Fanworks Tagged with Teens

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Hastaina by Dawn Felagund

While embarking upon an Arctic expedition in hopes of discovering secret knowledge that might relieve the marring of Arda, a loremaster of Tirion makes a much darker discovery that undermines the very foundation of his belief. Inspired by the style and mythology of H.P. Lovecraft.

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Flame of the Desert by pandemonium_213

After a celebration in Tavrobel at the famous House of a Hundred Chimneys, Gilfanon, one of the oldest of the Elves, proposes that he, Glorfindel and Elrond journey to the fabled Rock of Omar in the middle of the great desert of Valinor, where it is said that the Rock sings the echoes of the Ainulindalë and of lost life and love. Glorfindel procures a fabulous coach with most unusual beasts to draw it, and so the three fellows set off for an adventure in the desert where they meet Teleri who have embraced the desert and encounter a cagey Vanyarin ascetic who guides them to the Rock of Omar.

MEFA 2010 Winner: First Place; Genres: Adventure: General

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Avar and Away by IgnobleBard

Gondolin welcomes an unusual visitor.

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The Military Relevance of Sewage by Himring

Maedhros carries discretion to extraordinary lengths. In the Second Age, Elrond matches him for reticence.

Maedhros/Fingon slash, but sexual content only hinted at and off-stage.

This story has been nominated for the MEFAs 2010 by Dawn Felagund. Thank you very much!

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In Terror He Reigns by Beatrisu

A lone inhabitant of Angmar reflects on its terrible king.

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Mahtan's Apprentice by WendWriter

Nerdanel is in love with a Noldor prince with a reputation for being sullen at best, difficult at worst. Whatever does she see in him? And how will Mahtan get along with him?

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Wounded by WendWriter

When little Elrond asks Maglor to play a game that reminds him of his part in the Kinslayings, how does he deal with it?

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The Dance of Flute and Harp by Amaranth

Maglor and Tinfang Gelion (Warble). Two great minstrels, elves of like mind and skill; yet so very different. A conflict and the unique, captivating way those two masters of their art deal with it. Set sometime between 1700-1900 Second Age. Oh, and my Tinfang has no beard!

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The Longest Night by Dawn Felagund

In the depths of a bitter winter, Finrod Felagund receives an invitation from Bëor to attend a strange midwinter festival in honor of the longest night of the year. Written for the 2009 Yule Fic Exchange on Many Paths to Tread.

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Warping Arda by Clodia

A collection of drabbles, mostly written for the LJ comm Tolkien_Weekly.  Some of these drabbles received awards in MEFA 2010; see inside for details.

10. Good as New.  Glorfindel, his father and a piece of the past.  One drabble.

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How I Wish by Dawn Felagund

Left behind by Finrod, Amárië considers the paradox of her situation: her wish for his return and the only means by which her wish would be granted. A sonnet.

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The Silmarillion Gospel by Araloth the Random

What happens when a group of clueless fangirls try to "translate" The Silmarillion into Biblical English? Utter chaos, of course!

Nominated for MEFA 2010, with many thanks to elfscribe!

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Where the Shadows Lie by clotho123

A dark exploration of what might have happened if Maglor had submitted to the Valar after the War of Wrath

 Includes horror themes, insanity and attempted suicide


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He Dreams Of Love with Men by Pink Siamese

A reinterpretation: It is Beren who seduces Morgoth with the help of Luthien's magic while she cuts the Silmaril from the iron crown.

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To Sing Of... by darthfingon

Gil-galad, about to be married to a very nice lady, makes an important discovery about himself with Erestor's help. A heartwarming tale of cluelessness, ill-fitting clothing, impractical pets, and exploitation of Elvish linguistic ambiguity. Tame slash.

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Blood as Warm as a Bird by darthfingon

At the Havens of Sirion, Elwing must make a choice, Elrond must be brave, and Maglor must keep a promise.

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Encounter in the Forest by Ellynn

While hunting on a cold day during the Fell Winter, one Noldo discovers that hope can come from the most unexpected source. Written for the fanfiction contest on the Croatian Tolkien forum; theme of the contest: Strange encounter. 2010 MEFA Second Place in Times: First Age and Prior: General.

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The Plague by WendWriter

Furious at the theft of the Silmaril from his iron crown, Morgoth seeks revenge. He has become his own, and everyone else's worst enemy.

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The Turning of Angwë by WendWriter

When Angwë returns to Middle-earth after the War of the Powers, he discovers that Dwarves have moved into his mountain, Celebdil, and begun mining there. Then he meets his brother Sauron, who has plans for him.

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The Building of Celebdil by WendWriter

Angwë, a Maia, wants to make his mark on Arda. Melkor's rebellion complicates matters...

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Lords and Lordship by WendWriter

Artíre and Sauron have put an end to their destructive feud... for the moment. How long can it last if others want to reignite it?

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Artíre's Revenge by WendWriter

Furious at having been forced to take sides between Melkor's forces and the Ainur, Artíre seeks revenge on Sauron.

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Artíre's Return by WendWriter

Sequel to “Artíre's Choice.” After years of hiding from the wrath of the Valar, Artíre the Watcher decides to emerge, only to find that the world he knew has changed beyond all recognition.

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The Temptation of Artíre by WendWriter

Artíre is accosted by Sauron, who invites him to take part in the dramas he loves to observe.

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Artíre's Choice by WendWriter

Artíre is induced by Sauron to choose between serving the forces of light and the forces of darkness, when he would rather be neutral.

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