The Elendilmir by pandemonium_213

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Fanwork Notes

First, I am indebted to the skinks, geckos, frilled lizards, chameleons and other squamates of the Lizard Council for their invaluable critique and their long-standing indulgence of the Pandë!verse. Many thanks to Rhapsody, oshun and Moreth for vetting this at various times and for their continued encouragement, good humor and affection. Also thanks to oshun (Maitimo & Findekáno and A New Day), Gandalf’s Apprentice (Sword of Elendil), Jael (Nightfall), and Surgical Steel (see Surgical Steel's Fan Fiction as well as her stories here on the SWG) for allowing me to borrow from their canon.

As usual, I must designate this as AU -- or more accurately an alternative history -- because of my defiance of canon (while remaining strongly informed by it) and because my vision of Middle-earth is more congruent with our primary world. Tolkien wrote wonderful essays on the origins of the sun and the moon (1) in which he attempted to retrofit his cosmogony away from the scientifically untenable “flat earth” concept and thus emphasized his notion that his legendarium represents an imaginary history of our primary world. I draw inspiration from these writings as well as others in The History of Middle-earth, The Letters of JRR Tolkien and Parma Eldalamberon.

As a life scientist, I also imbue the "magical" beings of Middle-earth - Elves, Dwarves and incarnated Maiar alike - with humanity; this does not mean that they lack mysterious characteristics and thus convey a sense of the Other to mortals of our race.

Although I have selected some canon characters from the SWG drop down menu, be aware that most (Valandil being the exception) have minor roles with respect to Sámaril, the OMC. The mortal protagonists of The Elendilmir were not fleshed out by Tolkien even though they appear in his writing, e.g., Aragorn’s great^nth-grandfather - Valandil. Others -- the queens of Arnor and Gondor -- were not even given names by JRRT! Another OC made an appearance in Risk Assessment and pops up here and there in Sámaril's recollections of his life in Ost-in-Edhil.

Update: Given the number of OCs (both Elven and mortal) in The Elendilmir, I have added their names and brief descriptions at the end of each chapter. Many thanks to Claudio for his input on Elven naming traditions. The link to the name generator is provided below. I have also used the Parma Eldalamberon vol. 17 as a source for root words and have coupled these with Claudio's name generator (a highly recommended resource).

Language resources:


Hisweloke Sindarin dictionary

Quenya & Sindarin name generator

Parma Eldalamberon vol. 17

Be aware that I write as a “translator” and often use a modern voice (but devoid of banal slang – I’ll save that for other fics). If you’re looking for flowery archaic language or Tolkien mimicry, you will not be satisfied with my writing.

This is a work-in-progress so I am a tad nervous about posting it. I am a rampant revisionist. However, I have the story arc sketched out so hopefully I will not tear this into digital shreds in the future.

(1)Tolkien, J.R.R. "Myths Transformed" In The History of Middle-earth, vol XI, edited by C.R. Tolkien, 369-390. London: HarperCollinsPublishers, 2002.


What has transpired previously (synopsis of The Apprentice):

Sámaril, born in Ost-in-Edhil around the year 1440 of the Second Age, trained as apprentice and then journeyman under the guidance of Istyar Aulendil, the brilliant but mysterious master craftsman of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain. Sámaril –- an ambitious young man -- admired his teacher greatly and was ever eager to impress him. Aulendil in turn nurtured Sámaril’s talents in the deep arts. Although sparse with his praise, Aulendil took pride in his pupil’s acumen and even harbored avuncular affection for him.

Under his mentor’s tutelage, Sámaril crafted many artefacts and made a name for himself in Ost-in-Edhil. Aulendil also instructed Sámaril in the psychology of Men via uncanny methods. As Sámaril progressed in his studies, Aulendil gave him a coveted but secretive assignment: the crafting of rings, culminating in Sámaril’s creation – with Aulendil’s assistance – of nine Rings of Power.

Aulendil betrayed the smiths of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain and the people of Ost-in-Edhil terribly: his true identity as Sauron was revealed when he forged the One Ring and declared himself. This deeply personal betrayal by the man whom he had admired and trusted, together with the death of his family, damaged Sámaril profoundly. Nonetheless, he managed to keep himself from falling into a pit of irrevocable despair and found purpose as the master smith of Imladris.

Melian's Girdle

Fanwork Information


A young child of Men befriends Sámaril, the troubled master smith of Imladris. The Noldorin craftsman experiences the joy and pain born of friendships between the Eldar and mortal Men and comes to question his people’s values as his life becomes entwined with Isildur’s youngest son and two powerful women of the Dúnedain. A sequel to The Apprentice.

Chapter 38 - The Crow's Nest:  While Elerina establishes her informal seat of power in Gaillond, thus revealing to Sámaril her former role as Isildur's queen,  the elven-smith quickly becomes bored with trade negotiations and resolution of disputes among the local nobility.  The reminders of Isildur continue to exert a negative effect on Sámaril, causing frustration between the couple.  But Sámaril also begins to dream of the Sea, which sparks a desire to take ship out on to the open waters, ostensibly to learn more about the working men of the Númenórean exiles.   He finds the ship on which he wishes to sail and meets its captain.  

Major Characters: Elendil, Elrond, Glorfindel, Original Character(s), Sauron, Valandil

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Alternate Universe, Drama

Challenges: Strong Women

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate)

Chapters: 39 Word Count: 175, 524
Posted on 12 January 2008 Updated on 15 January 2012

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Table of Contents

The Elendilmir begins in the year 3434 of the Second Age. While hiking in Imladris, Sámaril reflects on meeting with Elendil, Isildur and Isildur's sons and his uncanny experience when handling Narsil.

Sámaril returns to the House of Elrond with his find, lets his elvish serenity slip and berates a worried parent. This causes him to recall another bad-tempered moment in his past and a subsequent conversation with Glorfindel (Laurefin).

Sámaril takes some relaxation in the Hall of Fire and requests a song originally written by Fingon and elaborated upon by Maglor. The song sends him into recollection of a dance in Eregion.

Heads up here for mildly adult concepts and heresy pertaining to the ever popular "Laws and Customs of the Eldar."

Sámaril returns Valandil's refurbished toys to the kitchen of the House of Elrond and encounters Valandil's grandmother.

Character list provided in end notes. Many thanks to oshun, Rhapsody and Moreth for their betafying!

Sámaril is introduced to the Queen's peregrines and sets his hands and mind to something other than alloys and equations.

