New and Updated Writing

King of beech and oak and elm by polutropos

Thingol contemplates the carvings of Menegroth, remembering Lúthien. 

Major Characters: Elu Thingol, Lúthien Tinúviel, Melian
Major Relationships: Lúthien & Thingol
Genres: General Challenges: New Year's Resolution, Times of Bliss
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 453
Posted on 8 February 2022 Updated on 9 February 2022
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Light in a Ruined House by Himring

Celebrian asks Elrond about Maedhros and Maglor.

Elrond does not find it easy to talk to her about them, so he begins in a somewhat roundabout way...

Major Characters: Celebrían, Elrond, Maedhros, Maglor
Major Relationships: Celebrían/Elrond
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Holiday Party, New Year's Resolution, Queens of the Quill
Rating: General Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 201
Posted on 6 February 2022 Updated on 7 February 2022
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SeaLight by Anérea

Born on the Great Journey, I never knew Cuiviénen, but ever since we departed the shores of Rhûn I have missed the sensation of silky saltwater against my skin.

A Telerin Elf's first experience of the waters of Belegaer, at the end of the Great Journey.

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Elves, Falathrim, Sindar, Teleri
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Adventure, Ficlet, General Challenges: Book by Its Cover, New Year's Resolution
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 338
Posted on 31 January 2022 Updated on 2 February 2022
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The Last Home at the End of the World by elennalore

After stepping into a chasm filled with fire, Maedhros finds himself in an eerily familiar house.

Major Characters: Maedhros, Nienna
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama, Hurt/Comfort Challenges: New Year's Resolution, Queens of the Quill
Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes, Suicide
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 961
Posted on 27 January 2022 Updated on 27 January 2022
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Adanel: never have I ever by Anérea

A young Adanel in two drabbles from the Holiday Party Instadrabbling event using the "Never have I ever" prompt.

Major Characters: Adanel, Finrod Felagund
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Adventure, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General Challenges: Holiday Party, New Year's Resolution
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 209
Posted on 24 January 2022 Updated on 24 January 2022

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Pallando & Alatar: never have I ever... by Anérea

Two journeys of the Blue Wizards in two drabbles from the Holiday Party Instadrabbling event using the "Never have I ever" prompt.

Major Characters: Alatar, Pallando
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Adventure, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General Challenges: Holiday Party
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 204
Posted on 24 January 2022 Updated on 24 January 2022
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Entwined by Anérea

First Age 116: in the foothills of the Orocani Mountains—west of Hildórien and far, far east of Beleriand.
Woman meets man in four 100-word drabbles.

(The first in my Hildórien to Beleriand series exploring the ancestors of Adanel and her brother Magor, from whom came many of the Edain heroes of the first age, as well as the Peredhil.)

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Maiar, Men
Major Relationships: Original Character/Original Character
Genres: Family, Ficlet, Fixed-Length Ficlet, Fluff, General, Het, Romance Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 406
Posted on 31 December 2021 Updated on 23 January 2022

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Elendil! Elendil! by Himring

Fixed length-ficlets featuring Elendil the Tall, one set during this childhood in Numenor, the other after the Fall of Numenor.


Major Characters: Elendil, Inzilbêth
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Holiday Party, New Year's Resolution
Rating: General Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 304
Posted on 22 January 2022 Updated on 22 January 2022

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Queen's Counsel by StarSpray

It was not Melian’s wont to speak against her husband in public. When she did she tried to do so gently. She would not undermine his authority before his people—she was not one of Bauglir’s creatures to bend others by force to her will.

But in the privacy of their chambers it was a different matter.

Major Characters: Elu Thingol, Lúthien Tinúviel, Melian
Major Relationships: Melian/Thingol
Genres: Family, Ficlet, General Challenges: Gnome Tome, New Year's Resolution
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 663
Posted on 19 January 2022 Updated on 19 January 2022
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Stars, hide your fires by Lyra, Independence1776, , Fernstrike, , Raiyana

All things in Arda are filled with Song, and each Song is a story - even for that which does not seem to have its own voice. This is the tale of one such thing; of a smith, a dwarf, and a bowman, and the fallen star that sang its way through their histories.

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Bard, Maeglin
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Experimental Challenges: Block Party
Rating: General Warnings: Violence (Mild)
Chapters: 9 Word Count: 3, 445
Posted on 17 May 2020 Updated on 17 January 2022
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In Light Of Dreams by Anérea

FA346: Estolad, East Beleriand, and circa FA150: near the Orocarni Mountains, Eastern Middle-earth

Zimrahin, wife of Malach and mother of Adanel & Magor, relates a tale of one of their ancestors to a young Adanel, wise-woman-in-training.

(Third in my Hildórien to Beleriand series, connecting Adanel with her earlier OC ancestors.)

