New and Updated Writing

The Beginning of the End by Urloth

How Liltafinwë Tyelkormion lost his father and became Gildor Inglorion.

Major Characters: Celeborn, Celegorm, Galadriel, Gildor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes
Chapters: 3 Word Count: 6, 583
Posted on 2 April 2013 Updated on 25 April 2013

This fanwork belongs to the series

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Finrod's Promise by Himring

Finrod Felagund is rather more hopeful than his sister Galadriel.

A re-mix of Galadriel's Namarie (the English version), supposed to be spoken by Finrod.

It is up to the reader to decide who he is addressing.

Major Characters: Finrod Felagund
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: Duel of Songs
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 102
Posted on 24 April 2013 Updated on 24 April 2013
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A Kiss Is Never Just a Kiss by oshun

This is pure and simple crack!fic written for Chaotic Binky’s Valinor Slash Awards. It received the award for Best Kiss. Seriously, every participant receives an award--best award program ever! (I know I belong in kindergarten. I cry when I lose.) Thanks to Binky for the opportunity to have fun and for her brilliant setting for this silly story.

Oops! Just realized that I disgracefully forgot to credit my beta; IgnobleBard went through this one for me (it was a while ago, months I think! that is my excuse anyway for being so late with this thank you).

Major Characters: Círdan, Fingon, Finwë, Legolas Greenleaf, Maedhros
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Humor, Slash/Femslash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 445
Posted on 23 April 2013 Updated on 23 April 2013
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The Doom of Men by Erurainon

A song about a man passing through to the other side.

Major Characters: Men
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Character Death
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 90
Posted on 21 April 2013 Updated on 21 April 2013
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Smoke by Elisif

One year on from the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, a sudden ambush and an unanticipated injury to a member of the party forces Maglor to reflect on his past and his relationships with his oldest and youngest brother. 

Major Characters: Maglor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: Violence (Moderate)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 967
Posted on 21 April 2013 Updated on 21 April 2013
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Spirit of Fire by Erurainon

A song of the most ruthless elf in Arda's history whose hand kindled war

Major Characters: Fëanor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 66
Posted on 20 April 2013 Updated on 20 April 2013
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The Cry of the Harp by Erurainon

A love song for every maid of truth in the Silm

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Romance Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 116
Posted on 20 April 2013 Updated on 20 April 2013
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Dear Nightingale by Erurainon

A poem of Beren and Luthien

Major Characters: Lúthien Tinúviel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 106
Posted on 20 April 2013 Updated on 20 April 2013
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Tolkien by Erurainon

A poem for the great man

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Character Death
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 90
Posted on 20 April 2013 Updated on 20 April 2013
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The Dark King And the Slave by Erurainon

A song of the end of Angband and the folly of Melkor

Major Characters: Melkor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Adult Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 202
Posted on 17 April 2013 Updated on 17 April 2013
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King of the Wood by Erurainon

A song of the elf king Thranduil

Major Characters: Thranduil
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 202
Posted on 17 April 2013 Updated on 17 April 2013
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Ab Initio by Innin

After the Dagor Bragollach Curufin seeks refuge in Nargothrond, setting in motion events that do not always work in his favour. 

Major Characters: Curufin, Finrod Felagund
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Slash/Femslash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 3 Word Count: 2, 278
Posted on 11 April 2013 Updated on 17 April 2013
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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Waiting by Gwenniel

Waiting, ever waiting. Fingon, in the Halls of Mandos, cannot be re-embodied
until he has fulfilled what was left unfinished in life, because there is
something he still hsa to do before his heart can be at peace.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Fingon, Maedhros
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 779
Posted on 15 April 2013 Updated on 15 April 2013
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Laurelin by Dawn Felagund, Almare

The deeds of Arda's most contentious heroes form Arda's most poignant songs. An illuminated poem. Updated with a Quenya translation by Almare.

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: Fifth Birthday Celebration
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 80
Posted on 8 September 2010 Updated on 13 April 2013
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Nírnaeth Arnoediad by ford_of_bruinen

For Oshun; Immediate aftermath of Nírnaeth Arnoediad.  Poetry

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 77
Posted on 13 April 2013 Updated on 13 April 2013
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Two Queens deserted by ford_of_bruinen

Dawn Felagund; One of the women of the House of Finwe, as the Elves who remained in Aman began to restore their civilization after the Darkening.


the musings of anaire after the flight of the noldor. poetry

Major Characters: Anairë, Indis
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 141
Posted on 13 April 2013 Updated on 13 April 2013
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A storm to break the world by ford_of_bruinen

for lignata - Isildur, not about the One Ring


On the ships fleeing Numenor

Major Characters: Isildur
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 68
Posted on 13 April 2013 Updated on 13 April 2013
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Dark-tempered child by ford_of_bruinen

For dreamflower; Little Turin and Sador Labadal attempt 2


Sador muses on Turin's personallity.

Major Characters: Sador Labadal, Túrin
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Suicide
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 71
Posted on 13 April 2013 Updated on 13 April 2013
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Quick-silver child by ford_of_bruinen

For dreamflower; Little Turin and Sador Labadal attempt 1


Sador muses on the future of Turin

Major Characters: Sador Labadal, Túrin
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 34
Posted on 13 April 2013 Updated on 13 April 2013
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Flight from Nargothrond by ford_of_bruinen

poetry request from Sildil  -  something angsty and elf related.

A young Gil-Galad leaves Nargothrond.

Major Characters: Gil-galad
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 70
Posted on 13 April 2013 Updated on 13 April 2013
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Namárië by Elisif

In the aftermath of the Kinslaying at Sirion, Maglor reflects on the death of his youngest brother. 

Major Characters: Maglor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Character Death
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 458
Posted on 10 April 2013 Updated on 10 April 2013
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Erendis: A Love Story by oshun

A more intimate recounting of aspects of the story of Erendis and Aldarion. Third chapter is posted now.

Major Characters: Ailinel, Almarian, Almiel, Beregar, Erendis, Númenóreans, Núneth, Tar-Aldarion, Tar-Meneldur, Vëantur
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama, Romance Challenges: Akallabêth in August
Rating: Adult Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate)
Chapters: 4 Word Count: 11, 384
Posted on 22 January 2013 Updated on 7 April 2013
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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Hand Over Fist by Agelast

Maedhros’ hands -- a paean of sorts.

Major Characters: Maedhros
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama, Slash/Femslash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Adult Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Moderate)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 844
Posted on 29 March 2013 Updated on 29 March 2013
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Broken Things by Innin

Sauron was not always wholly evil, and after he was freed from Morgoth, he turned from the darkness for a while. But meeting a wandering minstrel proves too much for his newfound convictions, and leaves Maglor in grave danger. Written for Iavalir at My Slashy Valentine 2013.

Major Characters: Curufin, Maglor, Sauron
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama, Slash/Femslash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Adult Warnings: Rape/Nonconsensual Sex, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Graphic), Violence (Graphic)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 11, 579
Posted on 29 March 2013 Updated on 29 March 2013
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Overcoming by Innin

Years after the Darkening, Anairë rides to Alqualondë to seek comfort with her friend Eärwen. Written for Porn Battle XIV, for the prompts 'friendship, loss, forgiveness'.

Major Characters: Anairë, Eärwen
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Adult Warnings: Sexual Content (Moderate)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 907
Posted on 29 March 2013 Updated on 29 March 2013
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