Animal Skins by Ilye
Fanwork Notes
Inspired by a prompt I saw on Tumblr a little while ago. I hope this does it justice.
Dramatis personae:
Tyelkormo - Celegorm
Irissë - Aredhel
Maitimo, Nelyo - Maedhros
Makalaurë - Maglor
Carnistir - Caranthir
Curufinwë, Curvo - Curufin
Ambarussa - Amrod
Sorontar - Thorondor
Fanwork Information
Summary: AU in which Celegorm is captured by Morgoth instead of Maedhros, and rescued by Aredhel instead of Fingon. “Well, brothers? Aren’t you going to ask me what kind of creature I am today?” Silence. A cleared throat; an awkward shifting of weight. Aredhel rolled her eyes, but the drama was his alone and he was going to savour it. “Ask me,” he pushed, then again more loudly when still no answer came, “Ask me!” “Well tell us, then,” sniped Curufin from the back of the room, then affected a sing-song. “What kind of creature are you today, Tyelko?” “Today…” he grinned, and the distance grew greater between him and them. “Today, I’m a Celegorm.” Major Characters: Amrod, Aredhel, Caranthir, Celegorm, Curufin, Maedhros, Maglor Major Relationships: Genre: Alternate Universe, Drama Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Mild) |
Chapters: 5 | Word Count: 19, 605 |
Posted on 9 January 2016 | Updated on 2 March 2016 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
I subscribe to the fanon that Celegorm the Fair is actually albino – I feel it goes a long way towards explaining the genetics in the family.
Please note: This chapter contains reference to self-tattooing, which could be construed as self-harm.
Apologies for the delay in posting this final chapter. It was a bit of a struggle to get my idea onto the page. One issue was with the names I'd used throughout the fic; please note that I've gone back and changed those used previously from the Sindarin to the Quenya, to fit with the significance of the name Celegorm chooses and those used in this final chapter.
There are a few deviations from canon here around the Celegorm-Curufin-Luthien arc, to fit with the AU-adapted characterisations (i.e. that Celegorm’s a different kind of crazy here). Any other canon deviations are accidental, so please let me know if you spot them because I’m not too familiar with this time frame.
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