Thanks to Moreth, Rhapsody and oshun for their comments! Likewise, many thanks to Gandalf's Apprentice for letting me borrow her birds (see link to The Sword of Elendil in the Story Notes).

Sámaril and Thorno encounter flirtatious Laegrim ladies in the bathhouse, and Sámaril recalls the Athrabeth Huxley ah Wilberforce Mélamírë ah Manendur.

To be on the safe side, I'm rating this Adult for mild sexuality and implied bisexuality. I probably should slap a big H on it for Heresy, too. Many thanks to Rhapsody, Moreth and oshun for their lively feedback.

Sámaril celebrates the winter solstice with Queen Isilmë, and things get a bit heated with Midhloth.

Many thanks to Moreth, oshun and Rhapsody for betafication and to Jael for her compliments.

Sámaril and Elerína reach an understanding on a cold winter's afternoon.

Thanks to Rhapsody and the skinks* at The Lizard Council for betafication. List of characters provided in end notes.

*Moreth, oshun, and Jael :^)

Sámaril must deal with a terrible accident on the moor, and news arrives from Amon Sûl.

Warning to the squeamish for a gruesome scene.

Many thanks to the various reptiles of The Lizard Council for their excellent feedback. Samaril is honored that Thranduil, Galion, Magorion and their men granted their approval for a nod to their bravery at the Morannon (please see Jael's fabulous Nightfall). Thanks to Rhapsody for feedback pertaining to the hounds of Middle-earth. Our discussion was a lot of fun, and greatly inspired by her muse, Celegorm.

Much to his discomfort, Sámaril is reminded that he shares some traits with his former mentor, and Isilmë recounts the sacrifices to Melkor and their impact on her. Isilmë also points out that Sámaril does not disguise his feelings as well as he thinks he does.

As always, thanks to the skinks, geckos and other reptiles at the Lizard Council for feedback.

Sámaril receives a summons to Amon Sûl. The palantíri are not functioning, and it is hoped that he can repair them. But before he begins his journey, he delves into his memory to recall the technology applied to the crafting of the Mirror of Galadriel -- a technology that may also be featured in the palantíri.

Thanks to the skinks and such at The Lizard Council, in particular to Claudio for feedback on Quenya constructions.

Sámaril escorts Elerína to a woodland glade where they listen to Lindir's music. He remembers his visions of the very distant past and of the future when he participated in the first studies of Galadriel's Mirror. While immersing himself in Lindir's music, Sámaril then enters a meditative state in which he sees the Threads of Vairë. These trigger two visions: one wondrous and the other dark and frightening.

Thanks to the Lizard Council for the picking of juicy nits!

Sámaril and Thornangor, along with Lónando, the Dúnadan knight, and his squire, travel along the Great East Road to the tower of Amon Sûl. Although the master of the palantír has misgivings concerning Sámaril's involvement, with Queen Isilmë's endorsement, Sámaril applies the deep arts in an attempt to repair the palantíri...and receives guidance from their maker.

Thanks to Skinks Extraordinaire -- Gandalf's Apprentice, Jael, Moreth and oshun -- of The Lizard Council for critical feedback and comments.

Thornangor takes Sámaril hiking in the Weather Hills to help ease his friend's discomfort after the vision in the palantír; while exploring the slopes of Amon Sûl, Sámaril encounters the inexplicable when he steps into a small dell. When returning to Imladris, the two smiths are attacked by a hill-troll.

The smiths arrive in Imladris on Midsummer Eve. While Thornangor celebrates, Sámaril, tired from his journey, spends the evening in quiet conversation with Elerína. She tells him of her frightening but puzzling encounter with Sauron in Armenelos.

Heads up for a bit of mythological cross-over with The Ramayana.

Sámaril assists Valandil in a matter of craftsmanship and comes to a logical conclusion concerning the peacock brooch. Couriers arrive from Osgiliath, bearing news from the Alliance, and Sámaril learns of the hardships of the siege from Glorfindel's letters.

Thanks to Drummerwench for picking the nits and to Jael for allowing me to borrow Thranduil again.

Valandil rescues an injured peregrine chick and demonstrates an unexpected talent. An eagle arrives in Imladris with tidings from the siege: victory comes at a heavy price. Later, the herald of Gil-galad returns to his home.

Thanks to the Lizard Council (Claudio, Jael, Moreth & oshun) for critical feedback.

A character list is given in the End Notes; see also the appendix.

Elrond recalls the fall of Gil-galad, Elendil and Sauron as well as how the literal fall of Barad-dûr will be accomplished. Sámaril learns the fate of the One Ring and counsels Elrond on the nature of the Rings of Power: that even the Three Rings of the Elves are not altogether benign.

Thanks to The Lizard Council, notably Oshun, Jael and Moreth, for critical feedback.

Shortly after arriving in Annúminas, Sámaril explores the city of the shores of Lake Evendim. He sees that although the lives of the Middle Men of Arnor may be improved by the presence of the Númenórean exiles, they still face the consequences of mortality, just as they did many years ago in the settlements around Tharbad. It is with these consequences of mortality that Sámaril struggles as he prepares for his farewell to Isilmë.


First, thanks to The Lizard Council (Drummerwench, Oshun, Jael and Moreth in particular) for comments and feedback.

I use common Anglo-Saxon (or Celtic in some cases) names for the Middle Men with the assumption that these are translations from Westron. With regard to languages, I adhere to the Seamus Heaney approach to translation and do not hesitate to use certain words (and names) familiar to the contemporary mind, e.g., "tenement," as translations from the "original text" in my tertiary world of JRRT's secondary world.

A glossary and a short list of characters may be found in the end notes of this chapter; the longer list of characters is given in the Appendix.

Sámaril bids farewell to Isilmë and later meets the keeper of the palantír of Annúminas, a man who once worked under Annatar's guidance in Númenor.


Many thanks to Drummerwench, oshun, Jael and Moreth (The Lizard Council) for critique and comments.

A few characters are listed in end notes (see also Appendix). Also in the end notes is an excerpt from The Lost Road, Vol V. of The History of Middle-earth which provides context for the conversation between Sámaril and the old engineer smith.

The first year of the Third Age finds Sámaril saying farewell to Midhloth and welcoming the returning Firstborn to Imladris. Erestor brings back more materials for Sámaril's planned -- and secret -- project. Later, Glorfindel shows Sámaril what he discovered in Sauron's inner chambers of the Barad-dûr.

