Fanworks Tagged with Adventure

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Series: Balar fics by Keiliss

Mainly about Gil-galad :)

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Under Strange Stars by Idrils Scribe

Barely a long-year after the Last Alliance all is not well in Imladris. Elrond's household has been dealt a crippling blow: a very young Elrohir has disappeared. After decades of false leads he is found in the Far South of Middle-Earth. Can Glorfindel rescue the House of Earendil once more? His task is not an easy one: Elrohir has no memory of who he was, and little interest in leaving his people's fight against the Black Nùmenoreans of Umbar ...

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Sleeping Amber through Darkened Doorways by Urloth

The AU I am writing, primarily surrounding Celegorm and Finrod/ Tyelkormo and Findarato, starting with a tentative truce between the pair and carryig on past their deaths into the life of Gildor Inglorion, the bastard son in body of Finrod and in spirit of Celegorm.


This is otherwise known to me and my friends as that AU where I am completely awful to Celegorm.

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Our little song by Leithriel

Just a collection of stories about my favorite characters/ships in Silmarillion

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Baubles, trinkets and short scribbles by Rhapsody

Celegorm and the world around him: How did he interact with it? What did he learn and what would he regret? This ficlet series will offer short vignettes that explores the world according to Celegorm.

This is a collection of (unedited) ficlets, written for Back To Middle-earth Month 2011. They have nice stamps and passports, I caved. Did I mention unedited?

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Aurora by Lferion

Fingon, Returned, works to learn how to live in the world again

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Tales of the Years of the Sun by Fadesintothewest

 A series of stories exploring the exploits of the House of Fingolfin during the first years of the Years of the Sun.

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Elemental by Ysilme

Maglor's wanderings in the Second Age and his reconnecting with Elrond.

Note: All parts of the series have been inspired by or written for one of the Back to Middle-earth Month prompts and challenges at some point.

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Tales of the Hidden City by Kenaz

Stories of Gondolin. This series began as a response to the Fanfic100 challenge on Livejournal, but 100 stories remains quite an ambitious number! These are very short stories-- ficlets, if you will-- about Gondolin and its denizens. Content runs the gamut from All Ages-rated genfic to explicit slash. Content warnings will be provided for each story.

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Code Red by Scribe of Mirrormere

Aredhel runs into trouble after leaving Gondolin. Luckily, she is prepared. The Walking Dead fusion/zombie AU.

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Musings in the Sky by Rhapsody

This is my collection of Silmarillion drabbles. Either drabbled as a present or written for a challenge. Ratings vary from General to Adult.

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Bloody Silmarils - Series by Dilly

In Gondolin, Turgon is depressed...

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My Preciousssss Mary Sues by whitewave

The main theme of the Non-Canon stories here will be Humor/Parody, bordering on the "Heretic".  Please do not read if you are easily offended by these contents.

All stories will contain much adult language, innuendo, nudity, suggestive/compromising positions, and many embarassing situations for the characters, especially the Fëanorions and Mary Sue.  

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The Dragonverse by Ysilme

Spanning the First to Fourth Age, the life of Thranduil Oropherion, King of the Woodelves and Slayer of a Dragon.

My tales mostly follow book canon with smatterings of the Peter Jackson movies, most notably in Thranduil having fought a Dragon in his youth and having the scars to prove it.

The series consists, at the moment, of the two main stories about Thranduil, The Wrath of Dragon Fire and The King of the Forest. The third story, Midwinter in Eryn Galen , centers around a young Aragorn visting Thranduil\'s Halls for the first time, and Legolas.

For obvious reasons, only The Wrath of Dragon Fire has been posted at the SWG; you can find he other stories on the Archive of Our Own.

Reading order:

1. The Wrath of Dragon Fire
2. The Best Night of my Life
3. The King of the Forest
4. Midwinter in Eryn Galen

Publishing order:

1. The Wrath of Dragon fire : late First and early Second Age, Thranduil/Gildor, written for MSV 2014. A tale about Thranduil\'s youth in Beleriand and first love.

