The Tempered Steel by Lyra

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Fanwork Notes

Thanks go to Elleth and Dawn for their beta-ing patience and encouragement on Part I. Thanks also go to SurgicalSteel for medical fact-checking.

Many thanks to Dawn for the nomination - and a huge thank you to all who reviewed!

Due to the great number of (Quenya) names, a list may be helpful:

Nelyafinwë, Nelyo, Maitimo, Russandol = Maedhros
Cánafinwë, Cáno, Macalaurë = Maglor
Turcafinwë, Turko, Tyelkormo = Celegorm
Morifinwë, Moryo, Carnistir = Caranthir
Curufinwë, Curvo, Atarinkë = Curufin
Pityafinwë, Pityo, Ambarussa, Ambarto, Umbarto = Amrod †
Telufinwë, Telvo, Ambarussa = Amras
Tyelperinquar, Tyelpo = Celebrimbor

Nolofinwë = Fingolfin
Írimë = Finvain
Írien, Lalwende = Lalwen
Findekáno, Findo = Fingon
Turukáno = Turgon
Irissë = Aredhel
Arakáno = Argon †
Elenwë, wife of Turgon and mother of Idril †
Itarilde = Idril

Arafinwë = Finarfin
Findaráto = Finrod
Angaráto = Angrod
Aikanáro = Aegnor
Artanis, Altariel = Galadriel

Moringotto = Morgoth
Sorontar, Thorontar = Thorondor
Roccalaurë = Rochallor

Angamando = Angband
Mistaringë = Mithrim (Lake)
Hisilomë, Hithilomë = Hithlum

In the Fëanorian camp
Vorondil, warrior
Orecalo, page
Varnacanyo, squire
Herenyo, healer
Séralcar, healer
Tánarámë, warrior †
Tánalindo, carpenter
Amallë, potter
Pelalassë, elder daughter of Amallë and Tánalindo
Anarórë, younger daughter of Amallë and Tánalindo
Encaitar, master silk weaver
Tyelparma, loremaster-in-training
Failon, herald
Carnil, warrior
Fúmella, poet-in-training
Támurillë, loremaster
Nacilmë, dancing tutor
Ohtalmion, master of the horses
Corintur, master of the warriors' training
Poldaxo, horse

In the Fingolfinian camp
Túrelio, warrior
Maneséro, warrior
Istimë, healer
Lastaher, warrior
Cemmótar, warrior
Lótilossë, huntress
Calimon, hunter
Ercassë, scholar
Oricon, son of Lótilossë and Calimon

I hope I didn't forget anyone! Yes, Orodreth is as yet missing on purpose.

You Made Me Love You (I didn't want to do it)It's Only a Flesh Wound

Fanwork Information


The story of Maedhros' captivity in Angband, his rescue and his recovery is in the Silmarillion treated in a few paragraphs. This is a fleshed-out account of the events that may have befallen between Maedhros' imprisonment and his return to his old life... as far as that is possible.

Occasionally drifting into AU territory, depending on how closely you follow the source (WHICH source? :P).

The usual warnings apply - particularly to chapters marked with an asterisk.

Part One completed.
Part Two completed.

Part Three, Chapter 10 added: In which the reconciled Noldor make plans for the future. End of the trilogy.

Major Characters: Aegnor, Amras, Angrod, Aredhel, Celebrimbor, Celegorm, Curufin, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Galadriel, Írimë, Lalwen, Maedhros, Maglor, Melkor, Original Character(s), Thorondor

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Drama

Challenges: Turning Point

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Torture, Character Death, Mature Themes, Violence (Graphic)

Chapters: 31 Word Count: 112, 548
Posted on 13 April 2010 Updated on 16 November 2013

This fanwork is complete.

Table of Contents

In which Maedhros meets Morgoth, and learns various things about the alternatives to dying. *Warnings for torture and violence. (Oh really!)

In which the Brothers Fëanorion receive Orcish messengers, and unpopular decisions are made.