Thanks to The Lizard Council, specifically Drummerwench, Jael, Claudio, Moreth and oshun, for critique and comments.

When Sámaril prepares to craft a Yule gift for Valandil, the details of an essential component's design elude him. In order to clearly visualize the design, he must delve into bittersweet memory of his former mentor, Istyar Aulendil.

Thanks to the Lizard Council, specifically Aearwen, Drummerwench, IgnobleBard, Jael, Moreth and Oshun for invaluable critique and comments. Also a tip of the hat to Lintalomë who, in comments on Lethe's LiveJournal, jolted the dark muse's memory of Tinfang Warble (History of Middle-earth I, Book of Lost Tales 1).

Sámaril celebrates the feast of the winter solstice with a memorable dance and receives his gift from Valandil.

Thanks to the variegated skinks of The Lizard Council for nitpicking, comments and all 'round good skinkiness.

Tension mounts in Imladris when Isildur and his elite Guard do not arrive in the autumn of the second year of the Third Age. Valandil has his worst nightmare yet at this time, causing Elrond and Sámaril to wonder if this is an echo of the drowning of Númenor. This leads them to discuss Valandil's sensitivities. Elerína's anxiety for her husband increases. The following spring, three soldiers of the King's Guard stagger into the valley.

Many thanks to picking of the nits by The Lizard Council. (Jael, Aearwen, Drummerwench, elfscribe, Moreth).

The reader's familiarity with "The Disaster of the Gladden Fields," Unfinished Tales, J.R.R. Tolkien is assumed.

When Sámaril is summoned to the Council of Elrond, he discovers why the succession of Valandil to the throne of High King of Gondor and Arnor is in question. After agreements are reached, Valandil utters a prophecy concerning broken Narsil, and Sámaril later overhears a heated conversation between Elerína and her sister-by-marriage, Lindissë -- Anárion's widow and Meneldil's mother.


Many thanks to Jael, Aearwen, Moreth, and Drummerwench of The Lizard Council for comments and nitpicking of the draft.

If it wasn’t clear from any of the preceding 24 chapters that The Elendilmir represents an alternate history of Middle-earth, it should be apparent in this one. A significant fly in the heirs of Elros’ ointment was spawned via the often heretical elements that comprise the overlap of Venn diagrams of Surgical Steel’s interpretations of Middle-earth and my own. Thus I owe Steel a debt of gratitude for graciously allowing me to borrow her characters and concepts. I have linked the Steel's stories that are specific to this chapter in End Notes. You may also find her work here on the SWG, at her LJ repository -- surgsteelfic and on The Last Ship archive. I highly recommended her work. The saga of the surgeon, Serindë, is a compelling one and represents one of the best OFCs crafted.

A genealogical chart of Númenóreans pertinent to the Pandë!- and Steel!verses is included in End Notes.

With The Elendilmir rated as Adult, this may be superfluous, but here's a warning for strong language nonetheless.

After a terse farewell to Elerína, Sámaril departs abruptly from Imladris in the company of a healer, Brethilion. They arrive at Casarrondo (later known as Moria) to exchange their skills for mithril and gems from the Dwarves. On the way to an audience with Durin the Fourth, Sámaril sees a mural hidden in the shadows and recalls an unusual observation made by Istyar Aulendil.

Thanks to the Lizard Council for pre-reads, to Darth Fingon for post-publication edits and to Surgical Steel for suggestions concerning the elven-healer. See end notes.

In order to obtain a diamond and mithril from the Longbeards, Sámaril agrees to teach the Dwarves an unusual art that will allow them to extend their gold stores for trade, and Láki introduces Sámaril to a form of Dwarven relaxation.

Thanks to the Lizard Council for encouragement and feedback. Please see End Notes for glossary, background on Sámaril's art and more acknowledgments.

Sámaril prepares to journey with Láki to the northern mines to search for mithril but encounters Brethilion, distressed because he has been called upon to treat an important Dwarf-woman and her child. Sámaril and Láki descend into the roots of the mountain where an increasing sense of dread and disturbing dreams of shadow and flame afflict Sámaril.

Heads up for some medical stuff in the first part of this chapter (and thanks to Surgical Steel for helping out Brethilion's craft as well as a pre-read). Although he does not describe it in graphic detail, Brethilion mentions a grisly obstetrical procedure that was used in non-progressing labor before the advent of forceps for delivery; this might be disturbing for some readers. Other than that, this chapter is rated PG to PG-13. Many thanks for the Lizard Council for comments and nitpicking.

For saving Durin IV's heir and his mother (Durin's granddaughter), Brethilion is awarded with unusual gifts. With their departure from Khazad-dûm imminent, Sámaril and Brethilion are the guests of honor at a celebration in Láki's mansion where Sámaril is faced with peculiar Dwarven cuisine, finds himself the object of attraction by a Dwarven-lady and then plays matchmaker.

Many thanks and bows of "at your service" to the Lizard Council -- Jael, sanna, Aeärwen, Surgical Steel, Raksha, klose, Drummerwench, Russandol and Darth Fingon. Special thanks to Darth for linguistic assistance. See end notes for that.

Some mild sexuality in this chapter: soft R-rated at the most.

Sámaril returns to Imladris where he is met with a cool reception from Elerína and admonishment from Elrond who has deduced that Sámaril, however well-intentioned, has exposed young Valandil to the perilous deep arts. Sámaril’s evident distress resulting from these events prompts Laurefin to suggest star-gazing out on the moor where they have a frank conversation.

Thanks to all my reptilian pals on the Lizard Council: Steel for a pre-read, Raksha and Drummerwench for suggestions of where to prune a bit, Russandol for catching nits, sanna, Jael, Oshun, and Aeärwen for comments, and Darth for under-the-radar philosophical natterings about the mores of the Calaquendi and the Moriquendi. There's also a little nod to one of Rhapsody's ficlets -- Prince of Hearts -- in there, too.

Sámaril finds Elerína waiting for him at the rock where he heard Valandil cry out from the river twelve years before. There, guided by his heart, he makes a decision that will forever affect him.

This chapter is a solid R-rating for sexual content, more than "moderate" but not graphic either; just obvious as to what is occurring.

Thanks to Lizards Surgical Steel, Erulissë, Jael, Aeärwen, Drummerwench and Russandol for comments, nit-picking and otherwise holding my hand.

