Rise Again From Ashes by Independence1776

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Fanwork Notes

Because RAFA is complete, I will be updating once a week.

Many, many thanks go to Pandemonium_213 for beta'ing this story. I owe her far more than I can give.

Most Delightful Heresy

Rise Again From Ashes story title banner

Photo and banner by Winterwitch.

Fanwork Information


After spending millennia wandering Middle-earth, Maglor returns to Valinor, where he attempts to adjust to both his Valar-imposed restrictions and living once more with the Eldar.

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Celebrían, Eärendil, Elrond, Glorfindel, Maglor, Valar

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, General


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Expletive Language, Sexual Content (Mild)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 27 Word Count: 61, 027
Posted on 29 May 2010 Updated on 19 March 2021

This fanwork is complete.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

I'm sorry I'm updating a bit late-- this weekend was odd.

I am sorry for not updating last week and not responding to reviewers. The past couple of weeks were busier than I had anticipated.

One of these weeks, I’m going to get back to my regular posting schedule. Many thanks to Aearwen22, who gave me some advice for this chapter.

For the foreseeable future, I will be updating RAFA every other week. (Yes, NaNoWriMo is one of the reasons.)

Even though I am utterly terrible about responding to reviews, I appreciate each and every one. I plan on replying to them over the next couple of days, and I apologize for the length of time it has taken.

I'm sorry this chapter is so late, but the past few weeks were busier than I had anticipated.

I'm sorry this took longer to post (again). The holidays were busy. I do wish everyone a good year!

Many, many thanks to SurgicalSteel for the medical beta on this chapter. Also, Chapter 25 will be up next weekend.

The epilogue will be up next weekend.

Many, many thanks go to Pandemonium_213 for doing a wonderful job betaing RAFA. This story wouldn't have been nearly as good without her help. I also want to thank everyone who read and reviewed. It was a labor of love and I'm thrilled so many people enjoyed it.

There will be prequels to RAFA, from both Maglor's and Elrond's POVs. I hope to post the former sometime this summer.

Comments on Rise Again From Ashes

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*laughs* You know, when I read Chapter 1 and came across the shower, I thought something along the lines of "... a SHOWER? really? Do they have bycicles too?" Now I have my answer. :)

A very intriguing look into the future of Maglor (and Valinor) - I'm looking forward to the next instalments!

(And I wubbled at the Noldolante. That gets me every time. *sniffs*)

I'm really enjoying this. You hitting on some of my favorite prejudices here.

“You would be amazed how little the Ainur understand us, but they have learned over the long Ages.”

How little they understood is hard canon as far as I am concerned. It was confirmed for me as did the reading for the Miriel bio this month. I'd be happy to think that they did learn something over long Ages.

I like the idea of Maglor providing some welcome competition for Lindir. Very nice how you handle Maglor the Feanorian and the warrior as well as simply the musician and the "good" brother of common fanon. A lot of elements in the story that are often neglected in a lot of stories.

It's canon for me, too. If I'd written RAFA now, I think I'd be a bit harder on them, but yeah, I can't seem them not learning something, if not from the Elves, from their observations of mortals. Because while the Kinslaying are awful, I think a lot of the things that have gone on in the past are moreso.

I couldn't write a story and not make Maglor as 3-d as possible. But then, you know that. :)

It's good to see Glorfindel knocking some of Maglor's self-pity away with his very sensible speech.  And it's good that Maglor's going to have teaching duties.  It would be all to easy for him to give in to his fear and coop himself up in that litle house to avoid meeting people.  He's got to forgive himself first if he's going to receive the forgiveness of others.

Glorfindel's a good man. Yes, it would be too easy to avoid everyone. Well, I'd assumed that he had forgiven himself, just all the circumstances and problems have pulled the guilt, etc. back to the forefront. I don't think Maglor would have returned if he hadn't forgiven himself. But that's just my characterization of him. :)

I missed all the updates since the Prologue, so that today I had the treat of reading several chapters one after the other. You have made me feel very sorry for Maglor, isolated an ignored by all, it is hard enough making a new home in a strange land, but even more when he is considered an enemy, someone not worth compassion. I am glad you have given him Glorfindel at least. Luckily, too, Elrond has realised the problem.

Maglor's experiences feel realistic and very moving. I hope to read more soon!


I already have the story written, but it's not ready to post. Well, Maglor's used to running from things he thinks are threats, simply because it's how he had to live on Middle-earth. (I'm not talking First Age, but later Ages-- witchburnings, fear of anything different, unscrupulous science, modern tech, etc.) He's not quite back to being able to confront things openly. I hope you continue to enjoy it!

Enjoying the story. A dog! Great idea, Maglor! Now there is one way to cut through a lot of complicated stuff. Let the dog worry about it. At least he won't try to make the problem political or get confused either by guilt or old resentments. (Well, I suppose he could if we've stumbled across a mutt who has the advanced sensibilities of Huan.)

You did throw me a curve ball with the stuff about the Nandor and the Avari. I am not good at keeping track of the sundering of the Elves. I thought the Eldar included the Teleri and therefore the groupings which split off from them. Nevermind me--not trying to be an annoying canatic or expecting you to do my research for me either. I just need to figure it out to my satisfaction for my own story line.

Nah, Tirn isn't like Huan. More intelligent than dogs on Middle-earth, possibly, but he's no Maia. (Which is what I think Huan is.)

Hmm... Okay. In my story, the tribes I call the Avari *are* Avari. They only came to Valinor sometime after the Ring War, in order to escape from mortals encroaching on their lands and becoming increasingly intolerant toward them. Many of the Avari died, too, and came to Valinor that way. That help?

As I've said elsewhere, I 've been adoring this story since you began posting it, but now I have a question that I can't post as an anonymous reviewer, so I finally registered here specifically in order to ask it!

If Elrond hadn’t glossed over the truth-- and I trusted he hadn’t-- this would be how I repaid Frodo for his faith in me.

I don't get the reference to Frodo's faith in Maglor, as I'm not nearly as well-informed as others here in SWG. When did Frodo express this?

Thank you: am anxious for the next chapter to come!

*blushes* Thank you.

As for your question, it's something I wrote, not something in canon. I only mentioned it once, so I tracked down the quote: "I think the Ringbearers would be proud to have you sing this. I know Frodo wished there was a way for you to return home." Did that help?

Aw, evil cliffhanger! Can't wait to learn how his talk with Eärendil will go. At least Maglor finally understands the nature of his pardon/punishment a bit better now... go Elrond for explaining the obvious! (And for his patience, too. I love Maglor, but he can be a little frustrating... ;))
I'm very curious to see where this leads :)