In which Maedhros involuntarily discovers the concept of cliffhanger. *Warning for continued torture.

In which the host of Fingolfin enters the scene, and in which Fingon serves as a herald.

In which Fingolfin's household is updated on recent developments.

In which Fingon reassesses the situation, comes to a decision, and goes on a hike.

In which Fingon's hike continues, and in which his harp proves its worth.

In which there is a duet, and in which Fingon learns to fly.

In which the cliffhanger situation is finally resolved. End of Part One.

* Extra warning for reasonably graphic description of injuries and impromptu field operations. May not be suitable for the blood-phobic.

In which the Fingolfinian healers have a busy night.

*Warning for blood and some medical detail.

Many thanks to SurgicalSteel for her invaluable advice on how not to have Maedhros killed by unskilled healers.

In which Maedhros finds that his overall situation has improved considerably.

In which autumn comes, and in which there are talks and arguments.

In which King Maglor deals with his brothers and with Uncle Fingolfin.

In which the family reunion begins.

In which Maedhros returns to his people, and there are unexpected complications.

In which Maedhros and Caranthir have a talk and a midnight snack.

In which Maglor apologises, and in which Maedhros shocks, delights and surprises his brothers.

In which Maedhros is discontent, and Maglor suggests a solution.

In which Maedhros is visited by old friends, old ghosts, and the new generation.

In which Maedhros has to deal with fashion, philosophy, the past and the future. End of Part Two.

In which there are observations on the weather, arguments at the gate, and letters.

In which there is further correspondence and an invitation, and in which Fingon falls prey to his temper and teasing relatives.

In which Fingon arrives a day early for the feast.

In which there is so much conversation, reminiscing and arguing that the feast will have to wait till the next chapter.

In which there is a feast, featuring songs, oaths and arguments.

In which Fingon tries to settle back in among his own folk, and in which diplomatic tricks are applied, and in which the Fingolfinian host have a counter-feast.

In which Maedhros gets involved in heated arguments and matchmaking; and in which the title of this story is explained at last.

In which Spring comes, bringing along various forms of psycho- and physiotherapy as well as long-range decisions.

In which reconciliation talks are turned into a coronation.

In which the reconciled Noldor make plans for the future.


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I loved the brother's concern. I understand why Curvo would want to go back to work; he must have a lot, but it could also be his way of dealing with the situation. Something to fall back during times of hardship and uncertainty (which these must be, with Nelyo back but so much worse than anything they could imagine and no thanks to them).

Nelyo told Macalaurë just what I wanted Macalaurë (and his brothers) to know, that he was proud of them for refusing to bargain with Morgoth, and that he refused Morgoth too. I was so happy when I read that! :D Macalaurë was seeing what I see: the strength Maitimo has in him, regardless of how he may look or what emotional scars he bears. It's that strength what helped him survive all those years without breaking and complying with Morgoth.

Very interesting, using the other version for Nelyo's lack of hand. I say it was a good decision... Tyelko would have probably burst into Nolofinwë's camp to try and kill Findekáno, the way things are now. However, it'd be best if they learn the truth from Nelyo rather than other source. Otherwise, it could turn ugly.

Aww, I really liked that glimpse into their childhood. Listening outside the door must have been the norm back then.

Very true - keeping one's hands busy is probably the No. 1 Fëanorian coping strategy!

I really think that's the key to understanding how Maitimo managed to last so long, and also how he's going to go on. I'm so glad that scene worked for you!

Yes, it's just a short-term solution... yet another complication. *evil author* ;)

Heh, probably! They must've been quite a handful. ^^

Not much to say on this chapter other than I loved it (is that a surprise?) and that grumpy!Nelyou was extremely amusing (for us, Macalaurë would respectfully disagree). But as annoying as Maitimo's moods are for everyone around him, I take it as a sign that he's recovering. I already want to see him riding and wielding a sword... I'm as impatient as him.

