Agelast's Favorites

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Favorite Fanworks

This is a Writing fanwork Beleg's Doom by Tehta

My favorite piece of Silmarillion fanfiction, without a doubt. 

Fanwork Information

It has been said that character is fate, and this certainly holds true for Beleg, whose single-minded focus leads him straight to his Doom. 

Major Characters: Beleg, Túrin
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Humor Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Posted on 17 December 2010 Updated on 17 December 2010
This fanwork is complete.

This is a Writing fanwork Blood and Fire by Clodia

Fanwork Information

Fragments of falling Doriath, centred on Oropher.  Dior will not give up the jewel...  MEFA 2010 First Place (Races: Elves: General).

Major Characters: Celeborn, Dior, Eluréd, Elurín, Elwing, Erestor, Galadriel, Nimloth, Original Character(s), Oropher, Sons of Fëanor
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: Character Death, Violence (Moderate)
Posted on 17 July 2009 Updated on 18 September 2009
This fanwork is complete.

This is a Writing fanwork Gathering the Pieces by Tehta

Fanwork Information

A Maedhros-sans-hand story which is darker than most. Maedhros views his life's work as a game. He plots his moves and gathers some important pieces.

Major Characters: Amras, Amrod, Caranthir, Celegorm, Curufin, Maedhros, Maglor
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence (Mild)
Posted on 1 October 2011 Updated on 1 October 2011
This fanwork is complete.

This is a Writing fanwork The Election Farce of Nargothrond: Of Dumbness, Treachery, and Brotherly Love by Dawn Felagund

Had me at Orodreth, the Lord of Carpets.

Fanwork Information

A satirical look at how an election for the King of Nargothrond might have gone based on current political events. Silly, irreverent, and full of bad metaphors. Updated especially for Fanged Geranium.

Major Characters: Beren, Celebrimbor, Celegorm, Curufin, Finrod Felagund, Orodreth
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Humor Challenges: Gift of a Story
Rating: General Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Posted on 24 December 2007 Updated on 24 December 2007
This fanwork is a work in progress.

This is a Writing fanwork Whom They Fear by Michiru

Fanwork Information

Thingol warns that Morgoth has used seemingly escaped prisoners to his advantage before. Fingon does not appreciate the implications.

Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Curufin, Fingon, Maedhros
Major Relationships: No major characters listed
Genres: Horror Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 23 August 2009 Updated on 23 August 2009
This fanwork is complete.

Favorite Creators


Ah, the Doom, Gloom, and Maedhros series leaves me clutching my heart and weeping copiously. 


I love Lipstick's Maedhros. Possibly more than life. (Probably not. But it's a close thing.)