Major Characters: Original Female Character(s), Adanel, Zimrahin
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Ficlet, General Challenges: Holiday Party
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 186
Posted on 27 November 2021 Updated on 14 January 2022

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First Risings From Hildórien by Anérea

FA125: West of the Orocarni Mountains, and FA0: on the shores of of Hildórien
A great great grandmother relates her memories of the first time she saw the moon rise.

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Men
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Alternate Universe, General Challenges: Holiday Party
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 681
Posted on 9 January 2022 Updated on 14 January 2022

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The Elf's Lullaby by Anérea

A pair of young twins are lost in the wood.
In the tradition of folktales changing over time, I've written three endings, narrated in different voices. So this tale comes in three sizes: happy, medium, and sad. (And I'm not entirely sure myself which is which.)

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Maglor, Men
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Adventure, Drama Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 3 Word Count: 2, 119
Posted on 31 December 2021 Updated on 12 January 2022
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Whimsies by Grundy

Drabbles for the Words of Wit & Wisdom (or Whimsy) challenge.

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: New Year's Resolution, Words of Wit and Wisdom
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 23 Word Count: 2, 349
Posted on 11 January 2022 Updated on 11 January 2022
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Summoned to Council by Lindariel

A road trip in six drabbles.

Major Characters: Celeborn, Galadriel
Major Relationships: Celeborn/Galadriel
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet, General Challenges: Book by Its Cover, New Year's Resolution
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 6 Word Count: 615
Posted on 11 January 2022 Updated on 11 January 2022

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nightmares by Fernstrike

In which Legolas has a bad dream.

Major Characters: Unnamed Canon Character(s), Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: Holiday Party
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 320
Posted on 2 January 2022 Updated on 9 January 2022

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letters from the front by Fernstrike

Isildur contemplates what to to tell his wife as he writes home from the siege of Barad-dûr.

Major Characters: Isildur
Major Relationships: Isildur/Unnamed Canon Character
Genres: General Challenges: Holiday Party
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 200
Posted on 2 January 2022 Updated on 9 January 2022
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A Star Shines On The Hour Of Our Meeting by Ysilme

Maglor wanders. Elrond dreams of Maglor and goes on a search.

Major Characters: Original Male Character(s), Elrond, Gil-galad, Maglor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Adventure, Family, General, Hurt/Comfort Challenges: B2MeM 2017, B2MeM 2018, B2MeM 2019, B2MeM 2020
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 3 Word Count: 1, 676
Posted on 24 March 2021 Updated on 5 January 2022

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Limits of Defiance by Himring

Finduilas considers the question whether she ever had a rebellious phase and remembers an episode from her childhood.

Major Characters: Finduilas
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Holiday Party
Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 100
Posted on 4 January 2022 Updated on 4 January 2022

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Pack the Parcel by daughterofshadows, Idrils Scribe, , Grundy

A collection of stories for the Pass the Parcel prompt for the Holiday challenge!

If anyone else would like to join, contact Grundy to be added to the list of authors so you can add your chapter.

Major Characters: Original Female Character(s), Elwing, Nellas, Túrin
Major Relationships: Nellas & Túrin, Elwing & Nellas
Genres: No genre listed Challenges: Holiday Party
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 3 Word Count: 1, 333
Posted on 23 November 2021 Updated on 4 January 2022
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Winterwonderland by daughterofshadows

The first snow of the year has come! Time to go outside and have some fun!

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Rog, Salgant
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Family, Fluff Challenges: Holiday Party
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 413
Posted on 4 January 2022 Updated on 4 January 2022
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Letters to Irmo. by hennethgalad

Glorfindel struggles to write his letter.

Major Characters: Estë, Glorfindel, Lórien
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: Dear Irmo
Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 402
Posted on 3 October 2021 Updated on 3 January 2022
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Holiday Party Instadrabbling by elennalore

Two drabbles written at the Holiday Party instadrabbling event.

1. Maedhros almost (but not quite) makes his little brothers cry. Russingon. Valinor, Years of the Trees.

2. Sauron does something genuinely nice to someone. Tol Sirion, First Age.

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros, Sauron
Major Relationships: Fingon/Maedhros
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Holiday Party
Rating: Teens Warnings: Violence (Mild)
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 259
Posted on 3 January 2022 Updated on 3 January 2022

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Holiday Party Instadrabbling by Lindariel

From the Instadrabbling session on the SWG Discord server, 2 January 2022.

Major Characters: Celeborn, Celebrían, Eärendil, Galadriel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Family, General Challenges: Holiday Party
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 5 Word Count: 811
Posted on 2 January 2022 Updated on 3 January 2022

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The Precious Baby Phenomenon Unpacked: A Treatise on Obstetric Care in The Returned by I.L. Finwiel and the Istar Institute by herenortherenearnorfar

He didn't marry Sauron the Deceiver for the peace and quiet. A baby before noon still feels like a step too far.

Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Sauron
Major Relationships: Celebrimbor/Sauron
Genres: Family Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 3, 870
Posted on 3 January 2022 Updated on 3 January 2022
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