Looking forward to see how the meeting with his people goes. I think Nelyo's forgetting that they've already seen him. Not at his worst, but worse than he is now.

humm, Nelyo will still have to get out of bed as soon as possible anyway I deem- not only to stretch his atrophied muscles but also because of other health issues that might ensue otherwise- I don't know how elvish health works, but I imagine even they are not immune to bedsores -_- Not that the healers would know much about that particular problem, I don't imagine there were many long-term bedridden elves before Nelyo.

I'm feeling sympathetic for him and his revulsion for his own physical appearance. Perhaps he'll stop fretting so much when his people show him they don't care. And perhaps then he'll start to show some real interest in the goings-on, both present and past, and start curbing himself into the ruler he is going to be? He can't have been High King for very long after all if you're going with the version that says the Angband messengers came in the hour of Fëanor's death.

Aw, poor Canafinwë and his reaction to Nelyo's cutting remark... so you're not following the version where he has a wife in Aman?

nice chapter.

I don't think they're immune either, but I'm not entirely certain that the danger is quite so bad; Nelyo hasn't been lying around in the same position 24/7 (as a comatose patient might) after all, he's been turning and sitting up and so on after all. (He has, and may still be recovering from, "bed"sores from Thangorodrim - but that's a different issue...)

Hm, this may be spoilery, but - yes. Yes, that's basically what's going to happen. :)

No, I'm following the version where he marries a wife in Middle-earth - later. When he no longer has responsibility for five childish brothers ;)

Thank you!

Woah, woah, hey, slow down; I hadn't gotten around to reviewing the last chapter yet.

Actually, continue to update. Updating is good.

I've really got nothing new to say- more sympathy for Maitimo (between the physical changes and the lost time and general suckage he's going through). I think it says something that I share his impatience by this point... though not in a bad way... yeah. It's good to be able to evoke such strong sympathy in the readers. That's what I meant.

I was a bit surprised that Maitimo actually seriously thought elf with the complicated name would blame/attack him for his father's death. I guess it shows some of the mental/emotional trauma he went through and that he's still not over it, even if he is improving greatly. It still kind of fell a bit flat for me, as I knew there was no way elf with the complicated name could do that, but I guess that can't really be helped, seeing as Maitimo is definitely suffering a bit of a disconnect with reality and the way people percieve him now that he's with his bunch of Noldor. (Maybe it's residual from being with the obnoxious Nolofinwions?)

Anyway, great couple of chapters; thanks for updating so quickly!

Mwahahah! Tricked you! For what it's worth, once Part II is done (which is after I've uploaded the following chapter) there will very likely be a longer break due to ugly real life issues (exams, bah!). So you can catch your breath then. ;) I'm impatient as well, I assure you - if only because it gets a bit hard to write something 'new' when all Nelyo does is sit in bed all day. Well, no more! Yes, some of Maitimo's anxiety there is definitely owed to his experience in Nolofinwë's house - there was certainly a lot of blaming going on there. Justified, too (or so Maitimo appears to feel, although of course it's not his fault personally if people are too stupid to walk across ice, and he opposed the ship-burning, etc etc). So now when Tánalindo comes in - and this time, Maitimo sort of did hurt him directly, since he more or less dragged his father into death - Maitimo does expect a repeat of what he got from, say, Lastaher. You're right in perceiving that Tánalindo wasn't actually likely to do anything there, of course. If Macalaurë had expected any physical or emotional danger to precious Nelyo from that corner, he'd never have permitted the meeting. But Maitimo hasn't yet re-learned to trust people. I am rambling again! Sorry about that. Thank you for your review, and I hope you'll continue to like this story! :)

"Yes, Cáno, I have. No wearing myself out, let Varnacanyo know, send people home. As you say," he shot Macalaurë a sly upwards glance, "my king."

