Banner made for the series by Lingwiloke (Fandom Stocking 2016)
The main story arc of this series goes from just after the rescue from Thangorodrim to Maedhros's death. However, the narrative is not strictly chronological - there are flashbacks, flashforwards and recounted memories. These span from Maedhros's childhood in Tirion to his release from Mandos just before the end of Arda. The individual stories are told from different points of view: Maedhros himself, Fingon, Maglor and Elrond. Although the upshot of the series is that it is pretty tough being doomed all the time, some bits are a lot more gloomy than others. All the dialogue was even wittier before being clumsily translated from Quenya. Considering the subject matter, very little blood and gore (I think). The ratings and warnings for individual sections differ greatly from the overall rating: see the individual stories.
ETA: Since I wrote this description of the series, it has snowballed in all directions. I feel that the description ought to be revised, but it is difficult to know exactly how to tweak it. You may wish to compare the more recent description of the series (with notes) on AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/series/36091
Other links that might be helpful are these: a fragmentary timeline (https://hhimring.dreamwidth.org/61360.html), and a listing of original characters: http://hhimring.dreamwidth.org/69187.html (both on my Dreamwidth journal)
Illustrations to the series by Alasse now separately posted on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20456276/chapters/48536480