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Member since 14 April 2021.

About Me

Although I've been reading and rereading (and watching) Tolkien for decades, I only discovered the fandom in '21— but I dived in deep once I did!

One of the things that brings me joy about this fandom is that there is something good to read for every mood. I love that I can jump from First Age Beleriand to Fourth Age Aman, from Hobbit adventures to Númenoran politics, Valarin shenanigans to Elves in modern times, and everything in between and beyond.

My own creations are mostly Silm-based. My art is predominantly inspired by scenes and characters from various fanfics or the moments between the printed lines in canon, while my ficlets tend towards the lesser-explored fringes of the legendarium.

I also serve as art editor for the SWG, which means I have a great excuse to spend hours browsing people's fan art. If you're an artist of any kind or calibre,  please feel free to drop me a note with a link to your gallery!

I am very chatty, thrive on comment conversations, love going off on tangents, and enjoy exploring unexpected rabbit holes! 

I am Anerea on Dreamwidth, DeviantArt, AO3 and pretty much everywhere else except Tumblr where I am anerea-lanitiria.


If you really want to know more, here's a little of my Tolkien/ Fandom history:

My first visit to Arda was in my pre-tweens via The Hobbit, closely followed by LotR. After ploughing through The Silmarillion I was filled with such a compelling sense of saudade that I virtually moved into Arda in my head for much of my early teens.

And then I moved on. Literally: over the next decade I travelled modern-day Arda, sleeping under the stars, in forests and mountains, beaches and deserts, on four continents, with a sprinkling of villages and cities in between, enjoying the company of many quirky yet delightful inhabitants who, with few exceptions, were startlingly hospitable, generous and kind. (And did just enough work at odd jobs in between to keep me going.)

I returned to Africa around the same time that Jackson's movies brought me back to Middle-earth and my obsession was renewed when I discovered Unfinished Tales and the rest of the Silm-centered HoME-tomes.

I didn't know about fan fiction then, but fifteen years on I stumbled onto some excellent fanfics and the SWG community — which saved my emotional sanity, providing comfort during some truly weird and troublesome times.  My own creative desires, to paint and (to my astonishment) to write, have been rekindled and I'm throughly enjoying exploring Tolkien in a very different way than I ever imagined, thanks to inspiring interactions with my fandom friends.

I hope you enjoy a meander through my creations...

detail of trees from Lothloríen in Autumn

Blanket permission:

You are welcome to create secondary derivative fanworks of any fanwork I have posted (under a CC BY-NC licence), provided it is noncommercial, you credit me by my name, Anérea, and your derivative work features a link back to my work. And I'd really appreciate it if you share the link to your work with me — it would make me very happy to know about it. 

Fanworks by Anérea

This is a Reference fanworkMapping Arda, Part I: Terraforming by Anérea

A series of articles featuring fan-made maps of all the lands of Arda. Part I looks at diagrams of the shape of Arda as well as maps of the earliest years and the lands of Aman.

Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: Warnings:
Posted on 20 June 2023 Updated on 29 June 2024
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This is a Multimedia fanworkAtmospherics by Anérea, sallysavestheday

The three atmospheres of Arda celebrated in three drabbles and three photos...

Major Characters: Círdan, Eärendil, Elrond, Elros, Uinen
Major Relationships:
Genres: Ficlet, General Challenges: It Comes in Threes
Rating: General Warnings:
Posted on 14 April 2024 Updated on 15 April 2024
This fanwork is complete.
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This is a Audio fanwork(Podfic) Ulmo's Wife by pandemonium_213 by Anérea

It was written that Ulmo was alone, but delving deeper into the nature of the Valar and their adopted world reveals otherwise.

Major Characters: Original Female Character(s), Ulmo
Major Relationships:
Genres: Podfic Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Posted on 17 March 2024 Updated on 19 March 2024
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This is a Reference fanworkInterview with Artist Mirra Kan by Anérea

Blue Wizards, Faithful Haradrim, Black Númenóreans; I chatted with Mirra about her evocative—and somtimes provocative—art drawing attention to some of Middle-earth's Oriental cultures and the Western perception of them.

Major Characters: Easterlings
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: Warnings:
Posted on 4 January 2024 Updated on 6 January 2024
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This is a Reference fanworkMapping Arda, Part II: Travels through Beleriand by Anérea, Dawn Felagund

A series of articles featuring fan-made maps of all the lands of Arda. Part II explores various aspects of Beleriand.

Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: Warnings:
Posted on 1 December 2023 Updated on 4 December 2023
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This is a Reference fanworkInterview with artist Ruslan Shapolov by Anérea

A behind the scenes look at the creating of a book of Silmarillion illustrations by Ukranian artist Ruslan Shapolov.

Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: Warnings:
Posted on 18 October 2023 Updated on 28 October 2023
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This is a Audio fanwork[podfic] Comfort Food by Himring by Anérea

Breakfast with the Feanorians, late in the First Age featuring Himring's OC Narye, ex-housekeeper of Himring.

Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Maedhros, Maglor
Major Relationships:
Genres: Podfic Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Posted on 9 September 2023 Updated on 15 September 2023
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This is a Audio fanwork[podfic] Examined Lives by Sallyavestheday by Anérea

Erestor and Pengolodh negotiate their respective truths, after sailing for Valinor.

Major Characters: Erestor, Pengolodh
Major Relationships: Erestor/Pengolodh
Genres: Podfic Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Posted on 15 September 2023 Updated on 15 September 2023
This fanwork is complete.
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This is a Reference fanworkInterview with Artist Ismene by Anérea, Ismene

Ismene is a self-taught artist known for her striking illustrations, most recently the artwork depicting Varda that is featured on the cover of Tolkien and Diversity.

Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: Warnings:
Posted on 21 July 2023 Updated on 28 July 2023
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This is a Reference fanworkInterview with Artist Busymagpie by Anérea

Interview with fanartist Busymagpie where she shares a bit of her background in art, her motivations and methods, and how she came to create her alter-ego Nastymagpie's spicier images.

Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: Warnings:
Posted on 22 April 2023 Updated on 30 April 2023
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This is a Reference fanworkUlmo, Lord of Waters, Part 1 by Anérea

From the earliest version of the legendarium, Ulmo existed as the Lord of the Waters, although over the decades his character would evolve to fit the changing tone of the "Silmarillion." Part One of his biography considers his domain, his relationships with the other Ainur, and the symbolic significance of the watery element in Tolkien's work.

Major Characters: Ulmo
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: Warnings:
Posted on 3 February 2023 Updated on 9 April 2023
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This is a Reference fanworkInterview with Artist ArlenianChronicles by Anérea

In this interview, Cassandra (ArlenianChronicles) talks about the inspiration and creative process behind her art, which is distinguished by its emotionally rich relationships and often novel AU takes on Silmarillion characters.

Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: Warnings:
Posted on 11 March 2023 Updated on 18 March 2023
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This is a Writing fanworkI Lava You: some silly sooty smut by Anérea

Pressure builds deep in Thangorodrim — a cheesy PWP drabble for the Cheesy Corn Chips Challenge.

Major Characters: Original Male Character(s), Melkor
Major Relationships: Melkor/Original Character
Genres: Crackfic Challenges: Cheesy Corn Chips
Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 171
Posted on 14 March 2023 Updated on 15 March 2023
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This is a Writing fanworkFabric of Love by Anérea

Young Andreth receives a very special gift from her mother.
(A drabble.)

Major Characters: Andreth
Major Relationships:
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Holiday Party, Jubilee
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 101
Posted on 16 February 2023 Updated on 16 February 2023
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This is a Series fanworkWise Hearts by Anérea

An evolving series exploring the life and times of the two wise-women of the Edain in Beleriand, Adanel and Andreth.

Major Characters: Adanel, Aegnor, Andreth, Finrod Felagund, Zimrahin
Major Relationships:
Genres: Challenges:
Rating: Warnings:
Posted on 16 February 2023 Updated on 16 February 2023
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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This is a Writing fanworkAeluin Revisited by Anérea

A nonagenarian Andreth thinks back on her life, and love. (Featuring cameo appearances by Finrod and Adanel.)

Major Characters: Aegnor, Andreth
Major Relationships: Aegnor/Andreth
Genres: Romance Challenges: Jubilee, Manwë's Mailbag
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 413
Posted on 14 February 2023 Updated on 16 February 2023
This fanwork is complete.
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This is a Writing fanworkListen to the sky by Anérea

Arvedui decides to sail, despite warnings to wait.  (As told by a woman of the Lossoth.)

(The fate of Fíriel, wife of Arvedui, was never recorded; I like to think she was a tough cookie and had fought and fled with him to the Ice-bay of Forochel.)

Major Characters: Original Female Character(s), Arvedui, Fíriel, Lossoth
Major Relationships:
Genres: Ficlet, General Challenges: Zingers
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 331
Posted on 16 August 2022 Updated on 28 December 2022
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This is a Multimedia fanworkLúcë (Enchantment) by Anérea

When Melian and Thingol met they silently stared at each other for two hundred years. What actually happened between them during that time? And why could no one find them?

Major Characters: Elu Thingol, Elves, Melian
Major Relationships: Melian/Thingol
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Romance Challenges: Arda on Ice
Rating: General Warnings:
Posted on 16 August 2022 Updated on 25 September 2022
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This is a Multimedia fanworkWillow by Anérea, Narya

A willow-spirit: some places she went and the people she met.
Story by Narya, painting by Anérea.

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Elrond, Farmer Maggot, Finrod Felagund, Goldberry, Maedhros, Maglor, Maiar, Tuor, Voronwë
Major Relationships:
Genres: General Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Posted on 1 September 2022 Updated on 25 September 2022
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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This is a Multimedia fanworkSurfacing Light by Anérea, Maggie Honeybite

A "missing scene", and a painting, inspired by Answers in the Dark by Keiliss.
On the night before he sails to Númenor on his mission, Erestor has a dream that sends him to Gil-galad's room in search of some sexual healing. Fits in right after chapter 7: Tea and History of Answers in the Dark. Alternatively, could be read as just a hot PWP. A gift for Keiliss.

