The Tempered Steel by Lyra

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Fanwork Notes

Thanks go to Elleth and Dawn for their beta-ing patience and encouragement on Part I. Thanks also go to SurgicalSteel for medical fact-checking.

Many thanks to Dawn for the nomination - and a huge thank you to all who reviewed!

Due to the great number of (Quenya) names, a list may be helpful:

Nelyafinwë, Nelyo, Maitimo, Russandol = Maedhros
Cánafinwë, Cáno, Macalaurë = Maglor
Turcafinwë, Turko, Tyelkormo = Celegorm
Morifinwë, Moryo, Carnistir = Caranthir
Curufinwë, Curvo, Atarinkë = Curufin
Pityafinwë, Pityo, Ambarussa, Ambarto, Umbarto = Amrod †
Telufinwë, Telvo, Ambarussa = Amras
Tyelperinquar, Tyelpo = Celebrimbor

Nolofinwë = Fingolfin
Írimë = Finvain
Írien, Lalwende = Lalwen
Findekáno, Findo = Fingon
Turukáno = Turgon
Irissë = Aredhel
Arakáno = Argon †
Elenwë, wife of Turgon and mother of Idril †
Itarilde = Idril

Arafinwë = Finarfin
Findaráto = Finrod
Angaráto = Angrod
Aikanáro = Aegnor
Artanis, Altariel = Galadriel

Moringotto = Morgoth
Sorontar, Thorontar = Thorondor
Roccalaurë = Rochallor

Angamando = Angband
Mistaringë = Mithrim (Lake)
Hisilomë, Hithilomë = Hithlum

In the Fëanorian camp
Vorondil, warrior
Orecalo, page
Varnacanyo, squire
Herenyo, healer
Séralcar, healer
Tánarámë, warrior †
Tánalindo, carpenter
Amallë, potter
Pelalassë, elder daughter of Amallë and Tánalindo
Anarórë, younger daughter of Amallë and Tánalindo
Encaitar, master silk weaver
Tyelparma, loremaster-in-training
Failon, herald
Carnil, warrior
Fúmella, poet-in-training
Támurillë, loremaster
Nacilmë, dancing tutor
Ohtalmion, master of the horses
Corintur, master of the warriors' training
Poldaxo, horse

In the Fingolfinian camp
Túrelio, warrior
Maneséro, warrior
Istimë, healer
Lastaher, warrior
Cemmótar, warrior
Lótilossë, huntress
Calimon, hunter
Ercassë, scholar
Oricon, son of Lótilossë and Calimon

I hope I didn't forget anyone! Yes, Orodreth is as yet missing on purpose.

You Made Me Love You (I didn't want to do it)It's Only a Flesh Wound

Fanwork Information


The story of Maedhros' captivity in Angband, his rescue and his recovery is in the Silmarillion treated in a few paragraphs. This is a fleshed-out account of the events that may have befallen between Maedhros' imprisonment and his return to his old life... as far as that is possible.

Occasionally drifting into AU territory, depending on how closely you follow the source (WHICH source? :P).

The usual warnings apply - particularly to chapters marked with an asterisk.

Part One completed.
Part Two completed.

Part Three, Chapter 10 added: In which the reconciled Noldor make plans for the future. End of the trilogy.

Major Characters: Aegnor, Amras, Angrod, Aredhel, Celebrimbor, Celegorm, Curufin, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Galadriel, Írimë, Lalwen, Maedhros, Maglor, Melkor, Original Character(s), Thorondor

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Drama

Challenges: Turning Point

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Torture, Character Death, Mature Themes, Violence (Graphic)

Chapters: 31 Word Count: 112, 548
Posted on 13 April 2010 Updated on 16 November 2013

This fanwork is complete.

Table of Contents

In which Maedhros meets Morgoth, and learns various things about the alternatives to dying. *Warnings for torture and violence. (Oh really!)

In which the Brothers Fëanorion receive Orcish messengers, and unpopular decisions are made.

In which Maedhros involuntarily discovers the concept of cliffhanger. *Warning for continued torture.

In which the host of Fingolfin enters the scene, and in which Fingon serves as a herald.

