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Member since 17 December 2010.

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The writing should speak for itself!

Fanworks by Tehta

This is a Writing fanworkA New New Home by Tehta

"Oh no, I just had a horrible thought. Does the new city have a name yet? And is it ‘New Vinyamar’?”

A decades-long saga about the naming of the hidden city of Gondolin.

Major Characters: Penlod
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 385
Posted on 11 June 2024 Updated on 11 June 2024
This fanwork is complete.
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This is a Writing fanworkThe Merchant of Valinor by Tehta

A series of acrostics based on the letters provided in the Tengwar challenge, telling the story of one enterprising Telerin merchant.

Major Characters: Original Character(s)
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor Challenges: Tengwar
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 12 Word Count: 1, 279
Posted on 21 May 2024 Updated on 11 June 2024
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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This is a Writing fanworkTehtar by Tehta

A collection for any ficlets I manage to finish for the Tengwar challenge.

Major Characters: Egalmoth
Major Relationships:
Genres: General Challenges: Tengwar
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 209
Posted on 11 May 2024 Updated on 11 May 2024
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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This is a Writing fanworkReady, Aim, Fire by Tehta

Or, Three Attempts to Get Out of Archery Practice

Major Characters: Egalmoth, Glorfindel
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor Challenges: It Comes in Threes
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 624
Posted on 11 April 2024 Updated on 12 April 2024
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This is a Writing fanworkCliffhanger by Tehta

Climbing partners get very accustomed to saving each other's lives. The habit can prove hard to break, as Findekáno and Maitimo discover.

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros
Major Relationships:
Genres: Drama, Humor Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 534
Posted on 8 April 2024 Updated on 8 April 2024
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This is a Writing fanworkBetting on Family by Tehta

We are told that Galadriel was “the only woman of the Noldor to stand ... tall and valiant among the contending princes” upon the summit of Túna, when Feanor made his Oath. But why? What about Aredhel: what was she up to?

In this story, I attempt to answer that question, while Írissë and Artanis discuss family matters.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Galadriel
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 963
Posted on 8 April 2024 Updated on 8 April 2024
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This is a Writing fanworkThe Quick and the Dead by Tehta

Months have passed since the Nirnaeth, but Glorfindel and Ecthelion are not quite over it yet.

Contains dark themes, humour, and slash, mixed together pretty evenly, I hope.

Major Characters: Ecthelion of the Fountain, Glorfindel
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor, Slash/Femslash Challenges:
Rating: Adult Warnings: Sexual Content (Moderate)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4, 773
Posted on 7 November 2013 Updated on 5 April 2024
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This is a Writing fanworkSymmetry by Tehta

The Silmarillion states that the entire Dwarven race is descended from the seven Dwarves Aule made: the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves.

...Seven Fathers? Really? And Zero Mothers?

I have attempted to explain this absurdity here. In a deeply scientific and scholarly way.

Major Characters: Aulë, Pengolodh, Rúmil (Valinor), Yavanna
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 305
Posted on 5 April 2024 Updated on 5 April 2024
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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This is a Writing fanworkThe Firstborn of the Firstborn by Tehta

Set in Cuiviénen. The future kings of the Eldar discuss Oromë's invitation. There is cake, and tea.
Very canon-ish, sorry.

Major Characters: Elu Thingol, Finwë, Ingwë, Olwë
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 014
Posted on 5 April 2024 Updated on 5 April 2024
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This is a Writing fanworkSwaying, to Music by Tehta

Fëanor is not always the easiest person to talk to, not even for a powerful Vala like Melkor. Luckily, one of the Fëanorions has better taste in conversation.

As a result, Melkor gets to indulge in two of his favourite pastimes: stirring up trouble, and discussing his creative process.

Major Characters: Maglor, Melkor
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 711
Posted on 5 April 2024 Updated on 5 April 2024
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This is a Writing fanworkThe Constant Gardener by Tehta

Running Yavanna’s errands in First Age Middle-earth is a tough job, but someone has to do it.

