Fanworks Tagged with Teens

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The House that Fingon Built by Himring

Some time about the end of the Fourth Age, Fingon leaves Mandos, returns to Tirion and learns of the Second and Third Kinslayings and Maedhros's suicide. He finds a way of dealing with it.

Includes flashbacks to Fingon's youth in Valinor and touches on his thoughts about the end of the Nirnaeth.


Sexual content: hardly any. Warnings for references to cow pastures, puff pastry and the perfect tea pot. For the rest, see summary.

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The End of the Dream by Erulisse


As Sirion is sacked, Elwing must make a decision about her children and her own life.   A response to the general prompt of Midsummer Night's Dream in drabble form.   


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Loss by avi17

Pair of vignettes (each 200-250 words). The thoughts of two of the House of Finwe immediately after the deaths of their eldest and only remaining brothers.

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View From the Top by Himring

In the halcyon days of Dor-lomin before the Evil Breath, Maedhros and Fingon go for a walk together in the mountains.

Dedicated to the bee-keepers of the Silmarillion Writers Guild.

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I'll never pause again, never stand still by Agelast

Written for Porn Battle XII, for the irresistable prompt of Caranthir/Angrod, slander. 

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Veils by wind rider


A Ñoldorin youth from the recently-sacked Eregion, reared to fear and loathe the Valar and Maiar and look down upon people other than Ñoldor, finds himself injured and under the mercy of the very peoples he despises and looks down upon. How will he survive? Until when? But perhaps, a miracle might happen…?

For Big Bang Challenge 2011. Thanks for Vanimë for the beta-reading and Elleth for the art!

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Thoughts of a Dagger by wind rider

I was forged for one single purpose, for one single person. But the world is wide, and the dangers aplenty, and one single purpose and one single person could turn into many.

For B2MeM 2011.
Challenge: Day 17: Bree-Lands: Gift-Giving.

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One Day by wind rider

A  youth is a youth is a youth. What did Hathaldir think as he fought fknew he would never win? Was the last stand of Barahir and his men truly hopeless? – A triple drabble (exactly 300 words) as counted on MS Word. Never laugh on a youth’s earnest, innocent dream. It might just be true.

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One Hundred Words About Maedhros by Himring

Drabbles in my 'Doom' series. Not necessarily gloomy!

100 words according to Word.

Last added: Deadlier.

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A Rose By Any Other Name by pandemonium_213

A sequel to Flame of the Desert.

On a hot summer afternoon, Glorfindel visits Elrond at his estate in Kortirion Province of Tol Eressëa. Elrond's longtime friend brings word from Gilfanon: invitations to a party in celebration of the blooming of one of Gilfanon's favorite roses; the Vanyarin ambassador and his retinue have been invited as special guests.  Gilfanon also sends peculiar garments that he has specifically instructed Elrond and Glorfindel to wear.  Elrond is wary.  He remembers all too well that escapade with Gilfanon in the desert of Valinor, but his inner imp of adventure inspires him, and Elrond experiences a night to remember.

Cameo appearances by Erestor and Mablung.

A bit risqué, a little bawdy, so let's rate this Teen/PG13.

Now complete!  And illustrated!  Thanks a million-fold to Robinka (see Chapter 2) and Elf of Cave (see Chapter 6).

MEFA 2011 Winner.  First Place, Humor, General


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Heart Song by Erulisse

Originally composed for HA's Nazgul of the Month Forum - April - Elrond the Bard, I wrote this story featuring a young Elrond learning about love and loss.  

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The Glinting Gleam by Nekomitsu

Maedhros found an unexpected treasure during the Feast of Reuniting and decided to show it to the King of the Exiles against the advice of his cousin Fingon.  Featuring weddings-to-be, adventures, balrogs, golden harps, a most beautiful princess, fire, and thieving brothers.  (Fairytale, loosely based on the Russian folktale The Fire Bird and Princess Vasilisa.)

