Yay! Finally able to comment here. :-)
And let's begin with Will Overruled by Fate, one of my all-time favourites. Haldir and Beleg - who could ask for more?
Well, we also get some wonderful, irreverent descriptions of several high-born Elves as well as of the Blessed Realm; an insightful characterization of a reborn Elf; and a sweet love story ...
Fanwork Information
Haldir meets Beleg in Valinor and each comes to terms with his past. Slash. (Warning: Could conceivably be called a LotR/Silmarillion crossover, although it is primarily based upon The Silmarillion.) Written in response to a request by Kenaz for the Ardor in August 2008 fic swap: “ . . . an encounter between an Elf recently released from the Halls of Mandos and an Elf who has recently come to Valinor from Middle-earth. . . . struggling to acclimate themselves to a new place and time, and trying to relate to each other . . . . love to see Haldir meet Beleg.” Betas: Pandemonium, IgnobleBard and Lissa
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MEFA 2009, Second Place - Elves: General
This fanwork is complete. |