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|Member since 30 December 2009.
About Me
I've been a Tolkien fan since I was a teenager and have been recently been whiling away some sleepless nights reading Tolkien fan fiction on this and other sites, chiefly about Maedhros. However, my copy of the Silmarillion and the rest of my Tolkien collection are sitting in various crates in another country, so apologies for any canon errors... (P.S. I've meanwhile regained access to the Silmarillion, but my apologies remain!)
General Disclaimer: 'All mine, all mine!', shrills the magpie. 'Anything that glitters in this nest I stole my very own self!' (Clarifying footnote to that: Silmarils and other glittering material in the nest have been stolen from a) Tolkien, b) Dawn Felagund, c) ford_of_bruinen, d) Oshun, e) people whose work I admire but whose names I can't remember. I've tried to mention those items for which I can reconstruct a provenance in the endnotes of the individual stories.)
ETA (2013): This bio sort of needs revising as I originally wrote it when I just had started writing Silm fic...
Anyway, here is a link to a Silm fic rec/review post of mine at the silwritersguild community on LiveJournal, posted in January 2013:
Please consult this instead of my Favorites section on the SWG site, which I am not really maintaining.
ETA (updated 2023):
Some of my non-Silmarillion pieces are currently only archived at AO3. I also used to cross-post to a number of smaller archives that have since been taken down. I have a small SquidgeWorld account, which only contains non-Tolkien fic.
If you are looking for a "Blanket Statement": see the following entry on LiveJournal, which applies to stories posted elsewhere as well: http://hhimring.livejournal.com/24129.html
ETA 2015:
For recs now also see the SWG re-read on LiveJournal: I've added recs to the fanworks posts there for the majority of the chapters of Silmarillion. (ETA 2018: the SWG re-read has since been mirrored to Dreamwidth).
ETA (at the time of the 5th SWG celebration):
Heartfelt thanks to Alasse, Angelica, Lyra, Oshun and Spiced Wine for the Tokens.
Fanworks by Himring
Brandir by Himring
Brandir was the leader of the Haladin when he became ensnared in the downfall of Túrin.
Major Characters: |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: | Challenges: |
Rating: | Warnings: |
Posted on 1 October 2015 | Updated on 21 March 2021 |
Aerin by Himring
Like many women of The Silmarillion, Aerin receives little attention in The Silmarillion but plays a much-expanded role in other posthumously published texts. Aerin simultaneously fulfills the role of a victim and as an example of female agency.
Major Characters: Aerin |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: | Challenges: |
Rating: | Warnings: |
Posted on 1 June 2015 | Updated on 20 March 2021 |
Scout of the Third House by Himring
In the days of Fingolfin and Malach Aradan, an unnamed scout of the Third House of the Edain (later called the House of Hador) returns from a long journey in the North to Hithlum.
Major Characters: Edain, Men |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Poetry | Challenges: Times of Bliss |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 109 |
Posted on 6 March 2021 | Updated on 6 March 2021 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Spring in Doriath by Himring
Doriath welcomes the spring.
Major Characters: |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Poetry | Challenges: New Year's Resolution, Utopia/Dystopia |
Rating: General | Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 52 |
Posted on 13 January 2021 | Updated on 6 February 2021 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Maglor's Dream by Himring
Wandering Maglor dreams of Arda Marred.
Major Characters: Maglor |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Poetry | Challenges: New Year's Resolution, Soundtrack |
Rating: General | Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 152 |
Posted on 22 January 2021 | Updated on 6 February 2021 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Natural History of Middle-earth: A Tour by Himring
Drabbles inspired by natural history prompts, from the Years of the Trees to the Fourth Age, from Valinor to Far Harad.
Featuring Indis and Miriel, Ilmare and Varda, Earendil and his mariners, Aragorn and the past, and Beruthiel and her white cat.
Major Characters: Aerandir, Aragorn, Berúthiel, Erellont, Eärendil, Falathar, Ilmarë, Indis, Míriel Serindë, Varda |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet | Challenges: Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth, New Year's Resolution |
Rating: General | Warnings: |
Chapters: 5 | Word Count: 498 |
Posted on 30 January 2021 | Updated on 6 February 2021 |
This fanwork is complete. |
The Bitter Glass by Himring
Do not look in the bitter glass...
A poem drawing on the account of the song battle of Finrod Felagund with Sauron in the First Age.
A poem against pessimism and disillusionment, if you will.
I also had the Mirror of Galadriel and Galadriel's advice to Sam in mind.
Major Characters: |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Poetry | Challenges: New Year's Resolution, Utopia/Dystopia |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: Mature Themes |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 102 |
Posted on 2 February 2021 | Updated on 6 February 2021 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Clear Visions by Himring
Aegnor sings to Andreth of Valinor.
Major Characters: Aegnor, Andreth |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: | Challenges: Postcards from Middle-earth |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 1, 203 |
Posted on 3 January 2021 | Updated on 3 January 2021 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Numenor That Was by Himring
An anthology for stories set in Numenor or involving Numenoreans.