When Elerína and Sámaril tell Valandil of their love for one another, Valandil does not receive the revelation well.  However, when Sámaril enlists Valandil's assistance in crafting a gift symbolic of the elven smith's love for Elerína, Valandil appears to be brought round to accepting his mother and Sámaril's life together.

Thanks to Lizards Russandol, Surgical Steel, Scarlet10, Sanna, Aeärwen, KyMahalei, Moreth, Oshun, Lilith, Elfscribe, Raksha, Drummerwench & Darth Fingon for comments, lively discussion and valuable critique.

Stymied for inspiration and spurned by the diamond to be set in the new Elendilmir, Sámaril agrees to accompany Elerína to the sea so that he may learn more of the Númenórean exiles..  On the way, they visit Elerína's eccentric cousin, Apairivo, a lord of the province of Cardolan, who has a fondness for wine, whisky and a special kind of rope.

Thanks to the skinks, geckos and chameleons of the Lizard Council for their most excellent feedback and encouragement.  Special thanks to Darth for name-wrangling.

Sámaril accompanies Apairivo on his inspections of his tenants' crofts.  He discovers that Apairivo has a peculiar avocation, one that reminds Sámaril of Valandil's gifts. They enjoy the hospitality of the farmer and his wife, but when Sámaril lets down his guard, thanks to drinking a couple of generous flagons of hard cider, Apairivo asks a very direct question about an indelicate subject.




Thanks to my fellow Lizards -- Oshun, Raksha, KyMahalei, Erulissë, and Surgical Steel (an extra nod here for Steel's generosity for sharing her toys with me in the Tolkienian sandbox) for comments and feedback, and especially to Jael for assistance on matters equine.

After Sámaril and Apairivo arrive at Farmer Butterbur's croft, Sámaril is called upon to assist Apairivo with delivery of a calf and discovers one of the ways that Apairivo uses his gift of rope from Gil-Galad.  Once again, Sámaril enjoys the hospitality of mortal Middle Men and drinks and dances with Butterbur's household. However, on the way back to the manor, Sámaril unintentionally reveals something of his past that causes Apairivo concern.  This is further exacerbated when Apairivo mentions an observation made by Carnhul, his horse, and later confirmed by the sleepy Elerína.




Many thanks to Lizards Elfscribe, KyMahalei, Erulissë, Randy_O, Drummerwench, Aeärwen, Jael, Russandol, sanna, Gandalf's Apprentice, and Surgical Steel for comments and critical feedback on this and the previous chapter.

On their way to the sea, Sámaril and Elerína travel down the Baranduin on The Otter's Tale, a traders' keelboat, manned by a motley crew of Middle Men, including the superstitious but well-meaning Captain Rinan.  Elerína makes an offering to the River-mother, but will it deflect the threat of the Elder King's fierce storm that bears down upon them?



Thanks to Surgical Steel for the nattering that led to the term "the Wind-lord's finger" and to Lizards Darth Fingon, Aeärwen, KyMahalei, Oshun, Elfscribe, Erulissë, and Russandol for picking nits and comments.  Deep-fried cockroaches with tartar sauce for all!  And an extra serving for post-publication nit-picking from Drummerwench!

Please see end notes for more acknowledgments.

Captain Rinan and the crew of The Otter's Tale deliver Elerína, Sámaril and Sigilros to the haven of Gaillond, a seaside town near the mouth of the Baranduin.  There the port reeve and others welcome Elerína, the widow of a king and the mother of the king-to-be.  Limaerel, the housekeeper, shows Sámaril and Sigilros the villa built by Tar-Aldarion, but personalized by Isildur.  Sámaril finds that the many reminders of Isildur have an undesirable effect.

Rated R for sexual content.



Acknowledgements and such: Thanks to Darth for much under-the-radar nattering and generously allowing me to reference his canon (the black lobsters). Same to Surgical Steel. I give a quick nod to her Zâmin, the noblewoman of Umbar, who was Isildur's first love.

Gaillond is, of course, non-canonical (*faints from the shock*) but to me, a logical extrapolation: one would think that a port town might exist near the mouth of the Baranduin, which may have served as the waterway to Annúminas.  Gaillond bears reference to the Gloucester of New England and Wales. From Wikipedia: "In Old Welsh, the city was known as Caerloyw, caer = castle, and loyw from gloyw = glowing/bright." 

I also invoke the right of "translator" for the blatant use of Latin. Surely there were words in Quenya for the equivalent of a frigidarium and caldarium. I just don't know what they are, and Sámaril and his former mentor are of no help at all..

Uin the Great Whale may be found in The History of Middle-earth, Vol I, The Book of Lost Tales I.

Many thanks to the Lizards for the pickin' o' the nits.

Because it has been a while since I updated (almost a year), I'll recap briefly: 

Sámaril (Ringmaker and Annatar's former apprentice, now master of the forge of Rivendell) and Elerína (Isildur's widow and now Sámaril's lover) and have arrived in Gaillond, intending to spend the summer there. The jewel that Sámaril has obtained from the Dwarves, and will use for the new Elendilmir, resists his attempts to apply the deep arts to it. Elerína believes this is because Sámaril needs to learn more of the Sea and the descendants of the Númenóreans who live and die by it. Hence, they arrive Gaillond, a port town northwest of the mouth of the Baranduin River. This chapter picks up about three weeks or so after their arrival.

Thanks muchly to the Lizard Council for their grooming and suggestions for the motifs on the ships' colors.  Darth Fingon's name generator came in handy, too.



Although I have noted characters in the End Notes of chapters, a more or less comprehensive list is provided here.


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Thanks so much, Binka!  I take view of the infamous LaCE not as biological dictum, but just as the title states -- laws and customs which are subject to variation and outliers.  Clearly Finwë loved twice.   Upon reading this passage from HoMe X -- " the days when the minds of the Eldalie were young and not fully awake, death among them seemed to differ little from the death of Men."  If that is accepted, then an outgrowth of this is that remarriage may very well have been accepted among the Moriquendi who had never been to Aman, e.g. from The Silm

"Yet it is told that ere long they met Dark Elves in many places, and were befriended by them; and Men became the companions and disciples in their childhood of these ancient folk, wanderers of the Elven-race who never set out upon the paths to Valinor, and knew of the Valar only as a rumour and a distant name." 

Given that Eru Ilúvatar had intended for the Elves to remain in Middle-earth and not be ferried off to Valinor, one might wonder if this is the more "natural" state for their race. 

"Besides, I also think that there were quite a few more relationships between the Edain and the Eldar, more than the Prof. happened to mention, you get the idea."

Heh.  Yep.  Makes one wonder of other motivations behind this passage, particularly the bolded bit, from The Silm: 

"But after a time the Elf-kings, seeing that it was not good for Elves and Men to dwell mingled together without order, and that Men needed lords of their own kind, set regions apart where Men could live their own lives, and appointed chieftains to hold these lands freely."

Plus I'm looking at the myths and legends of northern Europe from which Tolkien derived his work.  A bit more mingling occurs there. :^)

Thanks again!  I'm working on the next installment! 

Well, I have read 30 Chapters in one and a half day.  I really enjoyed this, although I feel a little guilty.  The Elendilmir should be sipped slowly like a fine Cognac and like a fine Cognac, not everybody can appreciate its magnificence.

You had me weeping with so much UST and I really enjoyed the relationship between Sámaril and Valandil.  Also Sámaril is beautifully, unrepentantly male and that is a great treat in the fanfiction world where the fashion is to write emasculated, whimpy characters. (Go ahead slave fic writers, hate me).

 I loved that science and skepticism are prominent, but that you also include feelings and humanity in the characters (I really liked the bit about the rings that Sámaril told Elrond, how living in the past was not healthy).  I would have loved a deeper exploration of Aulendil as he seems so interesting, but Sámaril is just as charming and complex.  

 I now realize how much I need to improve.  I see bits and pieces of the ideologies that we both admire (Dawkin and Darwinism subtle hints dance in front of my eyes in every chapter) and it makes me really happy.

 Thank you for gifting us with such finely crafted story and please update soon (I mean.. before the New Year! )

 Yours truly,


P.S I forgot to say THANK YOU for writing strong, believable female characters.  As I tell everyone, women rule with their brains, men with their brawn.  Elerina and the Queen Mother are superb characters!

Wow!  I am honored beyond words that you read this WIP in one fell swoop, Olorime!  And wildly flattered that you compared it to fine cognac. :^) I'm so gratified you like the characters as I have crafted them -- men and women both and kid, too!  Sámaril is, of course, near and dear to me, but I'll confess the most authentic authorial voice often comes through his former teacher.  How the East Was Won and Into This Wild Abyss, which I wrote for Akallabêth in August this year, offer what might amount to a character study of Sauron as I see him, so if you want more details, those are possibilities.  The more personal (and compartmentalized) parts of his life, alluded to in The Elendilmir, will be the subject of my next novel/series of novellas.

On Dawkins, Dennett et al.: I figured that there was a place in the mythology for those of us who are secular humanists although the characters of my 'verse embrace belief of different degrees, some being faithful, and others may be described as deists. 

On Darwin: Henry Gee, the author of The Science of Middle-earth and an editor of the prestigious peer-reviewed scientific journal, Nature, wrote a really interesting essay on Lamarckism in Tolkien's created world, and noted that Larmarckism was still a pretty popular concept around Tolkien's time.  Tolkien, obviously an intelligent and widely read fellow, was interested in paleotology so one might guess he was aware of Lamarckism.  Also, in his poem "Mythopoiea", there are verses that a virtually a paean to evolution although with a Creator behind them.  So when I turned my attention to Middle-earth and its biology, I decided to go for Darwinian evolution.  That raises some questions about the Elves (among others), but in my 'verse, their founding population that awoke by Cuiviénen are "hopeful monsters."  Why they are such is another story. :^)

Thank you and thank you again.  I'm absolutely delighted to have you as a reader.  The rough draft of the next chapter is just about complete.  It will need some tidying up and then it will go to the Lizard Council for grooming.  Hopefully, I'll have it up by the weekend after New Year's.

Oh gosh sorry for the late review.  I read this a few days after you posted but...oh well...  I loved how Glorfindel offered some brotherly advice to our lovelorn Smith and how said Smith is going to do something at last! Woohoo!  All the back story for Glorfindel in Eregion is just a windfall of "material" for my ehrmmm...pending stuff.  Thanks again for a wonderful chappie.

There's never a need to apologize, Wavey.  The timing never matters.  I'm simply grateful for the comments and compliments.  Yes, said Elev-smith is going to do something at last (see the new chapter I posted today ;^)).

"All the back story for Glorfindel in Eregion is just a windfall of "material" for my ehrmmm...pending stuff."

Hee!  Looking forward to the new additions to the gallery!  I have to say that Glorfindel's reflections about Gondolin made a plot bunny stir -- from the betrothed woman's POV. >:^)

Ouch!  What a painful homecoming for Sam.  But what a wonderful, frank talk between him an dGlorfindel!  I love the way you take a character who's so often written as a stiff, perfect wooden soldier and with just a few lines of dialog, bring him to life as a complex, good-hearted, and all-too-flawed person.

Thanks so much, Ithilwen!  Nothing's easy for Sámaril here, and indefinite longevity notwithstanding, he's as human as any of us.  I'm glad Glorfindel's character comes through here.  He's pretty much in the supporting cast now, and I'm still trying to get a good handle on him as he is in the Pandë!verse.  I have to say that little recollection of Gondolin has hatched a plot bunny so I might just trot back to the First Age to have a look there.  And as I always say, take 50 fan fic authors, and there will be 50 versions of Glorfindel and that is one of the most fun aspects of fandom -- the many interpretations! 

Thanks again!  I'm so tickled to have earned your regular readership! 

This has been quite the amazing read. I fell into the world of Samáril and the others and couldn't escape - not that I wanted to. You capture emotions and images so well with words - I cried with these characters, laughed with them, feared with them, and felt angered along with them. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of work.

 Also, the lye fish... Quite a common occurence in Norway during Christmastime, and all year in North Dakota it seems. Never been a big fan myself - my family tried desperately to make me eat it this Christmas while I was in Norway visiting them, but much to my father's regret I held firm. 

 I loved Samáril's description of it, though. It's just what I think! 

 Again, I'd like to thank you for sharing such wonderful characters and such a wonderful story with the world. I love the way you write, and the way you gave the women personalities without turning them into mary sues - or perhaps it was the personalities that kept them from becoming so? Either way, you portrayed strong women perfectly. I loved every second spent reading this! Well worth my time.

And thank you so much for the lovely review, Beatrisu!  I'm truly honored that the story moved you so much.  I had no idea on the extent of the journey I'd take with Sámaril or how the secondary threads would start weaving themselves into the picture (these will continue in the next novel or series of novellas).  Although I've slowed down a bit in getting new chapters up thanks to work, etc., I know where I'm going with this right down to the epilogue.