 (Written for the B2MeM prompt, “Write or create art in which a character plants something.” Not a light-hearted humour fic. At all. A little quirky, though.)

Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges: B2MeM 2014
Rating: Teens Warnings: Character Death
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 898
Posted on 28 March 2014 Updated on 28 March 2014
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This is a Writing fanworkVana's Day by Tehta

Some people are naturally good at romance. Others struggle with it, even when surrounded by flowers, love songs, and heart-shaped cakes. Guess which group is featured in this story?

(The usual caveat applies: these are my versions of these characters, and my version of Gondolin, and so might not be to everyone's taste.)

Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Genres: Romance Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 2, 582
Posted on 27 March 2014 Updated on 27 March 2014
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This is a Writing fanworkThe Return of the Balrog-Slayer by Tehta

So, how did Glorfindel of Gondolin make his (posthumous) way to Middle-earth in order to become Glorfindel of Rivendell? The relevant canon is full of uncertainties and contradictions.

I like to think it might have happened as follows...

Major Characters: Ecthelion of the Fountain, Glorfindel
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 347
Posted on 16 December 2013 Updated on 16 December 2013
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This is a Writing fanworkThe Archer's Triangle by Tehta

Wherever Túrin goes, emotional turmoil is sure to follow. The marches of Doriath are no exception.

Major Characters: Beleg, Mablung, Saeros, Túrin
Major Relationships:
Genres: Drama, Humor, Slash/Femslash Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 5 Word Count: 9, 331
Posted on 25 September 2013 Updated on 5 December 2013
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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This is a Writing fanworkUlmo's Favours by Tehta

Idril and Tuor have sailed into the West... but will they ever reach it?

Major Characters: Idril, Tuor
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 015
Posted on 1 December 2013 Updated on 1 December 2013
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This is a Writing fanworkThe Burden of Beauty by Tehta

One long, meandering conversation between Ecthelion and Glorfindel.

I could say it's about aesthetics.
I could say it's about the author having fun with implicit characterization.
I could also say it's about vases, and grapes, and Maedhros.


The usual caveat applies: these are my versions of these characters, and while this story does not contradict canon, it does not have much to do with it, either. It's pure (s)elf-indulgence...

Major Characters: Ecthelion of the Fountain, Glorfindel
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 177
Posted on 1 December 2013 Updated on 1 December 2013
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This is a Writing fanworkSand and Flame by Tehta

A retelling of a very well-known story. Features Fëanor and Nerdanel as young geeks in love, a rather unsympathetic look at Indis, and a lot of very simple sentences.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Indis, Melkor, Nerdanel
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 409
Posted on 7 November 2013 Updated on 7 November 2013
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This is a Writing fanworkA King by Any Other Name by Tehta

Ulmo be thanked, the Noldorin refugees have finally found a leader. He has the most ridiculous name, though: Ereinion. "The Scion of Kings". And where did he come from, anyway?

Cirdan attempts to find out.

Major Characters: Círdan, Finduilas, Gil-galad
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 481
Posted on 4 November 2013 Updated on 4 November 2013
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This is a Writing fanworkMallorn Torment by Tehta

An Elvish take on this business we call show. Also, a Third-Age Sindarin take on First-Age Noldorin history.

As a bonus, features Lorien's three named Marchwardens.

Major Characters: Haldir, Rúmil (Valinor)
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 782
Posted on 1 October 2013 Updated on 1 October 2013
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This is a Writing fanworkA Convergence by Tehta

A few weeks after the events of Flawed and Fair, Ecthelion writes a letter. Or, at least, attempts to.


I expect this story will appeal only to rare fans of my interpretation of this couple. Oh well. Sorry, rest of the world.

Major Characters: Ecthelion of the Fountain, Glorfindel
Major Relationships:
Genres: Humor, Slash/Femslash Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 900
Posted on 1 October 2013 Updated on 1 October 2013
This fanwork is complete.
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Tehta's 2024 Stamp Collection