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Finrod: 30-Day Character Study by cuarthol

Following the 30-day Character Study Challenge for Finrod Felagund.  To include notes/thoughts, fic, art, and more.

All 30 days are finished!

Major Characters: Finrod Felagund
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Mixed Media, General, Nonfiction/Meta Challenges: 30-Day Character Study, Jubilee
Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 16 January 2023 Updated on 9 February 2023
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Finrod: 30-Day Character Study - Writings by cuarthol

Story/fiction writing prompts for the 30-Day Character Challenge.

Major Characters: Aegnor, Amarië, Finarfin, Finrod Felagund
Major Relationships: Finarfin & Finrod, Amarië/Finrod
Genres: General Challenges: 30-Day Character Study, Jubilee
Rating: General Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 7 Word Count: 2, 622
Posted on 16 January 2023 Updated on 9 February 2023

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Finrod: 30-Day Character Study - Artwork by cuarthol

Art created for the related prompts for the 30-Day Character Study Challenge.

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: Andreth & Finrod, Aegnor/Andreth
Artwork Type: Drawing/Painting
Genres: General, Het Challenges: 30-Day Character Study, Jubilee
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 20 January 2023 Updated on 9 February 2023

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The Last Scion of Tevildo by Lindariel

What happens to the offspring of a cat possessed by a Maia of sharpness?


Major Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Eagles, Glorfindel, Melkor, Tevildo
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Adventure, Crackfic, Drama Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes
Chapters: 3 Word Count: 9, 111
Posted on 21 January 2021 Updated on 8 February 2023
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The Dawn of a New Era by Varda delle Stelle

At the beginning of the Fourth Era in Aman Maedhros and Fingon are reunited.


Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros
Major Relationships: Fingon/Maedhros
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet, Fluff Challenges: Gnome Tome, Jubilee
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 664
Posted on 8 February 2023 Updated on 8 February 2023
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Possession by elennalore

In captivity, Celebrimbor draws the diagram of the tower where he’s held.

Major Characters: Celebrimbor
Major Relationships: Celebrimbor/Sauron
Genres: Alternate Universe Challenges: Jubilee, Notion Club Revival
Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 122
Posted on 4 February 2023 Updated on 4 February 2023
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Smudged by cuarthol

“My lord!  Excellent news!”

Gil-galad looked up, expectation mixed with mild humor on his face at the eager young scribe who had come to stand before him.

The scribe held up an old, water-damaged tome and declared with absolute assurance, “We finally know who your father is!”


Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges: Jubilee, Solve a Problem
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 830
Posted on 1 February 2023 Updated on 1 February 2023
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We'll dance among the stars by daughterofshadows

We spend some time with our friends from Gondolin, learn about Nellas and Galdor's relationship in this universe and do a lot of worldbuilding.


Major Characters: Original Character(s), Galdor of the Tree, Legolas of Gondolin, Nellas
Major Relationships: Galdor of the Tree/Nellas
Genres: Adventure, Alternate Universe, Family, Science Fiction Challenges: Jubilee, X Marks the Spot
Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 5 Word Count: 5, 992
Posted on 27 January 2023 Updated on 1 February 2023

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For love to bloom by daughterofshadows

Dís, Belladonna and a quiet day together.

Major Characters: Belladonna Took Baggins, Dís
Major Relationships: Belladonna Took Baggins/Dís
Genres: Femslash, Ficlet, Fluff, Romance Challenges: Block Party, Jubilee
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 228
Posted on 1 February 2023 Updated on 1 February 2023
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Dance At Your Wedding by Tarion Anarore

A gift, a farewell, and a blessing that she wasn't seeking. Galadriel and Orodreth upon Tol Sirion.

Major Characters: Galadriel, Orodreth
Major Relationships: Celeborn/Galadriel
Genres: Ficlet, General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 722
Posted on 31 January 2023 Updated on 31 January 2023
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With sword in hand by Morcondil

Many in Valinor sought the hand of the lady Galadriel; to none did she give her heart, for none were worthy.

Major Characters: Celeborn, Galadriel
Major Relationships: Celeborn/Galadriel
Genres: General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 981
Posted on 3 May 2018 Updated on 29 January 2023
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No enemy but self by Morcondil

Lost on the Helcaraxë, Aredhel begins to doubt herself. An unwelcome conversation with her least-favorite cousin brings fear and feeling into perspective.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Galadriel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama, General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 749
Posted on 12 October 2016 Updated on 29 January 2023
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Winter Light by Zdenka

A music playlist to go with Dawn Felagund's fic Yule Lights. Featuring Celebrimbor, his memories of his family, and Annatar (who is not up to anything suspicious, of course not).

