now, he struggles to find a way back home as the First Age unfolds around him. The host of newly acquired relatives, including a great-uncle with a flair for dramatics, sons of Fëanor who insist on being people rather than historical villains, and a several-times great-grandmother with some unexpected skills, just make it more overwhelming.

And where is Gil-galad, anyway? Shouldn't he be around here somewhere?

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The Curious Case of the Paternity of Ereinion Gil-galad by elvntari

Many theories circulate around Middle-earth about the parentage of the High King, and Gil-galad has heard them all. As he senses the end of an era with his reign (and his life) coming to a close he ponders on where it all began. What is the truth? Only one man knows, and it isn't him.

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Lingering in the Hither Lands by bunn

Thangorodrim is broken, and the Elves believe that Evil has ended forever. There's a certain amount of tidying-up to be done.

HoME canon in which Maglor is among the Elves in the early second age and Elrond is with him rather than published Silmarillion canon.  

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Darkness and Light by grey_gazania

Fingon's wife and daughter face their grief in the aftermath of the Nírnaeth Arnoediad.

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What REALLY Happened; The Coronation of Gil-galad by Cee Cee

 An unlucky young ellon learns that he has become the latest victim in a long line of unlucky High Kings of the Noldor.

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Ninnachel by Elwin Fortuna

The story of Ninnachel of the Noldor, neither male nor female, but gwegwin -- literally 'man-woman' -- intersex and identifying as outside the binary. Warrior, lover, writer of obscene poetry, giver of hope and defiance, community builder.

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The Love of Small Things by janeways

The ordinary deeds of everyday life in Lindon and Tirion, through letters. A followup to Scion of Kings.

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Enemies to Sons by eris_of_imladris

Gil-galad’s relationship with Elrond and Elros from beginning to end. A prequel, midquel and sequel to Fourth Father from Gil-galad's POV, as requested by Tamuril2 on ao3. Written in the spirit of the Differing Perspectives challenge.

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Scion of Kings by janeways

Gil-Galad reflects on his heritage and pens a letter to the man he thinks (hopes?) might be his father.

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The Space Left Behind by Independence1776

Early in the Second Age, Elrond drags an orc-poisoned Maglor to Lindon. Hurt/comfort.

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Fourth Father by eris_of_imladris

One year after arriving in Gil-galad's camp, Elrond learns of the fates of Maedhros and Maglor.

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Wolf Luck by arafinwean

There were things lost on the journey to Aman, history and culture, art and songs. Such things the Eldar might never see again and yet one thing they thought lost forever still survives.


When Finarfin begins to dig deeper into the past of his people he discovers things that shouldn't have been forgotten and unearths what the Valar would have preferred to stay forgotten. Magic is dangerous after all, it corrupts all those who use it.

Doesn't it?

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Gone For Soldiers by Alquien

A late night meeting between cousins just before the Last Alliance.

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Chess by grey_gazania

Fingolfin enjoys what will be his last moment of peace with his family.

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All Eru's Children by Ulan

A chance meeting at the edge of a cliff. A conversation on death and old age, the mysteries of the Secondborn, and the choice of the Half-Elves.

Sequel to Arda Marred

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Arda Marred by Ulan

In Valinor, a former high king and his herald come together for tea and conversation.

(Gil-galad/Elrond, Elrond/Celebrían)

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The City Lights Burn by Tyelca

Elrond and Gil-Galad discuss Annatar’s presence in Ost-in-Edhil.

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We Will Be Who We Are by Lotrfan

The Army of Valinor has come to Beleriand. Maedhros and Maglor feel they must join in this battle against Morgoth but are reluctant to bring Elrond and Elros into the conflict. War of Wrath prompt focusing on the relationships between the surviving sons of Fëanor and the sons of Eärendil they are fostering.

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Elwing's Balrog by Keiliss

When 12 year old Elwing, the fey, half-elven grandchild of Beren and Lúthien, realises that she might age and die like a mortal, she goes to the person she trusts most for advice and incidentally discovers a new aspect of her heritage.

Both parties in this unlikely friendship = written with love.

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Like a Shooting Star by StarSpray

For into darkness fell his star
In Mordor, where the shadows are

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Of the Last Alliance by just_jenni

Elendil and Gil-galad exchange their thoughts at the end of the seven-year siege before the Gates of Mordor.

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Sirion by Grundy

"And so there came to pass the last and cruelest of the slayings of Elf by Elf; and that was the third of the great wrongs achieved by the accursed oath."


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Taking Readings II by Himring

Anthology for short pieces that don't fit anywhere else. 

Now added: "Something for Nothing" (Ecthelion, Egalmoth)

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Craving Dreams by Sleepless_Malice

Gil-galad spends some free time at the beach close to his realm in Lindon, thinking he is alone until he realizes that Elrond is present as well.

Based on the wonderful MMM-prompt: "His sword was long, his lance was keen" - and he has to 'polish' it regularly."

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