Actually, what I'd been thinking in this chapter and the last is that Macalaurë does make a good king of the Noldor (which I had never realized in any other story I've read about these events), so Maitimo's decision to transfer power elsewhere will come as even more of a blow to his brothers (though, perhaps, not to Macalaurë himself, who I think sees himself more as a loyal and loving "younger" brother than he does as a ruler. I have tremendous sympathy for him now!)

Yay! One of the goals I'd set myself when I started to write this was to depict Macalaurë as a perfectly decent king, because I was so tired of seeing him depicted as the whiny, incapable "But I'm an aaaaahtist!" sort you find so often. As the House of Fëanor and their followers managed to survive the span between Maitimo's disappearance and return without any further losses, someone must have kept them together and governed them (relatively) wisely. While Tolkien doesn't tell us who that someone was, it's reasonable to assume that the next in line - Macalaurë - would be it. For that matter, I can't recall any instances of whiny, incapable Macalaurë in the book; the whiniest thing he does is, in the end, suggesting that they forego their oath and accept judgement... which, considering the whole story, seems to suggest great strength (and a penchant for unpopular but wise decisions ;)). So, yeah. Strong and capable Macalaurë. Thank you for letting me know that it appears to have worked!

It's a little hard reading and ending with such a hopeful feeling knowing everything that'll happen to them... that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it! This chapter left me smiling: Maitimo and the scholar, his little "vengance" against the robes guy, Macalaurë and Ambarrusa's happiness at having him with them, Tyelkormo combing his hair (LOL)...

Liked the contrast between the old and the new: in fashion, in Maitimo's way of thinking (he really was naïve, they all were), in his looks (and how the simple act of smiling made such a difference).

Looking forward to part III. There is a part III, right?  

I find it hard to think of all the nasty things that are going to come to the Fëanorians (et al), too. *sighs* All the more reason to grant them a few cheerful moments though, I guess! ;)

Yes, there will be a part III (the muses willing)! The problem is just that I only ever wrote the story this far; and now I'm entering the exam phase, so I won't have any time for writing (for fun, that is) in the next couple of months. So there'll be a break for a while. After that, however, I'll hopefully manage to bring this story to an end - which definitely means a part III. :)

I agree that Maglor must have been a competent leader--otherwise Maedhros would have been unlikely to entrust him with the defence of what seems to have been the most vulnerable section of the Marches of Maedhros. As for the period after Maedhros's capture, if you stick with the canon, as you do here, you end up with this unfortunate business of prolonged non-communication with Fingolfin and his people (although I'm personally inclined to blame the author rather than Maglor or Fingolfin for it being quite so unreasonably long). You've done your best to deal with that and certainly Maglor seems to have managed to ensure amazing prosperity among the Feanorians. I had always assumed they were not all that much better off than the others, apart from the horses--to be sure, they had had better means of transport, but the way the departure from Tirion is described, I had imagined the Feanorians more or less rushing off, sword in hand, and forgetting to pack, while it was the Finarfinians who brought up the rear with the luggage. And now--even new silk gowns! Mulberry trees and silkworms in Hithlum? Well, Middle-earth botany at this stage is pretty crazy anyway. Or maybe it is a rough translation of the relevant Quenya term, and is really a different but similarly precious fabric. Anyway, I'm glad that Maedhros is thinking of Fingolfin and Fingon. It's not all that long since he left, I guess, and he's still very weak, but that situation has gone on far too long and surely they all know it. I rather wanted to know what was in that letter to Fingon, but none of my business, I suppose.

Umm, sorry--a bit of a long ramble here!