Major Characters: Celebrimbor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Music (Classical, Folk, Instrumental, K-pop/J-pop/C-pop, New Age, Pop, Soundtrack, Vocal) Challenges: Holiday Party, Jubilee
Rating: General Warnings: Mature Themes
Posted on 28 January 2023 Updated on 28 January 2023
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Into the Unknown - Welcome to the Beleriand System by daughterofshadows

Welcome to the Beleriand System!
Join me as we traverse space stations and ships great and small, meet characters from all across the legendarium and explore new and exciting parts of the Arda Galaxy!

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Alternate Universe, Family, General, Science Fiction Challenges: Also Appearing
Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 6 July 2022 Updated on 27 January 2023
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This is a Artwork fanwork

Seven Mighty Stars by StarSpray

"Then [Varda] began a great labor, greatest of all the works of the Valar since their coming into Arda. She took the silver dews from the vats of Telperion, and therewith she made new stars and brighter against the coming of the Firstborn ... And high in the north as a challenge to Melkor she set the crown of seven mighty stars to swing, Valacirca, the Sickle of the Valar and sign of doom." - The Silmarillion, "Of the Coming of the Elves"

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Artwork Type: Fiber/Textile Art, Landscape
Genres: General Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Posted on 25 January 2023 Updated on 25 January 2023
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Power and Desire: The Silmarils vs The One Ring by StarSpray

What do the Silmarils and the Ring have in common? They are both the titular objects of their respective books around which the major plot turns, it is true. They are both made by powerful individuals, and are desired by many different people, and when they are lost and/or stolen their makers are desperate to retrieve them. Characters die for them, and kill for them. At this extremely surface level reading they do, indeed, seem very similar. But the deeper you look at each object the more glaring differences show themselves, until you realize that they do not parallel, but rather oppose each other.

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Nonfiction/Meta Challenges: Analysing Arda, Jubilee
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4, 391
Posted on 22 January 2023 Updated on 24 January 2023
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melodies by hanneswrites

Maedhros watches on as Maglor & Fingon try to settle a debate over whose harp is better. | Years of the Trees, Quenya Names Used

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros, Maglor
Major Relationships: Fingon/Maedhros/Maglor
Genres: Ficlet, Fluff, Humor, Slash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: General Warnings: Incest
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 224
Posted on 23 January 2023 Updated on 23 January 2023
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rockrose & thistle by hanneswrites

Nerdanel & Eärwen have tea, talk, and find peace in each other's company.

Major Characters: Eärwen, Nerdanel
Major Relationships: Eärwen/Nerdanel
Genres: Femslash, Ficlet, Hurt/Comfort Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 980
Posted on 7 January 2023 Updated on 23 January 2023
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A Briefer Light by Himring

Elros considers the lamps of the Edain.

Major Characters: Elros
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Jubilee
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 103
Posted on 23 January 2023 Updated on 23 January 2023
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A Demand of the Princess by Rocky41_7

Nerdanel did Feanor a favor; now she has a demand.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Nerdanel
Major Relationships: Fëanor/Nerdanel
Genres: Erotica, Het Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Adult Warnings: Sexual Content (Graphic)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 512
Posted on 23 January 2023 Updated on 23 January 2023
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Cousin by Ellynn

One Sindarin elf was born with a much greater Ósanwë gift than the others, which he discovered while still a child. Much later, as an adult, when he encounters an enemy after the battle, he will realize – thanks to his gift – that the encounter is very unusual.

Major Characters: Original Male Character(s)
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4, 319
Posted on 21 January 2023 Updated on 21 January 2023
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A Cup Always Half Empty by Rocky41_7

Maglor wishes he could want less.

Major Characters: Maglor, Thranduil
Major Relationships: Maglor/Thranduil
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4, 116
Posted on 19 January 2023 Updated on 21 January 2023
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Maeglin's Choice by chrissystriped

After his release from Angband, Maeglin confides in Rog and events take a better turn.

Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Eärendil, Maeglin, Rog
Major Relationships: Celebrimbor/Maeglin, Maeglin & Rog, Eärendil/Elwing
Genres: Alternate Universe, Hurt/Comfort Challenges: No challenge listed
Rating: Adult Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn, Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 18 Word Count: 30, 094
Posted on 7 December 2021 Updated on 21 January 2023
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Daughter of the House of Beor by StarSpray

Whenever he came to visit, or when they were in company together, Elwing was aware of Finrod watching her, searching her face as though he was looking for something. (A double-drabble)

Major Characters: Elwing, Finrod Felagund
Major Relationships: Elwing & Finrod
Genres: Family, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General Challenges: Ancestors, Jubilee
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 202
Posted on 21 January 2023 Updated on 21 January 2023
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Into the Depths by Zdenka

A dark Tar-Míriel/Uinen fanmix.

Major Characters: Tar-Míriel, Uinen
Major Relationships: Tar-Míriel/Uinen
Genres: Music (Classical, Folk, Metal, Opera, Rock, Vocal) Challenges: Jubilee
Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn, Mature Themes
Posted on 21 January 2023 Updated on 21 January 2023
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