Major Characters: Erestor, Gil-galad
Major Relationships: Erestor/Gil-galad
Genres: Slash Challenges:
Rating: Adult Warnings:
Posted on 23 August 2022 Updated on 29 August 2022
This fanwork is complete.
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Co-Created Fanworks

This is a Writing fanworkMight As Well Dance by Grundy, polutropos, daughterofshadows, Anérea

Beren, Lúthien, and Huan circling each other, love, and doom.

Major Characters: Beren, Huan, Lúthien Tinúviel
Major Relationships: Beren/Luthien, Beren & Huan, Huan & Lúthien
Genres: Ficlet Challenges: Arda on Ice
General Warnings:
Chapters: 4 Word Count: 610
Posted on 15 April 2022 Updated on 15 April 2022
This fanwork is complete.
Table of Contents and Single Chapters | Show All Chapters
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Anérea's Gallery

Andreth contemplates the different interpretations of her people's lore, memories handed down by word of mouth through the generations.

Major Characters: Andreth
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: Meet & Greet
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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For Draugluin, death was just the beginning ...

Major Characters: Draugluin
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: New Year's Resolution, Understory
Rating: Teens
Warnings: Character Death

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A love letter between Daeron and Maglor in the form of musical notation.

(Asemic music notation and song lyrics)

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: Daeron/Maglor
Challenge: Experimental
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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Pages from a book of ancient Edain lore, including an illustration of their creation myth.

Major Characters: Legendary/Mythical Character(s), Original Character(s), Arien, Manwë, Tilion, Ulmo, Yavanna
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: Roaring Twenties
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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A wolf, a spider, a bat, a dragon... what do they have in common?

Major Characters: Draugluin, Glaurung, Thuringwethil, Ungoliant
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: Bestiary of Arda
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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After living for hundreds, never mind thousands, of years by the sea there's no way that Círdan wasn't a) as brown as a berry, and b) didn't invent surfing.

Major Characters: Círdan, Elves, Falathrim
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: Opposites Attract
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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Tolkenien Mathematics.

Major Characters: J.R.R. Tolkien
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: Gnome Tome
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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Varda experiments with undoing just a wee bit of history...

Major Characters: Varda
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: Gnome Tome
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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After capturing Finrod and his companions, Gorthaur attempts to discover their identities...

Major Characters: Finrod Felagund, Sauron
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: Cheesy Corn Chips
Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate
Warnings: Violence (Mild)

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Quick & silly sketches from an Instadrabbling/Instadrawbling session...

Major Characters: Caranthir
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: Jubilee, Restoration and Rebuilding
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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Two figures under autumn/winter mallorn trees in the golden wood of Lothlórien.

Major Characters: Celeborn, Celebrían, Galadriel
Major Relationships: Celeborn/Galadriel
Challenge: No challenge listed
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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Inspired by Surfacing, Into Light by Maggie Honeybite featuring Keiliss' Erestor and Gil-galad from Answers in the Dark, the sequel to Burning Bright: The Road.

- - - 

Music:  Come Back to Us · Thomas Newman

Major Characters: Erestor, Gil-galad
Major Relationships: Erestor/Gil-galad
Challenge: Restoration and Rebuilding
Rating: Teens
Warnings: No warnings listed

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The followers of Fingolfin Nolofinwë spent years (or decades, depending on which version of Tolkien's maths you subscribe to) on the treacherous crossing of the grinding ice between Aman and Middle-Earth.

Major Characters: Elenwë, Elves, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Idril, Noldor, Turgon
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: No challenge listed
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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Nerdanel stood on the shore of Aman, watching the flamelight that rose in the East and, as a wife and mother, couldn't help but wonder where she went wrong.

Major Characters: Nerdanel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: No challenge listed
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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Portrait of Mélamírë, Master Smith of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain, crafting Galadriel’s Mirror.

Major Characters: Original Female Character(s)
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: No challenge listed
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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An elf of the Lembi, those that lingered under the starlight in Middle Earth, shunning the summons of the Valar to journey to Aman. (Later called Avvari by the Eldar.)

Major Characters: Avari, Elves
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: No challenge listed
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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Melian and Thingol awake from their enchantment in Nan Elmoth.

Major Characters: Elu Thingol, Elves, Melian
Major Relationships: Melian/Thingol
Challenge: Arda on Ice
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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Helevorn stirs from her repose.

Major Characters: Unnamed Female Canon Character(s), Caranthir
Major Relationships: Caranthir/Unnamed Canon Character
Challenge: No challenge listed
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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Minyelmë discovers the far Western shore of Aman.

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Elves
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Challenge: No challenge listed
Rating: General
Warnings: No warnings listed

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Anérea's 2021 Stamp Collection

Anérea's 2020 Stamp Collection