2. Midwinter in Eryn Galen : late Third Age, Aragorn/Legolas, written for LotR SeSa 2014. A young Aragorn comes to the Greenwood for the first time to see the home of his friend Legolas, also hoping for another first to happen.

3. The King of the Forest : late Third Age, about two decades earler than Midwinter in Eryn Galen , Thranduil/Celeborn, written for MSV 2015. After the Battle of the Five Armies, Thranduil nearly breaks in dealing with the aftermath of their losses at the battle.

4. The Best Night of my Life: a little ficlet taking place after The Wrath of Dragon Fire, written for the International Day of Slash Tarot Challenge at the Library of Moria.

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Opus of the tales untold by tinni

What happened to Maglor? Does Elured and Elurin live? Did the sons of Elrond choose the doom of man or the fate of the eldar? Find out in the Opus of the tales untold!

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Burning Bright by Keiliss

About the war between Sauron and the elves, the hiding of the rings of power, and the appeal to Númenor for aid. And wherever else it decides to to go next.

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Legends of the Stars by Kimberleighe

A collection of Sindarin stories about the stars and myths before the rising of the Moon.

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not love, but worship. by esquitor

he inspires in others what he feels within himself.

admiration. respect. love. worship. (for melkor.)

fear. regret. despair. (for the valar.)

betrayal. (his own.)

a collection of writings on mairon, and how he becomes what he will become.

(a fancy way of saying how i explore headcanon for the gazillion years of mairon\'s life until the end of the world)

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The Secret Chronicles of the Ainur by Russandol

All of my stories about the Valar and the Maiar. Most of them derived from Chasing Mirages.

Ratings and warning for individual stories vary, please check.

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In the Glow of the Mountain by Hoglorfen


\"Mordorian romantic drama at its finest.\" ~ Times of Khand
\"Tragic yet titillating.\" ~ Númenor News Network
\"That shit\'s nasty!\" ~ PlayDwarf
\"Who the fuck nicked my lube?!\" ~Lurtz
\"*noisy retching*\" ~ Rivendaily

This is a not-so-classic tale of \"Orc boy meets Elf girl\", which proves once and for all that having the Dark Lord as your third bed-partner is NOT a good idea. One does not simply walk into Mordor... or anywhere near it. This is a very dark tale, as tales set under the Eye are wont to be. For Darkness taints all it touches, but without it the little glimmers of Light would not be as powerful.


This series started out as smut and I never intended to write any more than the first part. But then I got hit by an irresistible load of \"WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!\" and kept writing. Let\'s see where this takes us! PS. It\'s still smut, but now it\'s smut with a story. I hope. DS.


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Sons Of Justice by Gwenniel

The Sons of Feanor do only what they themselves deem right. They swore an Oath. A promise no one should make. For that they were forced into exile, for that they were both hated and feared.

A take on events in the lives of the sons of Fëanor, wordcounts vary from 5,000 to 20,000 and each told from a different son\'s perspective. Focuses on subjects such as loyalty, friendship and justice.

Completed POVs: Curufin, Caranthir, Maedhros, Amras.

Listed in order of Beleriand history, not writing-order.

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The last gift of Oromë by SkyEventide

Celegorm, who was friend of Oromë, who often visited the Vala's house and learnt the language of all birds and beasts - but hunted them also. This is a story of the noontide of Valinor, of a hunting party and of the deities of bow and arrow, loyalty yet untarnished, gifts and wisdom, and what it means to understand and talk to the things you kill. Sometimes Snow White and the Huntsman are the same person.

Fanwork Information and Table of Contents

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Aurora: What Cold, Clear Air May Show by Lferion

Having traveled North and up a mountain in Aman, Fingon builds himself a house, and works on putting himself back together. A drabble sequence. Follows Aurora: Seeking the Northern Sky.

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Glimpses of a Life in Ennore by Lferion

Maentâl Sílorion appeared in chapter 7 of Pages from the Archives of Cîr Imladris. He insisted on having more of his story told. Each chapter is intended to be able to stand alone.

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Adventures in Arda and Aman by Lferion

Ficlets of Valinor, Beleriand, Ennor, and Middle Earth through the Ages.

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