In which Fingolfin's household is updated on recent developments.

In which Fingon reassesses the situation, comes to a decision, and goes on a hike.

In which Fingon's hike continues, and in which his harp proves its worth.

In which there is a duet, and in which Fingon learns to fly.

In which the cliffhanger situation is finally resolved. End of Part One.

* Extra warning for reasonably graphic description of injuries and impromptu field operations. May not be suitable for the blood-phobic.

In which the Fingolfinian healers have a busy night.

*Warning for blood and some medical detail.

Many thanks to SurgicalSteel for her invaluable advice on how not to have Maedhros killed by unskilled healers.

In which Maedhros finds that his overall situation has improved considerably.

In which autumn comes, and in which there are talks and arguments.

In which King Maglor deals with his brothers and with Uncle Fingolfin.

In which the family reunion begins.

In which Maedhros returns to his people, and there are unexpected complications.

In which Maedhros and Caranthir have a talk and a midnight snack.

In which Maglor apologises, and in which Maedhros shocks, delights and surprises his brothers.

In which Maedhros is discontent, and Maglor suggests a solution.

In which Maedhros is visited by old friends, old ghosts, and the new generation.

In which Maedhros has to deal with fashion, philosophy, the past and the future. End of Part Two.

In which there are observations on the weather, arguments at the gate, and letters.

In which there is further correspondence and an invitation, and in which Fingon falls prey to his temper and teasing relatives.

In which Fingon arrives a day early for the feast.

In which there is so much conversation, reminiscing and arguing that the feast will have to wait till the next chapter.

In which there is a feast, featuring songs, oaths and arguments.

In which Fingon tries to settle back in among his own folk, and in which diplomatic tricks are applied, and in which the Fingolfinian host have a counter-feast.

In which Maedhros gets involved in heated arguments and matchmaking; and in which the title of this story is explained at last.

In which Spring comes, bringing along various forms of psycho- and physiotherapy as well as long-range decisions.

In which reconciliation talks are turned into a coronation.

In which the reconciled Noldor make plans for the future.


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Thank you so much for your lovely review! I'm so happy that you enjoy my depictions of Maitimo and Findekáno. I love those two so much, I'd be heartbroken if someone came out of this story disliking either of them. Thrilled that I could make you love them even more, and that you enjoyed all the details of their environment, which was so much fun to explore. Don't worry about reviewing only now - I'm happy you took the time at all!

Wow, thank you for such a lovely comment! The funny thing is that while I was writing this (and many of the following chapters) I was often feeling that nothing much was going on. Which, on the surface, is clearly true - they're doing little more than sit and talk and occasionally eat - but I'm really glad if the movements underneath the surface bring the emotional turmoil across. Particularly delighted you find the young scholar's role in Maedhros' recovery convincing! Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to comment!

I am finally coming back to comment on old fics I read and enjoyed before I realised that any of the authors were still around and well (and living on Discord!) and would therefore still be reading and appreciating comments.

This is the first Silm fic I read, and I don't think I can adequately express how much I was blown away by this story. I absolutely loved it, so much so that I practically moved into the world you created here and just wanted to hang out with these characters who were suddenly multidimensional, intricately detailed and emotionally complex. (They in turn moved into my head and this remains the strongest imagery I have of this part of the tales.)

This may have been my first, but it is still one of my favourites and one that I'll keep coming back to re-enjoy time and again. (At that stage I was I manually creating epubs for my Kobo by copying and pasting each chapter into a text doc, and I can definitely say my effort was more than rewarded!)

Thank you so much for creating this and for all the enjoyment it gave me.

Oh wow, thank you so much! Yes, your comment is definitely being read and appreciated! I'm so honoured to hear that my fic was your gateway to Silmfic, so to say. I still remember the first Silmfic I read, a long time ago - Nol's The Vain Songs. It was on, and because it was mildly slashy, I was afraid that it might one day no longer be available, so I lovingly copied it all into a text doc as well...
Anyway, it's beyond thrilling to learn that I wrote something that had the same effect, and that I managed to make the characters come to life.
Again, thank you for letting me know! <3