Fanworks Tagged with Teens

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Driftwood by pandemonium_213

When mortal fishermen rescue a half-drowned elf-man from the northern sea, Elrond's help is requested.   Elrond travels to the village of Mousehole, hard against Lindon's northern border, to find the recovering survivor who tells Elrond of his background and his mission, which promises to bring the innovations and wonders of Aman to Lindon. Elrond is intrigued as he attempts to discover just who this mysterious fellow is. 

MEFA 2011 Winner.  First Place, Second Age and Early Third Age, General

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Love's Persistence by IgnobleBard

In the bleak midwinter Haldir awaits a special visitor.

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Poor Visibility by Himring

On his first visit to Barad Eithel after the Dagor Bragollach, Maedhros believes he has lost Fingon's friendship. He encounters Morwen and talks to her about Beren.

Covers a couple of episodes told at the beginning of Looking at the Stars from Fingon's point of view as seen from Maedhros's point of view.  As part of the series, this is Maedhros/Fingon, but obviously at this point...

Mature Themes: grief and alcohol.

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The Singer's Girl by Lady MSM

Andril didn't mean to get involved in all this, really. Is it her fault that an exiled prince and his family are living two miles away from her village? And is it her fault she's got a weakness for talkative, musical boys? A sort of romantic dramedy.

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The Knot by Himring

Maedhros and Fingon alone together the last time before the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.

Could be interpreted as my response to the "bodice ripper" and as such should perhaps be classified as Adult, except actually...

Maedhros / Fingon, obviously.

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The Unspoken by Elfique

Many things remain unspoken, the reason for Glorfindel's apparent batchelorhood being one of them. A five part series of vignettes.

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Pillow Talk by Lyra

Fëanor can't keep some heretical thoughts concerning certain customs of the Eldar to himself. His newly-wedded wife is less than amused... at first.
Originally written for the SWG B2MeM project, for the "Great Sea" challenge: Create a story, poem, or artwork that responds to the following quote: "God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh." -- Voltaire

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The Pity of Living Things by Himring

Elros tells his grandson a story about Maedhros.

Not fluffy. Warning for violence towards insects.

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Copper by darthfingon

In Valinor near the turn of the First Age, a young boy is tormented by a Maia of Makar.

Written for ALEC October 2010.

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Last Gasp by Elfique

When all that is left is desolation, how do you measure life? In what manner do you meet your end if you are found wanting? In his final moments Maedhros reflects.

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Moments of Passing by Elfique

A double drabble - one for each of the fated Balrog slayers of Gondolin.

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Lalme, Alalme by Himring

The destruction of Beleriand after the War of Wrath--and an unusual refugee.

Written for the Season of Change challenge. It struck me that there was one piece of writing that perfectly fit this challenge already--and it had been written by Tolkien himself, but was not in the Silmarillion. I mean Treebeard's song in Two Towers, of course. This story is partly a re-write or remix of that song, in prose and from a rather different vantage point. The Ent in this story is Treebeard (or Fangorn) himself, but he didn't think about himself as Treebeard at the time.

This story was originally written for Dawn's (and "Eli"'s) Create for Life project (12-14 November 2010).

Warning for extreme violence to trees, exerted by natural forces.

Kindly nominated for the MEFAs 2011 by Dwimordene. It won Second Place in the category "Other Beings: General" and also a "Smaug's Treasure" award.

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A Fragile Chalice by pandemonium_213

In spite of weariness and stress, Tyelperinquar (a.k.a. Celebrimbor) hosts a gathering in his home:  a supper followed by what we might call a salon for the elite of Ost-in-Edhil. Musicians, rival poets, and lively conversation among the guests, which includes Erestor, the visiting emissary from Gil-galad's realm, provide the evening's entertainment.  An elven poetry slam causes Tyelpo to become immersed in deep memories  -- some poignant, some painful, and one dark and strange yet vaguely familiar.

MEFA 2011 Winner:  First Place, Elves, General

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Helevorn: Consider Water by Himring

Noldorin prince attempts meditation technique.

Obviously not for purists, although I'm sure the Noldor were capable of coming up with such things without Buddhist influence.

Mature Themes: meditation can be a somewhat hazardous business.

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The Omen by Ellynn

Standing on Taniquetil, Varda and Manwë see an ill omen in the sky. Written for LJ LotR Community October challenge: Believe it or not (story should contain something supernatural or unbelievable). 2011 MEFA Nominee.

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West Wind Blowing by Himring

During the Bragollach, a respite in the attack on Himring allows the brothers to voice private regrets and fears.

This would be a songfic, except I wrote the lyrics myself. In other words, I wrote first a poem and then a ficlet to serve as a setting for it. The piece is also closely connected with my unfinished story "The West Wind Quartet" without actually being part of it.


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Gothmog and Draugluin by pandemonium_213

“Gothmog and Draugluin” follows the antics of two Tolkienian icons who were not all about smiting and devouring but had fun, too. Little Gothmog lives in Thangorodrim with his mom (Ulbandi Fluithuin) and dad (Melkor, Black Foe of the World). Melkor’s right-hand man and Gothmog’s babysitter -- Professor Thû ("I'm not a babysitter. I'm an observer!") -- makes appearances, too. Gothmog and Draugluin also share this space with “Stinky Pete” Mêshûgganâscar, Maia of Mandos, and his pals.

"Gothmog and Draugluin" appears monthly sporadically in the SWG newsletter. View the Table of Contents for a full listing of comics.

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Lullaby by oshun

After the death of Fingolfin, Fingon says good-bye before taking Ereinion and his mother to the Havens. The lyrics of the song are important to me, because I chose Fingon as the father of Gil-galad because Orodreth was simply not big enough for me.

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Five Things That Never Happened to Sauron by Russandol

Five short scenes with a twist, in five different locations. Each of them harder to write than the previous one!

1st Place, Ficlet: Elder Days & Smaug's Treasure, MEFA 2011

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The Axes of a Soul by wind rider

The last survivor of the drowning Númenor reflects on herself, her life and her decisions as she struggles to avoid certain death. What will she get in the end? Does she dare to face it like the proud daughter of the Island that she is?

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Reembodied by Dawn Felagund

Tata was said to be the first of the Noldor to awaken at Cuivienen, yet the histories never speak of him again. Uncomfortable and indecisive as a leader, he nonetheless rejects the summons of the Valar to Valinor, recognizing a fundamental wrong in the ideas they preach. This is the story of his life. 2011 MEFA nominee.

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The Understanding of a Father by Ellie

During the preparations for the War of Wrath, a recently restored Glorfindel and his father come to a better understanding of what transpired for them both since the rebellion of the Noldor.

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In Darkness Bound by Fiondil

In the aftermath of the Darkening, three kings search for meaning in the midst of tragedy. One seeks absolution; another, vengeance, while the third merely endeavors to salvage what he can from the disaster and protect his people from future harm. All may find what they are looking for, though not necessarily in the way they expect, for, as always, the Valar have their own agenda. Many thanks go to my betas, Alassiel and Ellie.

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Swan Song by Ellie

It is said that elves dwell much in memory. For Maglor son of Fëanor, not all of those memories are pleasant. Second place winner, General category; ALEC November 2008: A Little Night Music.

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Bard Rising by Rhapsody

It is said that Maglor composed the Noldolantë before he was lost, but none was said about his personal accounts. The warrior bard wants to take you on a journey, a story that will tell you the tale on how a musician became a relentless kinslayer and warrior.

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