No apologies necessary - I love rambly comments, as they allow me to start rambling in return! ;)

It's funny you mention the mulberry trees, as I was thinking about those a lot recently (I figure I'll eventually write an essay on the topic of Middle-earth plant-life, but... later). In my personal understanding, the Noldor brought a lot of stuff - not just horses, but other animals (up to and including silk worms ;)), as well as seeds and seedlings). If the Fëanorians didn't think of packing something, the Fingolfinians and Finarfinians may have. But where do you put all that heavy luggage, once you happen to have acquired those handy Telerin ships...? In my reading, in the end the Fëanorians got most of what the others prudently remembered to pack. (Another injustice that Maedhros will have to deal with!)
So that explains the 'exotic' bits - the oranges, the silk. On top of that, they have 12 years (or whatever) of a headstart, so they certainly had time to find out where to look for timber, for clay, for quartz and all other sorts of materials (especially since they weren't doing any major fighting after the Battle-under-Stars). They had time to grow plants and gather provisions, to breed animals and find the best hunting grounds. So while they didn't pack properly, they nonetheless end up wealthy.
Of course, that's just my interpretation and you don't have to buy it!

As for the letter, there probably wasn't all that much private information in it. Maedhros had to dictate it after all, so Caranthir (and possibly Varnacanyo, or one of the brothers or healers) got to hear it all. So Maedhros could neither talk a lot about his reception among the others or his longing for Fingon (for fear of offending), nor even talk much about his illness (for fear of making Fingon worry). All the secret juicy stuff will come later, once Maedhros has learned to write again. ;)

Right! See? I love rambling. But now I'm done for the time being. Thank you for your review and your thoughts!

I would like you to know that the publication of this chapter set back my Calc homework time by probably two hours (who cares about Rolle's Theorem after reading about Nelyo's next big victory on his road to recovery?). I also had to go tromping off in the perma-drizzle to work off nervous energy produced by this chapter giving me inspiration on that AU I mentioned several reviews ago (whoo-hoo on defined story arcs and progress on chapter two!) I am holding you responsible, because I've learned better than to given myself responsibility for anything other than the misery of our favorite (and not so favorite) Noldor.

I was happy to see Nelyo's flash of temper here; so far, they've been confined to people he feels most comfortable with. Given the amount of emotional trauma he's been through, I find it promising that he's beginning to assert his less positive feelings with people he's not so close to. Plus, Mr. Silk Tailor was asking for it. *will rip his face off upon next physical sighting for lacking all tact and posing a threat to Nelyo's self-esteem*

I also loved how in-depth you got about Nelyo's essay; while it seems to be a general consensus that he was some sort of scholar in Tirion, most people don't go to the level of detail you did about what he wrote about; it didn't feel like some throw-away detail, and was relevant to the plot without feeling planted.

The comment about Feanaro snorting had me seriously pining for our ring-leader. (Nelyo is not allowed to make me cry over his dead father. I can only angst about so many things at once, young man. You are quite enough at the moment.)

I was... surprised... and somewhat horrified... to find myself feeling wistful at the mention of the Nolofinwions. It was a novel experience for me. And disturbing.

To cap off the emotional roller coaster, you managed to nicely avoid Nelyo conceitedly (thought justifiably) mourning the loss of his traditional beauty, which had me happy, because I don't know if I could have coped with a sad ending after everything else. Plus, it wouldn't have fit in very well with the Nelyo you've been portraying at that particular moment.

All in all, I enjoyed reading this. Can't wait for part III!

I offer my apologies to Monsieur Rolle, but otherwise I accept all the blame - in fact, I take it as a high compliment and am grinning like mad even as I type because I feel so absurdly flattered that not only did I keep you from your homework (which is maybe not so hard to do; I know that I always prefer reading fanfic to doing my homework ;)) but actually made you feel so restless that you braved the drizzle and moreover felt inspired to continue your AU. Squee! SQUEE!

Unsurprisingly I also enjoy the rest of your comment very much. The essay was a cause of some mental agonising (first, figuring out what it might be about; then, figuring out what Nelyo could have to say about it; finally, talking about it enough to make it appear at least vaguely feasible while at the same time not a) talking nonsense and b) boring everyone with psycho-philosophic rambling) and it's a relief that you found it believable and plot-relevant (without, or so I choose to interpret the "planted" bit, coming across as ham-fisted ^^)...

