Fanworks Tagged with Idril

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Strange Fortunes by Tehta

The city of Gondolin is at peace, and yet several of its citizens harbour resentments, ambitions, and unnatural desires: Maeglin longs to assume his rightful position as Turgon's heir and Idril's spouse; Salgant hopes to avenge himself for past humiliations; and Ecthelion and Glorfindel indulge in deception even as they devote their lives to duty. Many secrets will be revealed, but only slowly and with much confusion, in this comedy of misunderstandings.  

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B2ME Day 23 - Avoiding the Tower by Erulisse

B2ME Day 23 - Avoiding the Tower.  Not all interactions between characters in Middle Earth are fraught with danger.  

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The Isles of Cinnamon by oshun

SWG Back to Middle-earth Month 2011 challenges: Day 15, The Shire; the cuisine of The Shire is unsurpassed. Write a story or poem, or create a work of art, featuring food. And Day 18, Wilderland; the act of kindness or hospitability usually comes from a generous heart. Write a story where your character displays this virtue.

It is fanon that Elves can never be fat. It is my invention, but I believe a plausible one, that spices would be hard to come by in the hidden city of Gondolin. Idril plans a sumptuous dinner for guests, including Salgant, Lord of the House of the Harp (who is described in The Book of Lost Tales II as “heavy and squat”). Tuor enjoys admiring his wife and young son and tiny Eärendil dreams of sailing to faraway places. Oh, my! Almost forgot to thank Elleth and Erulisse at the Lizard Council for nitpicking this one. Thank you, again!

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B2ME Day 17 - An Exchange of Gifts by Erulisse

B2ME Day 17 - write a story featuring the exchange of gifts.  A gift from Valinor ends up sailing the skies.  

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B2ME Day 15 - Family History by Erulisse

B2ME Day 15 - write a story that centers around food.  An embarrassing incident goes down into Turukano's family history.  

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The Book of Short Tales by Lyra

A place to store short stories, ficlets and challenge responses that don't really warrant being archived on their own.

Newly Added: "The Good and the Bad". Young Aragorn discusses Noldorin history with Erestor.

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Lost Tales of Gondolin by darthfingon

The Lost Tales of Gondolin, which by all rights should have remained Lost.

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The House of Feanor by Deborah Judge

In Valinor, Nerdanel sculpts, Anaire teaches lore, Finarfin regrets, Idril claims her birthright, and the world changes.

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Sea Wing by Himring

At the Havens, as Tuor and Idril prepare to sail into the West, Sador Labadal's niece muses on her fascination with Idril and the fate of the servants of the house of Hurin.

Originally my project for the International Day of Femslash, which means it's only about two months late. Never mind: as femslash, it isn't PWP, it's NVMHAA (Nothing Very Much Happens At All)--some readers might consider it doesn't even count.

The story also sort of features Fingon as King Arthur--but very much sort of. For reasons that will be obvious to the reader, Fingon doesn't appear in the list of Characters.

Some of this story is a bit grim, but none of the description is graphic.

Generously nominated for the MEFAs 2011 by Elleth; surprisingly, it won Second Place in the category "Men: General"!

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Thorn by Minviendha

Maeglin spends an afternoon alone in his head. Even with company.

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After the war by ford_of_bruinen

Glorfindel in conversation with idril.

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Warping Arda by Clodia

A collection of drabbles, mostly written for the LJ comm Tolkien_Weekly.  Some of these drabbles received awards in MEFA 2010; see inside for details.

10. Good as New.  Glorfindel, his father and a piece of the past.  One drabble.

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Son of Twilight by Araloth the Random

Idril is betrothed - and Maeglin could not be more depressed. There could not be a worse time for an awkward encounter. . .

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A Beleriand Treasury of Childish Tales by Clodia

This is a mere collection of frivolous experiments in literary mimicry; credit (so far) goes to Rudyard Kipling, Lord Dunsany, JRR Tolkien, HP Lovecraft, Terry Pratchett, CS Lewis, Gogollescent and Saki (HH Munro).  MEFA 2010 Honourable Mention (Genres: Drama: Incomplete) for chapters 1-8.

(1) The children's version of the fall of Gondolin.

(2) Nevrast lies abandoned.  Where did the king and all the people go?

(3) On the road to Rivendell, Bilbo, Thorin and Gandalf discuss dwarvish singing.

(4) Beneath Barazinbar, Sleeping Beauty... awakes.

(5) Trolls, tea parties and a touch of literary theory.

(6) Uncle Gorthaur has some words of advice for his dear Thuringwethil.

(7) Maglor confronts his ghosts on the beach.

(8) Domestic discontent in Lothlórien.

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Darker Than Galvorn by Araloth the Random

Aredhel certainly causes a stir in Gondolin when she comes home with a son - and pursued by an angry husband. Slightly AU.

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Triptych by Minviendha

Things turn on the head of a pin...Maeglin in thirds, or at three points in his life. Arc, of sorts; in which some motives are explored.

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The Twilight of Gondolin by Cirdan

Fluff about Tuor and Idril. Glorfindel and Ecthelion make an appearance. Galdor, Legolas, Elemmakil, and Elentirmo do cameo appearances.

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An Ill Omen by Cirdan

A seven-year-old Earendil falls sick, and all of Gondolin worries, especially Turgon and Idril. But Tuor has the "cure."

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Noldolantë by Ithilwen

Maeglin at the fall of Gondolin.  Graphic violence and adult themes.

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The Scented Pleasure Garden by whitewave

A very irreverent and heretical look at the Silmarillion Elves in terms of their "horticultural" potential. Has very strong sexual innuendo and adult language.  You have been warned. *Complete!

***Some varieties were updated on Jan 1, 2009 to include my LJ friends' names in their particular muse's entry.

Chibis generated from this site:

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When a child is born by ford_of_bruinen

This is the first of two Christmas stories for 2007. This one deals with the birth of Earendil and is sweet and fluffy and wintry, I think...

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From the sea by ford_of_bruinen

Tuor’s second day in Gondolin brings him outside where he, for the first time, meets Idril alone and falls in love.

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At Sirion by ford_of_bruinen

Meleth has to come to terms with the changes of her life after the fall of Gondolin and while fulfilling her duties she loses Earendil...

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Across the Ice by ford_of_bruinen

The story follows Fingon across Helcaraxe from just before the ships burn at Losgar until the rising of the moon.

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Many Journeys by Elleth

A gathering place for ficlets of varying length written in response to prompts, prods and as gift ficlets.

New (added January 2018)

Strength of Mountains: Nerdanel and Curufin's wife, through the ages.
Re-Singing: After the Darkening of Valinor, Findis and Elemmírë set out to do their part in the restoration of Valinor.
Sweeter Blessings: As summer nears harvest, Morwen and Aerin dance in the meadows. NSFW.
In Exchange: Whatever happened to the Lady of the Blue Brooch?
An Exercise: Some magic is altogether wordly. NSFW.
A Better Lot: Aerin and Rían change their stories.

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