Fanworks Tagged with Mandos

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Mahtan's Apprentice by WendWriter

Nerdanel is in love with a Noldor prince with a reputation for being sullen at best, difficult at worst. Whatever does she see in him? And how will Mahtan get along with him?

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Falling Stars by Independence1776

Mestië and Alagos suffer the consequences of breaking Ar-Gimilzôr’s laws. Dark.

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Comes the Dawn by Ithilwen

Maedhros enters the Halls of Mandos, and his final fate is revealed.  Adult themes.

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The Heir of Fëanor by Ithilwen

Maedhros and Maglor at last regain the Silmarils.  But have they redeemed their Oath?  Violence, disturbing themes.

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About Time by SWE

What happens when still-exiled Feanorians are released from Mandos? The adventures of Fitzroy 'Curufin' Smith across two continents in the 19th-20th century, and his reunion with his wandering brother Maglor.

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If Death is Kind by Naltariel

Glorfindel during his stay in Mandos. First of the Morning Light series. Nominated for MEFA 2009.

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Sporting Woods by IgnobleBard

Namo takes a stroll through Lórien.

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Eau de Olórin by pandemonium_213

Olórin spies on the Doomsman of the Valar and the Master of Dreams, hoping to catch them in flagrante delicto. What he sees is terrifying yet oh, so compelling.

MEFA 2009: Honorable Mention - Humor: General 

Update! Chibis by whitewave added! Please see her Gallery of Chibis on Photobucket. Many thanks, whitewave.

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Námo Mandos by Dawn Felagund

Námo Mandos occupies a common role found in world mythology: that of the god of the dead. Shrouded in mystery and beset with moral ambiguity, Námo participates in tales with parallels in other world myths, especially the Greek and the Norse.

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I Ain't Got No Body by IgnobleBard

Glorfindel can't seem to stay out of Mandos.

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Lessons from the Mountain by MithLuin

What happened to the spirit of Maedhros when he died?

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Many Journeys by Elleth

A gathering place for ficlets of varying length written in response to prompts, prods and as gift ficlets.

New (added December 2024):

Instadrabbling fics from the SWG server event on February 17, which I never uploaded here, as well as a couple of shorter ficlets from November 2024.

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Manwë's Birthday Party by Dawn Felagund, Tarion Anarore, Rhapsody, oshun, Isil Elensar, pandemonium_213, Beatrisu

Round robin. Feel free to join in! In honor of SWG's second birthday, we offer a sillyfic about what may have happened if Varda held a party for her beloved husband ... and invited all of Aman. Please see the Story Notes for more details before adding to the story.

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The Small and Secret Things by Dawn Felagund

An attempt at writing a drabble or other short fiction every day, based on the Word of the Day. Please see the story notes for more information. ETA: This project is on indefinite hiatus. I am working on my second degree as well as working full-time and so have had to tell the muses to take a hike. Hopefully, once my classes end, I'll be able to get back into writing.

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Return to Me by Dawn Felagund

Finarfin assists with the re-embodiment of his son Finrod.

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Needling pride by Rhapsody

Maedhros in Mandos, how will he answer to Mandos' judgement?

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Beren Stinks by Sinneahtes

The world's absolute worst retelling of the story of Beren and Luthien. And I mean that when I say it. ;)

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The Tapestries by Dawn Felagund

Shortly after his death, Fëanor discovers in the halls of Mandos the tapestries his mother has woven about his life. Seen through Míriel's eyes, the tapestries look back at the time from the kinslaying at Alqualondë, to the Fëanorians' arrival in Middle-earth, to his untimely death at the hands of the Balrogs. Fëanor is faced with both the weight of his deeds, as seen through another's eyes, and his contributions to the Noldor.

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