On lutefisk -- that was irresistible to add to Dwarvish cuisine, given that Tolkien painted the Dwarves with a Nordic brush.  I lived in Madison WI for 8 years with a lot of Scandanavians around the area.  So I encountered lutefisk!  I'm not a fan either.

I'm so glad the women in the story are working for you, too!  I have to say that I do have an agenda to demonstrate that the OFC need not be a dirty word in Tolkien fan fic, and that whether she's a kitchen maid or a descendant of the crafter of the Silmarils, she can be a woman that readers can relate to in some way. 

Thanks and thanks again!  I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the story and these characters! 

I should write some long cohorent eulogy for the last two chapters, but I'm too busy 'squeeing'! Finally, Sám has come to his senses, even if it took a lot of nudging from Glorfindel to get him there :)

Now I can look forward to everyone's life getting even more complicated, and Elrong having yet another headache to sort out.

Wheee! This was phenomenal!

I love the whole feel of the piece. There's sort of an inital hesitance and will-they won't-they which falls right into an AT LAST urgency of that first time. Love the line about her scent becoming her taste. The gentle teasing when they return to the house really just fits so well with Thorno and Samaril. Love the slower, more gentle second time and then a nice little morning quickie rounds it out.

I like the hints of osanwe-kenta going on, you've hinted at that before between these two, and it's beautifully done here, with the gorgeous imagery of flight and pursuit.

I love that Elerina's simultaneously woman enough to not be 100% comfortable with her body's appearace and confident enough to know what she wants sexually and to ask for it. AND to compliment her partner for a job well-done.

Lovely stuff, although I have a feeling there may be a few not-so-pleasant aftershocks when this situation comes to the attention of Elrond and Valandil!

Dear Pandë,

I am not entirely caught up with your epic, but I needed to comment.

You have succeeded in fully realizing original charcters and blending them so perfectly with canon characters, places and events that one would think they had always been there (and would have to check the books to make sure they were not.) 

You have also created the *feel* of living in these time, which is as difficult, (I believe) as authentically capturing any historical time period. Let me see if my ossified brain can explain -- some-one may read or study Imperial Rome, and write a story set there, but actually writing it so it transports the reader there, to feel it,  is where brilliance comes in. To portray real and vivid characters livig there and fitting in with it, also requires a talent that many published authors do not have. 

You have realized the Pandë!verse superbly, with your own ideas and imagination building an edifice which is actually more solid than Tolkien's own. For a reader, to be presented with this world that they can walk into, see, smell, taste and having it peopled with real people with perfectly faceted egos'. characters, sorrows and joys is like being sat down before a mouth-watering banquet after having fasted all day. 

I hope you do realize the quality of the Pandë!verse and can sometimes sit back and look at it from your readers point of view. The work you have done with Mél is just incredibly good, there is such a richness to her. 

It has been too long since I commented, which is wrong of me, *thinking* that some-one can read my mind and know what I feel about their work XD. I know it is lovely to be actually told it publicly.

I hope my comments on LJ do show my admiration for your work. 

Take care


Siân, thanks so much for the detailed and thoughtful feedback.  Although all your comments and the time you took to write these (not to mention reading my tome! :^)) honor me, I am bowled over by this:

"For a reader, to be presented with this world that they can walk into, see, smell, taste and having it peopled with real people with perfectly faceted egos'. characters, sorrows and joys is like being sat down before a mouth-watering banquet after having fasted all day."

To see why this is so incredibly complimentary, have a look at footnote 43 from The Notion Club Papers (HoMe IX Sauron Defeated).  It refers to Wilfrid Jeremy's remark about "elvish drama". 

(43) Elvish Drama.  In A  it is  Ramer himself  who speaks  of 'elf-drama' ('it is not writing but elf-drama'), and again in B, which has:

 '... For it is not of course writing, but a sort of realized drama.  The Elvish Drama that Lewis speaks of somewhere.'                   

 'Not Lewis,  said Jeremy.  'It comes  in one  of those  essays of the circle, but it was by one of the minor members.'                

 The  passage  in  question  comes  from  the essay  On Fairy-Stories, which my father [C. Tolkien wrote this footnote; ~Pandë] had  delivered at  the University  of St.  Andrews in 1939,  but  which  was  not  published  until  two  years  after  the writing  of  The  Notion   Club  Papers,   in  the   memorial  volume Essays  Presented  to  Charles  Williams  (Oxford  1947).   The  passage is interesting in  relation to  Ramer's discourse  and I cite a part of it:                                                         

Now   'Faerian   Drama'   -  those   plays  which   according  to abundant  records  the  elves  have  often  presented  to  men  - can produce   Fantasy   with   a   realism   and  immediacy   beyond  the compass   of   any  human   mechanism.  As   a  result   their  usual
effect (upon a  man) is  to go  beyond Secondary  Belief. If  you are present  at  a  Faerian  drama you  yourself are,  or think  that you are,  bodily  inside  its  Secondary  World.  The  experience  may be very  similar  to  Dreaming  and  has   (it  would   seem)  sometimes (by  men)  been  confounded  with  it.  But  in  Faerian   drama  you  are  in  a  dream  that  some  other  mind   is  weaving,   and  the knowledge  of  that  alarming  fact  may   slip  from   your  grasp. To  experience  directly  a  Secondary  World:  the  potion  is  too strong,  and  you  give  to  it  Primary Belief,  however marvellous the  events.  You are  deluded -  whether that  is the  intention of the  elves  (always or  at any  time) is  another question.  They at any rate are  not themselves  deluded. This  is for  them a  form of Art, and distinct from Wizardry or Magic, properly so called.      

J. R. R. Tolkien, The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays, 1983, p.  142; cf.  also p.  116 in  that edition  of the  essay ('In dreams   strange   powers   of   the   mind  may   be  unlocked...').

So, if I have in the least way created a world that a reader can immerse herself or himself in, then...well, wow!  That's a huge compliment because that suggests maybe, just maybe there's a touch of elvish drama going on here.

I have a long way to go with my story arc in general (but I'm past the half-way mark with The Elendilmir if Sámaril doesn't throw me for any more loops -- like three chapters with the Dwarves!), and I have plenty of crises of confidence ("Am I copping out with my characterizations?" "Should I be more canonical?"  "Is this too self-indulgent?") so I very much appreciate your encouragement. Thanks again!  


