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Member since 30 December 2009.

About Me

I've been a Tolkien fan since I was a teenager and have been recently been whiling away some sleepless nights reading Tolkien fan fiction on this and other sites, chiefly about Maedhros. However, my copy of the Silmarillion and the rest of my Tolkien collection are sitting in various crates in another country, so apologies for any canon errors... (P.S. I've meanwhile regained access to the Silmarillion, but my apologies remain!)

General Disclaimer: 'All mine, all mine!', shrills the magpie. 'Anything that glitters in this nest I stole my very own self!' (Clarifying footnote to that: Silmarils and other glittering material in the nest have been stolen from a) Tolkien, b) Dawn Felagund, c) ford_of_bruinen, d) Oshun, e) people whose work I admire but whose names I can't remember. I've tried to mention those items for which I can reconstruct a provenance in the endnotes of the individual stories.)

ETA (2013): This bio sort of needs revising as I originally wrote it when I just had started writing Silm fic...

Anyway, here is a link to a Silm fic rec/review post  of mine at the silwritersguild community on LiveJournal, posted in January 2013:


Please consult this instead of my Favorites section on the SWG site, which I am not really maintaining.

ETA (updated 2023):

Some of my non-Silmarillion pieces are currently only archived at AO3. I also used to cross-post to a number of smaller archives that have since been taken down. I have a small SquidgeWorld account, which only contains non-Tolkien fic.

If you are looking for a "Blanket Statement": see the following entry on LiveJournal, which applies to stories posted elsewhere as well: http://hhimring.livejournal.com/24129.html

ETA 2015:

For recs now also see the SWG re-read on LiveJournal: I've added recs to the fanworks posts there for the majority of the chapters of Silmarillion. (ETA 2018: the SWG re-read has since been mirrored to Dreamwidth).

ETA (at the time of the 5th SWG celebration):

Heartfelt thanks to Alasse, Angelica, Lyra, Oshun and Spiced Wine for the Tokens.

The Box of TissuesThe Box of TissuesFirst TimesThe WordsmithThe Power and the Passion

SWG Fifth Birthday Banner

 B2MEM 2011 passport

B2MeM 2012 Participant


Back to Middle-earth Month 2013



Season of Writing Dangerously 2013 Participant


Season of Writing Dangerously 2013 Winner


SWG Re-Read 2014: Participant



Back to Middle-earth Month 2014 Review Challenge--Silmaril Award



(no title)

International Fanworks Day 2015 on the Silmarillion Writers Guild

Fanworks by Himring

This is a Writing fanworkArithmetic Progression at Cuivienen by Himring

In Cuivienen, ancestral home of the elves, Imin, ancestor-founder of the Vanyar (originally called Minyar), makes a slightly tactless comment.

Major Characters: Imin, Iminyë
Major Relationships: Imin/Iminyë
Genres: Crackfic Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 144
Posted on 22 October 2021 Updated on 22 October 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkA Farewell by Himring

Morwen departs for Dor-lomin, with Rian and some other refugees of the House of Beor, while Emeldir and others remain in Brethil.

Major Characters: Emeldir, Morwen
Major Relationships:
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 101
Posted on 22 October 2021 Updated on 22 October 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkAttercop by Himring

Beren in Nan Dungortheb.
And an in-universe explanation for a statement about spiders in The Hobbit.

Major Characters: Beren
Major Relationships:
Genres: Ficlet Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 120
Posted on 22 October 2021 Updated on 22 October 2021
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This is a Reference fanworkBurning in the House: Éowyn's Outcry and the Death of Aerin by Himring

In an attempt to allow widely separated parts of the Legendarium to throw light on each other, Aerin's final acts are compared to the imagery in which Éowyn's expresses her concerns in The Lord of the Rings. The relevant passages share the motif of the burning house. The handling of this motif suggests authorial sympathy with Éowyn's plight.

Major Characters: Aerin, Éowyn
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: Warnings:
Posted on 22 June 2018 Updated on 22 October 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkThe Sea Comes for Helevorn by Himring

At the end of the War of Wrath, during the drowning of Beleriand, the Sea reaches ravaged Thargelion, where Caranthir once had his domain, and Lake Helevorn at the foot of Mount Rerir.

Major Characters: Unnamed Female Canon Character(s)
Major Relationships:
Genres: General Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 510
Posted on 13 October 2021 Updated on 13 October 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkThis is just to say… by Himring

A letter to the author, by a writer of fan fiction.

That is, to Tolkien.

Written for a prompt of the "Dear Irmo" challenge.

Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Genres: Experimental, Nonfiction/Meta Challenges: Dear Irmo
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 469
Posted on 25 September 2021 Updated on 26 September 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkFellow Students by Himring

Galdor has been sponsored by Fingolfin to go and study on Taniquetil.
It is here that he first meets Elenwe and becomes devoted to her.

Major Characters: Elenwë, Galdor of the Tree
Major Relationships: Elenwë & Galdor of the Tree
Genres: General Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 466
Posted on 8 September 2021 Updated on 8 September 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkScope of Imagination by Himring

As Maedhros and Maglor sit together quietly on an evening in Eastern Beleriand, Maglor remembers a conversation he once had in Valinor and it sets off a train of thought.

Major Characters: Maglor
Major Relationships: Maedhros & Maglor
Genres: General Challenges: Kings & Kink
Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 727
Posted on 30 August 2021 Updated on 4 September 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkHimling Isle by Himring

During the Third Age, Maglor returns to Himling, the island which was the top of Himring Hill in the First Age.

