Tengwar: To The Letter by cuarthol

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Fanwork Notes

Compilation of prompt fills, type and length may vary per chapter.

Fanwork Information


For the Tengwar prompt challenge. 
All 36 prompts plus bonus chapter

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Aegnor, Andreth, Angrod, Avari, Celeborn, Celebrimbor, Celegorm, Círdan, Curufin, Daeron, Eagles, Edain, Eldalótë, Elwing, Ents, Fëanor, Finduilas, Finrod Felagund, Finwë, Gil-galad, Gwindor, Húrin, Ilwen, Indis, Mahtan, Mîm, Nellas, Nerdanel, Nuin, Telchar, Thorondor, Tilion, Zimrahin

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Experimental, Fixed-Length Ficlet, In-Universe Artifact, Poetry

Challenges: Tengwar

Rating: General

Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings

Chapters: 37 Word Count: 4, 142
Posted on 15 April 2024 Updated on 19 May 2024

This fanwork is complete.

Table of Contents

What need of more light?
(No warnings.  Drabble)

One thing more to ask.
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Somewhere in the Forest of Brethil...
(No warnings.  Drabble)

An Avar considers those who left before his birth.
(No warnings.  Drabble)

An Angband escapee.
(References to captivity and injuries.  Drabble)

Exiled without recourse.
(No warnings.  Drabble, Poetry)

Felagund, who knew no fear.
(References to death.  Drabble)

It'll get you every time.
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Cultural exchanges.
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Unsung heirlooms
(No warnings.  Drabble)

One fear.
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Not every Dwarven craft was shared.
(No warnings.  Drabble)

The sunset was a surprise, too!
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Sunset brings another surprise
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Thank you, Anérea, for the amazing inspiring twist on this prompt!
(Warning for unbearable cuteness.  Drabble)

A battle of wills (with a body count)
(Warning: references to dead animals.  250 words)

Excerpts from a damaged journal, recovered from the wreckage of an Elven ship found far to the south.  Determined to be one of the seven which Turgon asked Círdan to build to seek aid from the Valar.

(No warnings.  In-universe artifact)

First impressions
(No warnings.  Drabble)

She was sitting in a tree...
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Mother to mother
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Master and apprentice
(No warnings.  Drabble)

To go is to leave
(No warnings.  Drabble)

If only it had been so simple
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Before even the sun
(No warnings.  Drabble)

I have learned you
(No warnings.  Drabble)

The last
(No warnings.  Drabble)

The last son
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Out of darkness
(References to torment and blood.  Drabble)

Beautiful indignation
(No warnings.  Drabble)

↑ This side up
(No warnings.  Drabble)

'Till the end of all things
(No warnings.  Double drabble.)

Warning for gratuitously dropped þorns
(But actually no warnings.  Drabble)

A different point of view
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Lord of the Falas
(No warnings.  Drabble)

‘Seest thou not how here in this little realm in the Deeps of Time Melkor hath made war upon thy province?' - Ainulindalë

(Warning for mild reference to radiation sickness. 188 words)

Don't shoot the messenger
(No warnings. Drabble)

What is heat without cold?
(No warnings.  Drabble)


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*continues to cheer you on*

I loved Hurin especially, but they are still all great.

For today's: it would take a lot of courage to maintain faith under such circumstances.

I think this is very much in the spirit of Tolkien. Although iirc his essay on Elven death and fading implies that disembodied fear may be dangerous to men, surely a more benign spirit would end up exactly like this?

I love this! All three ideas are clever, though Finrod's is the cleverest. And the writer who presents this dilemma is cleverer still. (Although I personally would have put Morgoth at the bottom, so I could easily sketch him being stomped on. But Finrod is more high-minded, clearly.)

Yes!! That passage is so evocative. This is very much the kind of thing I imagine when reading it. Love the choice of first person here.

Awww Círdan 🥹. Love how you describe the depth of his wisdom, why he's still needed. And will be needed in Middle-earth for long years, still. Steady on the waves.

I wish I could remember exactly where I got this idea, I think I was just imagining different metals that I could explore besides the obvious, but it fits so well with the concepts already put forth!  And yeah... I feel sorrier for orcs the more I write them.

Aaahh wonderful! Eldalote love... Definitely can see Angrod being full of heat 😏. What a wonderful way to end the series. Congratulations on completing all of them (+1)!

There is so much cleverness here I do not know where to begin! Even the inside reference of the word length is a clever delight. And I just really like the headcanons here, both about the origin of radiation, and about how the captive Elves and the Orcs react to the shiny material.

Elbereth's crumbs!

I don't see the original comment I thought I had left on this wonderful series, so here's another. Delicious use of the prompts and *such* a range of emotions! Some favorites: Ents! Gwindor (oh, Gwindor...twice...). Tyelpe and Good Dad Curufin. Andreth! Your orcs -- both Kurn and her wargs and the radioactive orcs later on. I love them. Celeborn, hooked (and what a wonderful, vivid Galadriel he's chasing!). Zimrahin, you tell 'em, sister. And an autonomous Thorondor, a headcanon we share. Loved these, thank you so much for sharing!

Your first comment is still there, just on page 2!  lol

Thank you so much, these were so fun to just let myself have absolutely no intention but to be inspired by the prompt (but also wanting to push myself just a little so not taking the first idea that came along but letting it simmer until I had one that felt the most fresh for me, one I hadn't done or hadn't done in a while (or for a few, had always wanted to explore!) or otherwise put some new twist on it.

So glad you enjoyed, thank you for reading them! <3