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This is a Writing fanwork A Fair Trial by Gadira

Fanwork Information

At the end of the First Age, Sauron refused to submit to the judgement of the Valar. But, whose fault was it? And was he really alone in his decision? Maiarin humour.

Major Characters: Eönwë, Melian, Saruman, Sauron
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Humor Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 6 June 2007 Updated on 6 June 2007
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This is a Writing fanwork A Game Of Chess by Uvatha the Horseman

Fanwork Information

Sauron went to Umbar wearing the Ring, not expecting to be captured and taken to Númenor. How did the Ring get back to Barad-dûr?

Major Characters: Ar-Pharazôn, Nazgûl, Sauron
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Drama Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 20 October 2011 Updated on 20 October 2011
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This is a Writing fanwork A Scrap of Parchment by Uvatha the Horseman

Fanwork Information

Sauron returns to Mordor and openly declares himself, and Umbar declares its allegiance to him. Told by Urzahil of Umbar, who later becomes the Mouth of Sauron.

Major Characters: Melkor, Sauron
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Drama Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 24 September 2013 Updated on 24 September 2013
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This is a Writing fanwork All About Names by Still Anonymous

Fanwork Information

When Melkor and Sauron next meet after their humilation at the hands [or paws] of Luthien, Beren, and Huan, they discuss how best to restore their damaged reputations. Humor. Very definitely humor.

Major Characters: Melkor, Sauron
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Humor Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 18 July 2008 Updated on 18 July 2008
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This is a Writing fanwork Cat's Paws by pandemonium_213

Fanwork Information

Tyelperinquar/Tyelpo (Celebrimbor) and Aulendil (Annatar/Sauron) discuss brotherhood and the secret of the deep arts on an early summer evening in Ost-in-Edhil.

This fic, told from Celebrimbor's point of view, predates The Apprentice by about 240 years, give or take, but it's the same setting. Rating is Teen due to a touch of horror-lite.

MEFA 2008: Second Place, Villains, General.

Illustration by Robinka added on 14 February 2009.


Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Sauron
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: General, Horror Challenges: Forbidden Lore
Rating: Teens Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 9 September 2007 Updated on 14 February 2009
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This is a Writing fanwork Chosen by pandemonium_213

Fanwork Information

When the Voice of the One names the ruler of the Guardians of Arda, the decision results in dismay and discord by another who believes he should have been chosen. A re-interpretation of the Ainulindalë myth.

MEFA 2009: First Place - Races: Other Beings: General 

Major Characters: Ainur, Melkor
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 1 December 2008 Updated on 1 December 2008
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This is a Writing fanwork Fell Meats by pandemonium_213

Fanwork Information

Sauron recounts his discovery of the fell beasts to Finrod, who visits the former Dark Lord during his imprisonment in the Halls of Mandos, in a tale of adventure and a bit of the macabre.

Pandë!verse-centric.  A little gory, some coarse language, mild sexual references.

Chapter 2 added:  Over tankards of ale, served in the replica of a familiar inn, Sauron continues his tale to Finrod:  his instructions to the Lord of the Nazgûl (who receives a disagreeable task); his uncertainties concerning the wisdom of leaving Mordor; and his journey to Layla’s homeland, where the Forbidden Valley lies.

Major Characters: Sauron
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Adventure Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Adult Warnings: Expletive Language, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Mild)
Posted on 28 November 2013 Updated on 8 December 2013
This fanwork is a work in progress.

This is a Writing fanwork How the East Was Won by pandemonium_213

Fanwork Information

During the earliest years of the Second Age, Melkor’s great lieutenant puts the destruction of Beleriand behind him and travels to the East...with a plan.

MEFA 2010 Winner.  First Place; Races: Villains: General.

Major Characters: Eönwë, Sauron
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Drama, Science Fiction Challenges: Akallabêth in August
Rating: Adult Warnings: Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Violence (Moderate)
Posted on 2 August 2009 Updated on 2 August 2009
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This is a Writing fanwork Light Over the Mountain by pandemonium_213

Fanwork Information

Long before the Ainur entered the Circles of Arda, the Guardians, greatest of the Ainur, rescued an unusual group of children from a war-torn land.  In this series of vignettes, one of those rescued recounts the terrible events of his childhood that set him on a path to control his destiny and the world around him, a path that would lead to infamy.

MEFA 2011 Winner.  Second Place, Incomplete, Drama

Major Characters: Eönwë, Gandalf, Melkor, Original Character(s), Radagast, Saruman, Sauron
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Drama, Science Fiction Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 21 February 2011 Updated on 21 February 2011
This fanwork is a work in progress.

This is a Writing fanwork Melkian Dialogues by Huinare

Fanwork Information

Melkor engages in dialogues with friend and foe (all right, mostly foe) long before the light of the Trees. Assembled responses to Tolkien Weekly’s “Transactions” drabble challenge (Jan-Feb 2012).

Major Characters: Aulë, Manwë, Melkor, Nienna, Sauron, Varda
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 20 June 2012 Updated on 20 June 2012
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This is a Writing fanwork Orcling by pandemonium_213

Fanwork Information

During a Second Age equivalent of a natural history "field trip" in the upper Vale of the Glanduin River, a young Mélamírë finds her father's penchant for turning everything into a lesson to be stifling. Taking advantage of Father's unexpected nap, she sets off on a little expedition of her own, intending to return by sunset. However, she makes a discovery that turns what she intended as an afternoon's adventure into something far more harrowing and that challenges what she has been taught.

Rated Teen/PG13 equivalent for moderate violence; heads up for Pandë!verse-centrism

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Sauron
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Adventure Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: Violence (Moderate)
Posted on 6 February 2013 Updated on 9 February 2013
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This is a Writing fanwork Tears for the Fallen by pandemonium_213

Fanwork Information

Melkor considers a flower.  

Written for International Poetry Month, April 2010.

MEFA 2010.  Winner, First Place; Genres: Poetry: Drama.


Major Characters: Melkor
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: Duel of Songs
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 6 April 2010 Updated on 6 April 2010
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This is a Writing fanwork Till Fire Purge All Things New by pandemonium_213

Fanwork Information

Sauron has a moment of doubt in the Sammath Naur.

For B2MeM 2009: Day 15 -- The Ides of March: "Do I dare disturb the universe?"

MEFA 2009: First Place in Genres: Ficlets: General

Update! Illustration by the fabulous Robinka now added to the story!

Major Characters: Sauron
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: General Challenges: B2MeM 2009
Rating: Teens Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 15 March 2009 Updated on 15 March 2009
This fanwork is complete.