And HAH! I made you like them! Well, not hate them, anyway! \o/

As there is so much sad/angsty Nelyo around, I figured I could give "my" version a more positive and determined outlook. I don't think Nelyo can have been quite as depressive as fanon often makes him; otherwise he'd have found a convenient fiery chasm (or some other way to remove himself from the scene) much sooner. No, I think his problem is rather that things very often do not look half bad, and he works extremely hard to keep them good and perhaps make them better, only to see things fall apart again and again. But angsty, permanently depressive Nelyo surely wouldn't have picked up the pieces so often (and single-handedly, too! *is glared at by annoyed muse and hides away*)...

But enough of my rambling! Again, I'm thrilled that you keep leaving these lovely long reviews, and I hope I'll be able to bring you part III (and update it behind your back, mwahahah) soon. Thank you so much!

You're back!!! :D

I have missed the Nolowinwëans, just as I had missed the Fëanorians before (when Maitimo was recovering in Findekáno's keeping). I always imagined they would be better able to deal with the winter than the Fëanotians. Your take was different but it makes sense, and I always like reading about alternative interpretations. Their pride could kill them before winter ends, but that's the Noldor for you ::sigh::

I loved the letters and the idea of Tyelparma acting as Russandol's right hand (though there was a part of me that was hoping it was Russandol's left hand who wrote them. I guess it's too soon...). Kudos to Failon for knowing when to shut up, he did pretty well considering.

Looking forward to your next update!

Almost forgot, Carnistir's little PS in Maitimo's first letter was endearing; I love your take on the character :)

Yeah, for all their cleverness, the Noldor aren't exactly the most practical people around. ;) I suspect that in the years before the Sun, Beleriand can't have been the most warm or pleasant place, either. So it's not like the Fëanorians are altogether unprepared... and the Fingolfinians are traumatised. Glad you liked the letters! I was wondering how much of them I should actually write in, I didn't want to soak everything in italics ;) Re: the right/left hand: soon... I'm also glad you like "my" Carnistir. Somehow he's grown on me... :) Thank you for your kind words!

Delighted to see that you're back with more of this, and I didn't realize how much I had missed it until I saw, "He sacrificed his bowl of peas and millet so he did not have to risk an argument over whether or not the messenger should be fed, and while the other was eating, he sat down on his bed and, in the cold light of a Fëanorian lamp, began to read."  Oh, Findekáno!!

Excellent writing, Lyra.  I was drawn right in to poor Maitimo's plight.  Wearing his armor on the march to Angband and then having to wear it as his shackles was a great touch.  I feel for him completely in this situation.  And the torture feels real without dwelling overmuch on gruesome details.  Melkor coming along and being gentle. Ooooh.  *shivers*   Well done. 

Yay, someone who's new to the party!
I'm so glad you enjoy this. I actually had to reread the chapter to remember the parts you mentioned. I've forgotten how long I've been living with this story by now.
Anyway, thank you for your generous comment! I hope you enjoy the following chapters, too :)

I found this story yesterday and I haven't been able to put it down! By the first chapter I knew I had stumbled upon a great find. I love it, I love it, I love it! What makes me love a story is weighed upon how much of the little details are put in – and you certainly did so.  A lot of people skip over how bitter and confused the two Noldor groups must of been toward each other. You described it perfectly and subtlely. 

Many have written on what happened to Maitimo, but you have been my favorite hands down! The atmosphere and imagery for the torture scenes are on par. The pacing is well done so that it was given time to make me feel great sympathy but just enough so that I wasn't skipping over paragraphs or wishing you to get on with it. 

I have to say though, as well as those parts are done (and they are seamless) my favorite part about this story is the detail and relationships. Maitimo and Findekáno make me want to cry and smile at the same time. They are so loving and supportive! I love how you portrayed Maitimo's brothers (and no so little Celebrimbor) They're relationship is so believable. I could just gush forever on how much I love how you portrayed them! (Also, thank you for including Carnistir, as other than Maitimo, he is my favorite. Its refreshing that you made him to be more brooding and quiet rather than hot headed and screaming at everyone)

Goodness, I could just go on and on! I think if Tolkien ever would have written about this time in the Silmarillion it would look similar to this. Fantastic work and keep writing! 