Latest added: Became Estranged from the Eldar (drabble set in the time when the Shadow fell on Numenor)
Major Characters: Elros, Númenóreans, Tar-Ancalimë, Tar-Elendil, Tar-Míriel, Tar-Telperiën, Tar-Vanimeldë, Vardamir, Yávien |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Poetry | Challenges: Akallabêth in August, International Day of Femslash, Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo |
Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate | Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn |
Chapters: 12 | Word Count: 5, 063 |
Posted on 14 February 2015 | Updated on 27 December 2020 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
A Light in the Storm by Himring
Maglor lights the way for ships in the storm.
A Maglor-in-history ficlet.
Major Characters: Maglor |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: General | Challenges: |
Rating: General | Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 370 |
Posted on 18 December 2020 | Updated on 18 December 2020 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Out Over Open Waters by Himring
The first of the great seafarers of Numenor is inspired by the tales of Elvish mariners of the First Age.
Update: another chapter / drabble added
Major Characters: Erellont, Vëantur, Voronwë |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet | Challenges: Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth |
Rating: General | Warnings: |
Chapters: 2 | Word Count: 199 |
Posted on 28 September 2020 | Updated on 28 November 2020 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Photosynthesis by Himring
Elrond and Bilbo discuss the importance of light.
Major Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Elrond |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet | Challenges: Soap Opera |
Rating: General | Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 100 |
Posted on 7 November 2020 | Updated on 7 November 2020 |
This fanwork is complete. |
The Place, the People by Himring
Turgon, who failed to evacuate Gondolin in time, will eventually become a driving force behind the successful evacuation of Tirion when Pharazon's army invades Valinor.
But the story begins with his return to Tirion from Mandos.
Major Characters: Elenwë, Turgon |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: General | Challenges: Akallabêth in August, Utopia/Dystopia |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 704 |
Posted on 6 September 2020 | Updated on 6 September 2020 |
This fanwork is complete. |
A Lay of Luthien by Himring
A drabble sequence about Luthien Tinuviel.
Mainly in appreciation of her!
(Although perhaps not entirely without questions.)
Major Characters: Beren, Lúthien Tinúviel |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet | Challenges: |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: Character Death |
Chapters: 6 | Word Count: 582 |
Posted on 30 August 2020 | Updated on 30 August 2020 |
This fanwork is complete. |
To Doubt and To Have Faith by Himring
Inzilbeth, daughter of Lindorie of Andunie, struggles to maintain her childhood faith, when she is pressured into marriage with Gimilzor, prospective heir to the throne of Numenor, and finds herself surrounded by fervent adherents of the King's Party at court.
The birth of her elder son, the future Tar-Palantir, gives her hope.
Major Characters: Ar-Gimilzór, Inzilbêth, Lindórië, Númenóreans |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: General | Challenges: Akallabêth in August, True Leader |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: Mature Themes |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 957 |
Posted on 8 August 2020 | Updated on 8 August 2020 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Breaking Point by Himring
Amandil is pushed by developments into rejecting his loyalty to Ar-Pharazon.
Major Characters: Amandil |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet | Challenges: Laws and Customs |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 100 |
Posted on 5 July 2020 | Updated on 5 July 2020 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Home from War by Himring
Cirdan and his people return from the War of the Last Alliance to Mithlond.
It is not an easy home-coming, after what they have been through.
Major Characters: Círdan, Elves |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: General | Challenges: Block Party |
Rating: General | Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 993 |
Posted on 28 June 2020 | Updated on 28 June 2020 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Downfall: A Triptych by Himring
The downfall of Numenor, from three different points of view: Sauron, Uinen, and Elendur, son of Isildur.
Major Characters: Elendur, Sauron, Uinen |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: General | Challenges: Archetypes |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn |
Chapters: 3 | Word Count: 1, 077 |
Posted on 16 June 2020 | Updated on 16 June 2020 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Fingolfin to Anaire by Himring
At the Feast of Reuniting, Fingolfin finds himself missing Anaire.
Major Characters: Fingolfin |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Poetry | Challenges: Block Party |
Rating: General | Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 156 |
Posted on 14 May 2020 | Updated on 14 May 2020 |
This fanwork is complete. |
When Wind is on the Brow by Himring
Perhaps, when there were still Entings, not all of them conformed to the expectations laid down for their gender?
Major Characters: Ents |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet | Challenges: Block Party |
Rating: General | Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 98 |
Posted on 10 May 2020 | Updated on 10 May 2020 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Himring's Gallery
Photograph of a tree in autumn (lightly edited) with two lines of accompanying text.
Originally submitted (without the title) for the Manwe's Mailbag challenge for a postcard prompt.
Major Characters: No major characters listedMajor Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: No challenge listed
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed | | |
Photo of yellow iris with an inset photo of yellow water lilies.
Major Characters: No major characters listedMajor Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: No challenge listed
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed | | |
Photo of moon in the night sky with surrounding clouds, captioned “Fair Ithil".
Major Characters: TilionMajor Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: Holiday Party
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed | | |