New and Updated Writing

lengthen the night and shorten the day by kimaracretak

Death cannot take Lalaith from the river.

Major Characters: Lalaith
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General, Horror Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 111
Posted on 8 November 2018 Updated on 8 November 2018
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Thus Spoke the Seer by StarSpray

It came in fragments, glimpses, shades of grey. There was a wide land under a growing shadow as darkness rose like a wave—like the wave that had crushed Númenor, that she dreamed of so often—like great dark wings of some fell creature, like the darkness was a thing in itself and not merely the absence of light.

Major Characters: Malbeth the Seer
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 342
Posted on 8 November 2018 Updated on 8 November 2018
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The Long Road by Kaz

Elladan really wasn't planning to get thrown back in time to Beleriand, but the world didn't bother asking his opinion. Now, he struggles to find a way back home as the First Age unfolds around him. The host of newly acquired relatives, including a great-uncle with a flair for dramatics, sons of Fëanor who insist on being people rather than historical villains, and a several-times great-grandmother with some unexpected skills, just make it more overwhelming.

And where is Gil-galad, anyway? Shouldn't he be around here somewhere?

Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Elladan, Finrod Felagund, Gil-galad, Lúthien Tinúviel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama, General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: Character Death, Violence (Moderate)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 13, 481
Posted on 5 November 2018 Updated on 5 November 2018
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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Take Thy Brother's Hand by heget

The story of the eighth companion of Finrod and Beren to die in the dungeons of Tol-in-Gaurhoth.


Major Characters: Finrod Felagund, Original Character(s)
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General, Horror Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 961
Posted on 2 November 2018 Updated on 2 November 2018

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The Holy or the Broken by Independence1776

Nerdanel finds Maglor on a Florida beach.

Major Characters: Maglor, Nerdanel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: B-Movie
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 687
Posted on 31 October 2018 Updated on 31 October 2018
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His Royal Highness, Prince Celebrimbor of Doriath by elvntari

Celebrimbor was first imagined as the descendant of Daeron. I decided to run with it.

Celebrimbor was the heir to the kingdom of Doriath before his father decided to vanish into thin air, leaving naught but a hastily scribbled note for a messenger to hand to him. In a difficult position as the black sheep of the royal family, Celebrimbor decides to leave for Nargothrond hoping not only to find a place where he fits in, but perhaps even word on the mysterious figure that was his mother.

Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Daeron, Maeglin, Narvi, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Sauron
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama, Experimental, General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Character Death, Expletive Language, Mature Themes
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 1, 608
Posted on 17 October 2018 Updated on 29 October 2018
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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Lingering in the Hither Lands by bunn

Thangorodrim is broken, and the Elves believe that Evil has ended forever. There's a certain amount of tidying-up to be done.

HoME canon in which Maglor is among the Elves in the early second age and Elrond is with him rather than published Silmarillion canon.  

Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Galadriel, Gil-galad, Maglor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 4 Word Count: 13, 582
Posted on 23 October 2018 Updated on 23 October 2018
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Echo of the Music by janeways

"It is said by the Eldar that in water there lives yet the echo of the Music of the Ainur more than in any substance that is in this Earth; and many of the Children of Ilúvatar hearken still unsated to the voices of the Sea, and yet know not for what they listen."

Finrod writes of love and nightingales (until all he can hear is the sound of water flowing).

Major Characters: Aegnor, Amarië, Andreth, Finrod Felagund
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Het, Romance Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 230
Posted on 20 October 2018 Updated on 20 October 2018
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Step Into Starlight by StarSpray

The door out of which Elves stepped into new life was a small one. It opened into a glade of grass and ferns and fragrant flowers. It swung open on silent hinges one quiet evening, when the sky in the west was purple and the sky in the east night-dark, and the stars burned bright overhead. A cricket hid in the grass and chirped. An owl swooped overhead on silent wings.

Major Characters: Eluréd, Elurín, Elwing
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 958
Posted on 17 October 2018 Updated on 17 October 2018
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Fields and Mountains Ever Blessed by StarSpray

Celebrían has not been idle while waiting for Elrond to come west.

Major Characters: Celebrían, Celebrimbor, Círdan, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Maglor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General, Het Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5, 460
Posted on 16 October 2018 Updated on 16 October 2018
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And in the End by Ivare

Maedhros and Maglor realise the price they have paid for the Silmarils.

Major Characters: Maedhros, Maglor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama, Suspense Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Adult Warnings: Suicide, Character Death
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 315
Posted on 14 October 2018 Updated on 14 October 2018
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In the River Valley by StarSpray

"Ah!" The strange man peered more closely at them. "Elves coming east!" He seemed to find the idea funny, and sat down with them on the grass to laugh. "And what are your names, little elf children?"

Major Characters: Eluréd, Elurín, Nellas, Tom Bombadil
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 286
Posted on 13 October 2018 Updated on 13 October 2018

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Shame and Grief by LadyBrooke

Maglor has always talked in his sleep.

Major Characters: Maedhros, Maglor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Sitcom
Rating: Teens Warnings: Violence (Mild)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 303
Posted on 11 October 2018 Updated on 11 October 2018
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What A Tangled Net We Weave... by Grundy

Young Artanis, Irissë, and Ambarussa were left to amuse themselves while their fathers were in a meeting at the palace. What could possibly go wrong?

Major Characters: Amras, Amrod, Aredhel, Galadriel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: No genre listed Challenges: Sitcom
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 119
Posted on 9 October 2018 Updated on 9 October 2018
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Agley. by hennethgalad

Gildis hopes that Írimë will cheer her up.

(free space, sitcom bingo !)

Major Characters: Lalwen
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: Sitcom
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 769
Posted on 9 October 2018 Updated on 9 October 2018

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Little Comfort to be Found by Independence1776

During one of Númenor’s last years, Tar-Míriel makes a decision.

Major Characters: Original Female Character(s), Tar-Míriel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 206
Posted on 7 October 2018 Updated on 7 October 2018
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Drabbles for Tolkien Weekly by Ysilme

Small drabble sets about three pairs of brothers, inspired by the prompts of tolkien weekly, the Silmarillion and the Unfinished Tales.

Major Characters: Celeborn, Celebrían, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Elros, Galadriel, Maedhros, Maglor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 21 Word Count: 78, 501
Posted on 26 August 2013 Updated on 7 October 2018
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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Absinthe-minded by Sleepless_Malice

At a party, Maedhros meets Maglor’s (awful) artist friends and is quite shocked by their openly displayed brazenness.

– written for Fëanorian Week 2018

Major Characters: Maedhros, Maglor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Humor, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Adult Warnings: Incest, Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 7, 428
Posted on 6 October 2018 Updated on 6 October 2018
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A Love Like Darkness, Like Light by Sleepless_Malice

In the Halls of Awaiting, Fëanor and Fingolfin meet again in exceptional circumstances.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Fingolfin, Mandos
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Slash/Femslash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Adult Warnings: Incest, Expletive Language, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Graphic)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5, 606
Posted on 6 October 2018 Updated on 6 October 2018
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Comfort and Joy by Narya

It's the festive season in Gondolin, and Voronwë finds himself intrigued by the Captain of the Guard of the Secret Way.

Major Characters: Elemmakil, Voronwë
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Erotica, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Adult Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 358
Posted on 5 October 2018 Updated on 5 October 2018
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Graveyard Shift by Himring

After the First Kinslaying, Maglor's wife ends up with a grim duty.

Has she been volunteered by others?

Or maybe she did choose it herself, after all?

In the confusion of the times, that may not be an easy distinction to make.

Major Characters: Noldor, Teleri
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: Sitcom
Rating: Teens Warnings: Character Death
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 781
Posted on 5 October 2018 Updated on 5 October 2018
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"The Taming of Ossë" by Nerdanel by Sasha Honeypalm

Regret is a riptide; it will drown those who stray into it.

Major Characters: Nerdanel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General, Het Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 234
Posted on 3 October 2018 Updated on 3 October 2018
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Dispossessed For Ever by StarSpray

After Elwing casts herself into the Sea, Maglor finds her sons.

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama, General Challenges: Sitcom
Rating: Teens Warnings: Violence (Mild)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 847
Posted on 3 October 2018 Updated on 3 October 2018

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Orcs. by hennethgalad

Fingolfin questions prisoners. 

Major Characters: Fingolfin
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 957
Posted on 3 October 2018 Updated on 3 October 2018
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Aware. by hennethgalad

Fingolfin reads the thoughts of two prisoners to see who is telling the truth.

(reading 'Orcs' first would enrich this)


for the 'Sitcom' challenge "Sophisticated as hell."

Major Characters: Fingolfin
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Horror Challenges: Sitcom
Rating: Teens Warnings: Violence (Moderate)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5, 194
Posted on 3 October 2018 Updated on 3 October 2018

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