Wow, thank you so much for your wonderful and enthusiastic review! I'm so thrilled you like my version of the events around and after Maitimo's rescue, and that you enjoy the way I'm interpreting the brothers Fëanorian as well as the relationships between the two hosts of the Noldor. I don't think Tolkien would've written quite the same story - I think his focus was elsewhere, not on the details of daily life and the psychological and social aspects. But I'm still flattered by your compliment, of course. :)
Thank you so much, again!

I've followed this story for a long time now, and it's high time I mentioned how much I love it! Maedhros, Fingon, Maglor, they're all so wonderfully realized. And the worldbuilding -- stunning! But really, it's Fingon I adore especially, his correspondense with Maedhros. I look forward to more chapters in the future. Thank you for writing such a wonderful story! 

Such a lot you packed into this chapter! No, I'm not surprised that they haven't got around to that dinner yet.

And, yes, I'm sure Beleriand must have been a dangerous place in those early days. We don't hear much about it, but it seems unlikely that Feanor and Maedhros's companions at the parley were the only ones who diesd.

And I hadn't planned on any of it! They were supposed to talk a bit, sleep, and go to the party. Instead they just kept talking and talking and talking forever! And it's all important stuff, so I didn't want to curtail it. I do feel stupid about taking three chapters for two bloody days, but sometimes that's just how it goes... :P

I think many of us seriously underestimate how hard those early days in Beleriand must have been. I certainly never considered it at all until Dawn brought it up in a fic, and then I felt rather silly for not having thought about that...

Oh, this is fantastic! I really appreciate the treatment of the complexity of the situation here - how Findekano starts to recognize how Feanor's followers would have seen things, how that is not treated as sufficient to set everything right, how you manage not to villainize anyone.

It's so rare to see conflict that isn't on some level about poor communication. But your Fingon and Maedhros are intensely self-aware, very very good at communicating with each other, and care about each other deeply, and it's not enough. It's heartbreaking. You capture that incredibly well. And I would give anything at all to hear Macalaure's song. 


Thank you so much! As I admire the way you treat these things in In the Interest..., I'm thrilled that you seem to think I did the complexity of the situation justice!
Yes, there are so many issues to be resolved... meaning well just isn't enough! Glad that gets across convincingly.
And I'd love to hear Macalaure's songs as well. If only!

"Second helpings!" Well, it was high time for it. I'm glad to see the Fingolfinians finally get a proper meal.

I suppose it is the way things do work-- at first Findekano was rather uncomfortable being praised but in retrospect it means more to him than he expected?

I hope he manages to break out of that isolation--he may be contributing toward it himself, but it also seems to be something that is really there.

They're glad about it as well, I'm sure. ;)
Something that is really there... now. I'm still not certain that it doesn't look too "pastede on", as the meme went a while back - the contrast between Fingon's hero status among the Feanorians, and his outsider status among the Fingolfinians, was an idea that only came to me while writing the last couple of chapters, so I'm not entirely certain that it doesn't contradict stuff I wrote earlier. >_> If I ever manage to get this finished (which should only be three or four more chapters away! O.ó), I suppose the next step will be a massive edit/rewrite. Which probably shows that publishing a WiP doesn't really work well for me. Oh well. Lesson learned...

Anyway, thank you!

I have spent a couple of days reading this (the first part again) and enjoying it as much as the first time. It is wonderfully complex and thought-provoking, deeply reflective and casts so many different lights upon this period. You have made it so utterly'real', unvarnishing the rather glossed over story that Tolkien left us and really unpicking that higely complex relationship between the two Houses. And such great writing. Wonderful.