Hi Pandë, I loved this quote on your reply, so I just have to mention it: If  you are present  at  a  Faerian  drama you  yourself are,  or think  that you are,  bodily  inside  its  Secondary  World. That is an absolutely perfect way of describing what a truly great author in the Tolkien fandom does in their writing. Many people can write very competent works, but I call the extra bit 'Fairy Dust' and it is not very common; I think all my true favorite authors, the ones I follow from when I find them, add a pinch of 'Fairy Dust' to their writing. It is simply within them; I doubt it can be learned, or any-one can get a degree in it. You certainly have that talent, and spice your epic (which this verse definitely is.) with it.
  I have plenty of crises of confidence ("Am I copping out with my characterizations?" "Should I be more canonical?"  "Is this too self-indulgent?") I saw you mentioned something on LJ, and I know I mostly make comments on there, simply because I am on there more often, but I thought I would say here what I did there:  All the authors I love seem to fall apart over their work.  I smile, not because I think it is amusing, but because I want to shake them and make them see it with a 'strangers' eyes.  I am sure they are just too close to it to see it as their readers do. I said to Oshun once that if these authors (which includes Oshun and yourself and probably every-one on my favorites list on here!) could forget what they had written for a few days and read it as an outsider they would be completely engrossed. :)  

There's so much wonderful stuff in this chapter! The opening scene was lovely, and a nice lead if to what follows. Elrond's warnings - that this may upset the succession, that this may offend the Valar, that Valandil may be less than  pleased, and that Samaril's going to have to live with the pain of loss for a long, long time - they're all so well-intended. I like that he's sort of gentle but firm with his dispensation of wisdom to the pair of them.

It felt very realistic to me that Valandil doesn't just accept the relationship immediately, and his reasoning is really viciously accurate. In some ways, they're really not behaving any differently than Isildur did with his woman from Umbar. He seems to have come around for now, but he's an adolescent male, so I have no doubt that may change.

That mithril ring for Melamire is one of those interesting almost throw-away details that I'm certain will be important later. ;)

And the details of the rings themselves and the impromptu 'wedding' ceremony were just lovely!

Wonderful stuff, looking forward to more!

And thank you for the kind words!  I'm glad this worked for you, especially Elrond who intimidates the beejeebus out of me, even more than the Dark Lord, in terms of writing the character. Also good to know that Valandil's reaction comes across as realistic.  I don't want Elerína and Sámaril's union to be facile or universally approved, and I think that it wil continue to affect Valandil.  On the mithril ring, heh, yes, the DM wished to toss in another clue which will become important in the forthcoming novel/novellas.;^)

I'm also gratified that the ceremony on the bridge came across as intended -- like a wedding and yet (with a wink and a nod at LaCE, not.  There's no invocation of Eru so in a sense, this is a "civil ceremony".  This is a deliberate and perhaps subversive (and obscure) prod at the exchange between Lewis and Tolkien over Lewis'"two marriage system" (Letter 49).  

Thanks again!


This is so delightfully romantical *happy sigh* I love how the falcon theme is returning, although I do wonder (or am trying to recall) if Elerína was connected to a bird of prey herself. Such wonderful and great touches here and there, also what will come to pass and what has been. But Samaril has something with midwinter, doesn't he? Oh, a smallish question, Elrond hasn't found Celebrian in your story yet, has he? I wonder if his perception of this changes a tad when he falls in love head over heels himself. Loosing a kinsman/brother to death is one thing, but the impact of a soulmate/partner is different, imho.

Thanks so much, Rhapsy!  I'm glad you liked this.  Although I have not overtly connected Elerína with a raptor, I have with others of the House of Elendil, e.g., Isilmë and Valandil, and in the Ch. 31, there's imagery of raptors.  Gandalf's Apprentice's "the queen's falcons" continue to inspire me so this is a recurring element.

Heh.  Yes, Sámaril does have a thing with mid-winter, I suppose.  Could also be seasonal influence on the author. ;^)

On Celebrian.  I don't know.  I'm assuming Celebrian and Elrond have at least met one another by this point, but I'm writing this from Sám's POV.   This may be something that Elrond does not discuss with those who are not his initmate friends.   Personally, I find it hard to gauge the death of a loved one against another.  

This is an excellent study in the tension inherent in a mortal/immortal relationship, and it's effect on friends and family!

And this: With this ring, I pledge myself to you until the end of your days. *Sniffle*

I'll try to be patient until we find out what happens next.


Oh, good!  I'm relieved that the mortal/immortal push-pull is coming across here.  As you're well aware, I write my Firstborn as fully human, but see their indefinite longevity as being the greatest barrier between them and mortal Men.

Thanks so much!  And yes, I'm fiddling around with the next installment.  Something of a honeymoon in an interesting place coming up.

There are many beautiful, poignant moments in this chapter that I love. I'm afraid I won't list them all here, but let me try to mention a few: the rings, oh yes, and the wedding ceremony without calling Eru to witness (Who said it was a must?). The way you compared a human life to a snowflake. Valandil's confusion and anger -- very natural, even though he loves Samaril and thinks him a father figure. Then, the sadness in Elrond's eyes.

Great chapter! Thank you very much for updating, and I'm waiting to read the next one.


Thanks so much, Binka!  I'm glad this worked for you.  Also tickled that you picked up on the "civil ceremony".  As I mentioned to Steel, that was quite deliberate for several reasons, including my humanist's arched brow at the debate between Lewis and Tolkien.

To me, the most profound difference between Men and Elves is their lifespan, so when Elerína noted it was snowing (and *ahem*, when I wrote that it was snowing a lot and not so gently here), Sám's voice followed.   Elrond has always been a fascinating character to me.  He has seen so much and continues to be a generous person.

Thanks again!  The next chapter is under construction. :^)

Another terrific chapter. I hate to talk about hooks, cause I can't write them. So I whine I don't think they are necessary. But you hooked me really well near the beginning of the chapter with this:

Elerína had guided her horse to walk alongside his mount. “That stink is perfume to me, Master Sigilros. It reminds me of the land of my childhood, now drowned.”

“I beg your pardon, my lady.”

“It’s no matter. I understand such base things offend the fine sensibilities of the Elves.” She glanced sideways at him and wrinkled her nose. None of us bore a clean scent. I hid my smirk at Sigilros’ comeuppance.

