The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

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Turin's Worst Moment

Alas Beleg just couldn't stay away.

He just had to go looking for Turin. He didn't know when to leave well enough alone.

To make matters worse he decided to go looking for him right where Morgoth hung out.

He stumbled across Gwindor. Gwindor was an ex elf slave of Morgoth who had spent so long mining diamonds for him he had rather badly done his back in and now seemed to resemble some kind of hunchback.

Gwindor told Beleg he had seen Turin making his way along with the Orc Chorus and wisely, ( the diamond mining obviously hadn't affected his brain,) suggested Beleg should maybe get the hell out of there.

Now I am a fan of Beleg. He is gorgeous, ( obviously ), brave, apparently a magic self healer, and terribly terribly honourable but also sadly it now becomes apparent that he is not very bright..............He decided to carry on going.

As well as being not very bright he must have been incredibly charismatic because he manages to convince an elf who has just escaped from terrible captivity under Morgoth for a very, very, very long time, that he should go straight back and rescue a mortal he has never even heard of.

Yes you got it, Gwindor goes with him.

You all know what happens next....right?

They find Turin.
It is dark.
They rescue Turin who is obviously a very, very heavy sleeper.
They don't think to wake him up.
Beleg has a completely uncharacteristic clumsy attempt at cutting Turin's bonds and cuts him.
Turin somehow manages to mistake a tall, gorgeous, long haired elf for an orc and kills him.

I am sorry Turin, I just don't buy it.....Beleg-Orc, Orc-Beleg....they don't look anything alike even in the dark!

This has to be one of Tolkien's most ludicrous scenes yet. So many questions!
Why didn't they wake Turin up, Isn't that the first thing you would do as a rule?
Why, for goodness, sake did Beleg not use a small dagger or something to cut the bounds? I am sure he had one. Why a long semi evil black sword in the middle of the night?
Lastly Beleg is an elf.....right? So Beleg glows. We all know those pesky elves glow in the dark, an evolutionary adaptation I am sure from the days when Eru forgot to make the sun.
As a rule you would think glowing was an effective defence mechanism against accidentally being mistaken for an Orc but not for poor Beleg!

Anyway questions aside it was all very tragic and dramatic.

Cue much wailing and sobbing from Turin.
And poor old Gwindor is left burying Beleg and providing psychiatric help and grief counselling to Turin. Possibly at this point he wishes he had never left the diamond mines.

They then steal Beleg's cursed sword......the one Thingol gave him.....the one Turin killed him with....and trot off to Nargothrond.

Um, Thats kind of creepy, Tolkien.

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