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Under Unclouded Stars by Zdenka

Samwise Gamgee's granddaughter Fíriel dreams of Cuiviénen under the stars.

Major Characters: Iminyë, Other Fictional Character(s)
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 599
Posted on 20 July 2016 Updated on 20 July 2016
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Tanka by The Wavesinger

A sequence of tanka in which Nerdanel contemplates Varda..

Major Characters: Nerdanel, Varda
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Moderate)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 186
Posted on 20 July 2016 Updated on 20 July 2016
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Like the River Wandering by Zdenka

Aredhel escapes from Nan Dungortheb and is aided by a daughter of the river.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Goldberry
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Alternate Universe, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: Teens Warnings: Violence (Moderate)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 061
Posted on 19 July 2016 Updated on 19 July 2016
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The Holy Stanzas by The Wavesinger

Snapshots from a visit to the ocean.

Major Characters: Indis, Nerdanel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: Adult Warnings: Sexual Content (Graphic)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 783
Posted on 19 July 2016 Updated on 19 July 2016
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The Seagull and the Wind by The Wavesinger

A seagull and the wind dance at the edge of the sea.

Major Characters: Elwing, Original Female Character(s)
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 156
Posted on 19 July 2016 Updated on 19 July 2016
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Song for Two Voices by Zdenka

Írimë goes into exile and Elemmírë stays behind, but their thoughts are with each other, on the Ice or in the darkness. (A sequence of five drabbles.)

Major Characters: Elemmírë, Lalwen
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama, Fixed-Length Ficlet, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 524
Posted on 19 July 2016 Updated on 19 July 2016
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Love Song Eternal by The Wavesinger

A song (or, more properly, a poem) from Elemmírë to Írimë.

Major Characters: Elemmírë, Lalwen
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: Adult Warnings: Sexual Content (Moderate)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 179
Posted on 18 July 2016 Updated on 18 July 2016
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Confidence Restored by Scribe of Mirrormere

When Haleth feels hope fades she reaches for light within and seeks her out.

Major Characters: Haleth, Nessa
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 570
Posted on 18 July 2016 Updated on 18 July 2016
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Sing You Home by The Wavesinger

The stream echoes Mithrellas' desperate search for Nimrodel.

Major Characters: Mithrellas, Nimrodel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 104
Posted on 18 July 2016 Updated on 18 July 2016
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Haiku by The Wavesinger

I live under your/domain. You rule with gentle/kisses, golden smiles.

From Indis to Nerdanel.

Major Characters: Indis, Nerdanel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 131
Posted on 18 July 2016 Updated on 18 July 2016
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A Grant for Tindómiel by Scribe of Mirrormere

"My problem is Meril, father,” Tindómiel said and took another deep breath, her heart pounding with the confession reaching her lips. “I love her deeply, and that is the source of my pain."

Major Characters: Elros, Meril-i-Turinqi, Other Fictional Character(s)
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 7, 475
Posted on 17 July 2016 Updated on 17 July 2016
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Long Years Numberless by The Wavesinger

In the Third Age, Varda and Galadriel reflect on change and love.

Major Characters: Galadriel, Varda
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 831
Posted on 17 July 2016 Updated on 17 July 2016
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Middle-earth Poetry (Silmarillion version) by Zdenka

Tolkien-related poetry on various subjects, mostly written for B2MeM. (I've only cross-posted the Silmarillion poems here; the version on AO3 and MPTT includes the LOTR-related ones also.)

Major Characters: Erendis, Inzilbêth, Maeglin, Men
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet, Het, Poetry, Slash/Femslash Challenges: B2MeM 2012, Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: Teens Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Violence (Mild)
Chapters: 4 Word Count: 6, 366
Posted on 17 May 2016 Updated on 17 July 2016
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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Dance, Oh Lover by The Wavesinger

A poem from Aredhel to Goldberry.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Goldberry
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 97
Posted on 17 July 2016 Updated on 17 July 2016
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To an absent lover by Himring

Two (female) Sindar before the return of Morgoth from Valinor--one of them looking back on that time.

Major Characters: Original Female Character(s), Sindar
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Poetry, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 75
Posted on 17 July 2016 Updated on 17 July 2016
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A Chain of Daisies by The Wavesinger

A moment with Finduilas and Níniel.

Major Characters: Finduilas, Nienor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Alternate Universe, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 369
Posted on 17 July 2016 Updated on 17 July 2016

This fanwork belongs to the series

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Contrapunto by The Wavesinger

Ilmarë and her lover, before and after.

Major Characters: Ilmarë, Thuringwethil
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 554
Posted on 17 July 2016 Updated on 17 July 2016
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Lessons in Clay by The Wavesinger

Nerdanel fails to finish a sculpture, and admits to a defeat.

Major Characters: Indis, Nerdanel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 149
Posted on 17 July 2016 Updated on 17 July 2016
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and the song (forever) between us by Astris

Findis and Elemmírë meet in secret.


Major Characters: Elemmírë, Findis
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 415
Posted on 16 July 2016 Updated on 16 July 2016
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Lyric by Idle Leaves

A short visit in the gardens.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Elenwë
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Slash/Femslash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 653
Posted on 16 July 2016 Updated on 16 July 2016
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Not by Sea by Idle Leaves

Hope gives way to truth.

Major Characters: Anairë, Eärwen
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Slash/Femslash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 218
Posted on 16 July 2016 Updated on 16 July 2016
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The sweet song of Poppies by Rhapsody

Morwen is summoned by Acca to fulfill the need of the latter.

Major Characters: Morwen, Original Female Character(s)
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo
Rating: Adult Warnings: Mature Themes
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 200
Posted on 16 July 2016 Updated on 16 July 2016
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Édebar by Urloth

Édebar was a tidal island. It had been a resting place of the Lady Uinen who had gifted it to a group of those who had pledged devotion to her to create a sanctuary for those who were mentally distressed or unhappy to find peace again. It was a far more discrete option than the long trip to Lorien, and Lorien was usually reserved for extreme cases.

Girls crying about their marriage prospects was not considered extreme.

Major Characters: Anairë, Eärwen, Fëanor, Finarfin, Findis, Fingolfin, Finwë
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Adventure, Drama, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 4 Word Count: 22, 693
Posted on 16 July 2016 Updated on 16 July 2016
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Little father by Calendille

Nerdanel considers her children, and why Curufin was always special to Fëanor’s heart.

Major Characters: Curufin, Fëanor, Finwë, Nerdanel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 463
Posted on 10 July 2016 Updated on 10 July 2016
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Oh Lift Me as a Wave by Zdenka

Elwing and the wind. (There are powers in Arda that are not told of in the histories.)

Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Elwing, Original Female Character(s)
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 100
Posted on 8 July 2016 Updated on 8 July 2016
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