Loved the entire chapter. I am such a pushover for Sámaril/Elerína. I ought to enjoy it. I waited long enough for it. But truly it has been worth the wait.

And again near the end, some lines I really loved, cannot articulate what endeared them to me so much, probably a whole long list of aspects, ranging from canon triggers (I have a thing for Gil-galad), to simply the rhythm of the language, and probably because I love people talking trash to elves.

" . . . . A gift to me from King Gil-galad, you know, may the stars shine ever bright in his memory. Come now, Istyar! We’re late! I swear you people have no concept of time.”

Yet another fantastic chapter!

I love that Bree's already there in its infancy, but Bree holds a special place in my fic-writing heart. :)

Sivapairo - I want to like him, he's blunt, to the point, and I love him getting the elves drunk on whiskey. I do wonder what he has in mind for that hithlain rope, though.

Elerina's behavior - my, she's suddenly gotten very impulsive in her beavior toward Samaril, hasn't she? I like her matter-of-factness when Samaril mentions his late wife's name - and I must confess to a certain amount of squeefulness that I'm not the only person who writes about her heroines having to deal with the natural consequence of being female - i.e. getting their periods and having cramps. That whole conversation makes both of them feel that much more real to me.

That's an evil place to stop that chapter, but also a perfect one, and I look forward to more!

My apologies for the long delay in responding.  Although late, my appreciation of your compliments is no less.   Heh.  Sívapairo might appreciate Samwise's love of rope!  We'll see in the next chapter why it's important.

On Elerína's apparent impulsivity -- could be because they are "legitimate" now so she feels there is less need for any restraint?  Should I edit to make that more clear?

Likewise, I haven't run across a lot of fics in which menstruation is dealt with although there are some.  I have come across the opinion that elven-women don't have menstrual periods. Oooooo-kay.

The next chapter is in draft, and I am picking away at it in spite of distractions.

Thanks again! 

Thanks so much, Binka, and I'm sorry about my late response.  I plan on having some fun with Sívapairo and Sámaril in the next chapter, too, which is in draft. At the time of the Lord of the Rings, the Elves were quite distant from their mortal brethren, but I figured in the early Third Age and Second Age there were more interactions so I love the mental exercise of thinking how these races interacted, their misconceptions of one another, their commonalities and their differences.

Thanks again!  I'm glad you liked the latest. :^) 

Thanks muchly, Ithilwen, and forgive me for the tardy reply.  I nonetheless greatly appreciate your reading and commenting.  The next chapter should be fun, even with -- spoiler alert -- an allusion to Tom Bombadil!  I'm really looking forward to Sámaril and the sea, but needed to address Cardolan and foreshadow Bombadil, because these elements will be important toward the final part of the novel.

Thanks again! 

....I thought it was finished! But it wasn't! This makes me so very, very, very, very happy!

What a nice surprise to encounter when I return after long months of absence. Ah, for theatre has stolen my life, my soul, my body and my spare time, I am afraid. But still - when I now am vacationing in fair Europe, my home...

I become far too poetic for my own good. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story with the world, pandemonium! I love your writing, and will wax poetic about forever, I think. ^_^

Beatrisu!  How good to see you!  Theatre has stolen your life?  Do tell!  Do tell! I'd love to hear about this...and your vacation.

Oops, back to the subject at hand.  Thank you so very much!   The Elendilmir still has a ways to go.  I estimate I am about 2/3 of the way done or thereabouts.  It's slow-going thanks to real-life demands and an often tired-in-the-evenings Dark Muse who just wants to veg out.  But be assured I am committed to completing the novel, and it's encouragement from readers such as yourself that help drive the Dark Muse and me along the path of Sám's saga!

Loved this chapter. Loved the animal healing parts and the references to the good or ill to brought to mortals carrying the blood of Melian. Really liked this reference:

"Perhaps speaking to birds, beasts and even trees is normal for one of your kind, but for mortals such as myself? It is a thing that can drive Men to madness. I have been lucky enough to harness the gift. Others have been less fortunate, and even for myself, there have been times..." he paused and took a deep breath. "There have been times when the gift has threatened to consume me."

Samaril remains one of my favorite fictional characters. I can't help but love him. The various references to the smell of Samaril being like that of Aulendil and that everyone noticed it, from relative strangers to animals to Elerina.

He is also a really appealing drunk.

Thanks so much, Oshun!  That he is one of your favorite fictional characters is a high compliment indeed.  I do enjoy visiting him in Middle-earth and discovering where his travels and thoughts lead me.

"He is also a really appealing drunk."  

Hee!  He is, isn't he?  I like to think he fits Tolkien's idea of yulmë ( [1] noun "drinking, carousal" [War of the Jewels:416])

Hey, here I am, sitting at the screen and grinning cause I thought about the series "All creatures..." way before I reached the end of this chapter. And I also thought about my uncle (my mom's cousin), who was a veterinary doc in a village in the mountains here. He, just like Apairivo, was jovial, loud, starightforward, sometimes blunt, and tender-hearted :)

Great chapter! On to the next one :D Thank you for updating!

PS. Loved the mention of the Green Man :)

Thanks a million, Binka!  I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter.  I'm also really tickled that Apairivo reminded you of your uncle! :^)  

There's always a lot of Very Serious Debate™ as to just who and what Tom Bombadil represents, and I believe I have heard "nature or earth spirit" bandied about, so I decided to put my own spin on him...and Goldberry, too. 

Glad to see that Sam got approved by Apairivo -- I of course expected nothing else, but hey, it wasn't an easy decision anyway for Elerina's cousin, given the entire Elf/Mortal issue and the laws of the Eldar.

And yes, Samaril would always be, let's say, "infected". Sauron's influence gave a good result in Samaril's mastery of the craft, but certainly the tragic -- darker side would always linger somewhere. In this regard, Samaril resembles an alcoholic who stopped drinking. Sober, but forever tainted by the illness.

Remarkable stuff, Pande. Thank you!

Thanks so much for reading and the compliments, Binka!   Deeply appreciated as always. ^)

Yes, Apairivo put Sámaril through the gauntlet, and to some degree approves of him.  On Sauron's effect on Sám...Tolkien gives a very general view of what happened in Ost-in-Edhil although the image of Celebrimbor's body on a pike is certainly vivid.  The deeply personal costs of Sauron betrayal interest me, and I figure this must be really wretched for an Elf.  An "immortal" human would have those memories and bear that guilt for...well, a very long time.