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Shades of Optimism by Himring

The Sons of Feanor ask Thingol to hand over the Silmaril. Maedhros and Maglor discuss the wording of the letter.

B2MEM 2011, March  28: There was no avoiding it; the letter had to be composed...

Language could be considered mildly expletive by some.

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Volcano by SurgicalSteel

Late Second Age. Ar-Zimraphel struggles up the mountain.

Character death.

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Scent of Reality by Himring

Huan and a recovering Maedhros on the shore of Lake Mithrim.

Written for the B2MeM 2011 challenge for 4 March (location: Mithrim; task: write about someone conquering their fears).

Also written on the suggestion of Alasse, following a conversation about dogs, smells, and Maedhros.

Kindly nominated for MEFAs 2011 by Robinka; it won a Smaug's Treasure award.

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In the Court of the Dragon Emperor by pandemonium_213

The Dragon Emperor of Kitai lavishes rich and tempting gifts upon two Istari: Alatar and Pallando.  Will the Blue Wizards succumb to the Son of Heaven's request?

Written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2011: March 1 in response to the prompt:  Write a story or poem or create artwork where seduction plays a central role.

MEFA 2011 Winner.  First Place, Other Beings, General

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Be A Man by oshun

B2MeM 2011, 3/1, Seduction: Write a story where seduction plays a central role.  Celeborn/Elu Thingol. Celeborn accepts that he has lost Elu to Melian the Maia. This may be read as existing in the same universe as my story Will Overruled by Fate wherein Celeborn admits to Haldir that he had loved Elu Thingol in his youth.

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Laurië Lassi – Golden Leaves by Esteliel

Glorfindel's past, from his youth in Aman to his death at Cristhorn and his eventual return to Middle-earth. A collection of drabbles and small ficlets written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2011.

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Marta's Mathoms - BMEM 2011 by Marta

A series of stories written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2011.

  • New! "Jus Ad Bellum" ft. Elrond, Isiildur, and Maglor; 1,472 words
  • NEW! "Things Unseen" ft. Elendil + Pharazon, 1,136 words
  • NEW! "Three for the Elven-Lords II" ft. Cirdan, 200 words

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Nest-Building by Himring

An episode early in the exploration of Eastern Beleriand by the Sons of Feanor: Celegorm talks to a bird--and to his brother Maedhros.

Mature Themes: Very discreet allusion to torture.

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A Stiff Northern Breeze by Himring

During the time of the Siege of Angband, the princes of the Noldor meet once again in council, this time at Tol Sirion. Maedhros has a disturbing conversation with Orodreth, their host. He discusses Orodreth with Fingon, while they take a walk along the river. 

A Christmas present for Alasse--Christmas 2010, that is. Only about two months late,  that's almost punctual, for me... Thank you for the discussion of weather conditions in northern Beleriand, Alasse! 


Now added: Engineering and Diplomacy (Fingon & Curufin, double drabble)

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Beneath the Sickle's Swing by Clodia

A collection of drabbles found in the ruins of Utumno during the years of Melkor's captivity, written for various [info]tolkien_weekly challenges.  I am greatly indebted to the ever-awesome [info]ignoblebard, who very generously nominated this series for MEFA 2011, thereby spurring me to get on with actually writing it. ♥

6.  After the Manner: Orcs, one drabble.


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No Way You Can Fall by Himring

Fingon braces himself to defy Namo for the sake of his love of Maedhros, but it turns out to be strangely unnecessary. Ages later in Tirion, there is a rather more dramatic confrontation, when Fingolfin finally suspects the reason why Fingon has immured himself in his house with the cousin he has recently retrieved from Lorien.

Mature Themes: Maedhros is gradually regaining his sanity under Fingon's care.

Nominated for the MEFAs 2011. Thank you very much, Lyra!

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When Sorrow Sang by Ellynn

What did Mandos hear, see and feel while listening to Luthien's song?

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"Lilac" & other ficlets by Himring

An attempt at interior decoration leads to something else.

Now added: "Did the Earth Move...?" (another ficlet set in Valinor)

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