His contemplations are interrupted by unexpected visitors.

Major Characters: Maglor
Major Relationships:
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet, General Challenges: Around the Fire
Rating: Teens Warnings:
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 1, 296
Posted on 4 September 2016 Updated on 2 September 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkMaiden Crowned with Gleaming Hair by Himring

It was said in Valinor that Galadriel's hair had captured the Light of the Trees, Laurelin and Telperion, and she was named for her hair.

Major Characters: Galadriel
Major Relationships:
Genres: Poetry Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 98
Posted on 28 August 2021 Updated on 28 August 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkAt the end of days, again by Himring

Sometime, somewhere, in the Seventh Age, another distant descendant of Elendil dreams of Numenor.

Major Characters: Original Character(s)
Major Relationships:
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Back To The Future
Rating: General Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 100
Posted on 19 June 2021 Updated on 19 June 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkA Restless Night in Armenelos by Himring

Tar-Palantir, king of Numenor, at some point in the later part of his reign: night thoughts and a dream.

Major Characters: Tar-Palantir
Major Relationships: Inzilbeth & Tar-Palantir
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Book by Its Cover
Rating: General Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 254
Posted on 8 June 2021 Updated on 8 June 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkSecrets by Himring

Forced into marriage with Ar-Gimilzor, Inzilbeth has her secrets.

Major Characters: Inzilbêth, Tar-Palantir
Major Relationships:
Genres: Family Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 203
Posted on 18 April 2021 Updated on 8 June 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkElrond to Maglor by Himring

Elrond, looking back.

"...love grew after between them, as little might be thought..."

Major Characters: Elrond, Maglor
Major Relationships: Elrond & Maglor
Genres: Poetry Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 76
Posted on 31 May 2021 Updated on 31 May 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkWhen Blossoms Bloomed by Himring

The refugees from Dorthonion arrive in Dor-lomin.
Rian attempts to embrace their new environment, while her cousin Morwen mourns.

Major Characters: Morwen, Rían
Major Relationships: Morwen & Rían
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet, Poetry Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 103
Posted on 16 May 2021 Updated on 16 May 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkMerry Little Christmas by Himring

Maglor, still wandering, and a song originally sung by Judy Garland.

Major Characters: Maglor
Major Relationships:
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 100
Posted on 16 May 2021 Updated on 16 May 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkSweet Mead in Lofty Halls by Himring

Celeborn arrives in Valinor and finds himself in Varda's halls as a guest for the first time.

Major Characters: Celeborn, Galadriel
Major Relationships: Celeborn/Galadriel
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet, Humor Challenges: B2MeM 2019
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 102
Posted on 16 May 2021 Updated on 16 May 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkLaughing Water by Himring

A glimpse of Rian after Lalaith, the little daughter of her cousin Morwen, died from a plague sent by the Enemy.

Major Characters: Rían
Major Relationships:
Genres: Family, General Challenges: B2MeM 2019
Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 420
Posted on 16 May 2021 Updated on 16 May 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkIn crafts of making he had less skill by Himring

Two lessons for Turin: one with Sador, and one with Beleg.
He learns not as much as he might.

Major Characters: Beleg, Sador Labadal, Túrin
Major Relationships:
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: B2MeM 2019
Rating: Teens Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 202
Posted on 16 May 2021 Updated on 16 May 2021
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This is a Writing fanworkFor who, finding themselves imprisoned, would not wish to escape? by Himring

Miriel and a book.

Major Characters: Tar-Míriel
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 203
Posted on 14 May 2021 Updated on 14 May 2021
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Co-Created Fanworks

This is a Writing fanworkBruised Fruit, Bruised Egos by Dawn Felagund, Himring, catadromously, Kaylee Arafinwiel

Curufin tries to steal a book from the restricted section of the library to impress his friends, and it all goes pear-shaped. This plum fine story is the fruit of a relay writing session for the Middle-earth Olympics, and also stems from the Boxing prompt.

Major Characters: Curufin
Major Relationships: Aegnor & Angrod & Celegorm & Curufin
Genres: Drama, General Challenges: Middle-earth Olympics
General Warnings:
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 1, 754
Posted on 25 July 2021 Updated on 12 August 2021
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Table of Contents and Single Chapters | Show All Chapters
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This is a Writing fanworkFinwean Correspondences on the Topic of the Edain (Posthumously Selected by Elrond Half-Elven) by Dialux, Anne Wolfe, Idrils Scribe, Dawn Felagund, Aprilertuile, janeways, Himring

Letters to and from the Feanorians, on the entry of humans to Beleriand.

Major Characters: Amras, Amrod, Caranthir, Celegorm, Curufin, Finrod Felagund, Maedhros, Maglor
Major Relationships:
Genres: Family, General Challenges: Middle-earth Olympics
Teens Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 7 Word Count: 5, 544
Posted on 8 August 2021 Updated on 12 August 2021
This fanwork is complete.
Table of Contents and Single Chapters | Show All Chapters
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Himring's Gallery

Photograph of a tree in autumn (lightly edited) with two lines of accompanying text.

Originally submitted (without the title) for the Manwe's Mailbag challenge for a postcard prompt.

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: No challenge listed
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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Photo of yellow iris with an inset photo of yellow water lilies.

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: No challenge listed
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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Photo of moon in the night sky with surrounding clouds, captioned “Fair Ithil".

Major Characters: Tilion
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: Holiday Party
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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