New and Updated Fiction

The Rain against My Window by Himring

Rain reminds Gil-galad of his childhood in Hithlum.

Major Characters: Gil-galad
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Family, Ficlet Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 304
Posted on 1 July 2022 Updated on 1 July 2022
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Down Through the Ages by StarSpray

Five times Daeron meets Maglor by accident, plus one time it happens on purpose.

Major Characters: Daeron, Maglor
Major Relationships: Daeron/Maglor
Genres: Ficlet, Fixed-Length Ficlet, Fluff, Slash Challenges: Also Appearing
Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)
Chapters: 6 Word Count: 2, 253
Posted on 19 June 2022 Updated on 24 June 2022
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The Nargothrond Cordial by jamcake_muses

A recipe from Finrod's cookbook "From the Pans of Beleriand".

Major Characters: Finrod Felagund
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Crackfic, Humor Challenges: Also Appearing
Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 428
Posted on 23 June 2022 Updated on 23 June 2022
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✓ Seen by polutropos

Present day. Daeron has a boring office job, Maglor works for a children’s theatre school. They read dirty slash about themselves. Rated for the dirty slash.

Major Characters: Daeron, Maglor
Major Relationships: Daeron/Maglor
Genres: Humor Challenges: Also Appearing
Rating: Adult Warnings: Expletive Language, Sexual Content (Moderate)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 886
Posted on 21 June 2022 Updated on 22 June 2022
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gold & burgundy by hanneswrites

“Forgive me,” Finrod muses, the ends of his lips twitching up in a teasing smile as he ties a delicately embroidered burgundy sash around Maglor’s waist, “I had forgotten that you only hang out with me for the fashion advice. No other reason.” 

Years of the Trees Gen Slice of LIfe fic

Major Characters: Finrod Felagund, Maglor
Major Relationships: Finrod & Maglor
Genres: Ficlet, Fluff Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 523
Posted on 21 June 2022 Updated on 21 June 2022
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In Dreams by grey_gazania

Fingon visits Maedhros before the Third Kinslaying. Is he a dream, or is he a ghost?

A fixed-length ficlet.

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros
Major Relationships: Fingon/Maedhros
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Also Appearing
Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 036
Posted on 21 June 2022 Updated on 21 June 2022
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Touch The Stars by cuarthol

Sacrifices must be made, but there seems to be some lingering disagreement on exactly who it is that is going to be making them.

Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Maglor
Major Relationships: Celebrimbor & Maglor
Genres: Alternate Universe Challenges: Also Appearing
Rating: Teens Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 174
Posted on 19 June 2022 Updated on 21 June 2022
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Steppe Ghost Story by Lferion

Love endures, and nothing is truly forgotten if even one person remembers it. A triple drabble.

Major Characters: Maglor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama, Fixed-Length Ficlet, Mystery, Slash Challenges: Also Appearing, Pride
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 306
Posted on 21 June 2022 Updated on 21 June 2022
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A Favor for the Prince by Rocky41_7

Feanor has a proposal for Nerdanel.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Nerdanel
Major Relationships: Fëanor/Nerdanel
Genres: Erotica, Het, Romance Challenges:
Rating: Adult Warnings: Sexual Content (Graphic)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4, 448
Posted on 19 June 2022 Updated on 19 June 2022
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Pavane for a Horned Queen by Himring

An encounter far in the East.
One of the Kine of Araw responds to Daeron's music.

Major Characters: Daeron, Kine of Araw
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Humor, Hurt/Comfort Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 807
Posted on 18 June 2022 Updated on 18 June 2022
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The Library of Mandos by kimikocha

FIRST NOTICE: Library records show the following item(s) overdue. Please return or renew them as soon as possible to avoid further charges. Note that late fees for Dark Lords accrue at the rate of one (1) Silmaril per day.

Fëanor starts a library in Mandos. The question of the day: Which member of the Arda Evil League of Evil borrowed Twilight and forgot to return it?

Major Characters: Fëanor, Fingon, Melkor, Sauron
Major Relationships: Melkor/Sauron, Fingon/Maedhros
Genres: Alternate Universe, Crackfic, Humor Challenges:
Rating: Adult Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5, 501
Posted on 18 June 2022 Updated on 18 June 2022
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A System of Messages by AdmirableMonster

A wandering storyteller meets with a group of cowboys and tells his family's history around a fire; the mysterious Center (of the system of messages, perhaps) features prominently.

For the "Western" prompt of the Also Appearing challenge with a slight admixture of something akin to "uranium mine" or perhaps "pyramids"

Major Characters: Halbarad, Maglor
Major Relationships: Maglor/Halbarad
Genres: Alternate Universe Challenges: Also Appearing
Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 824
Posted on 16 June 2022 Updated on 17 June 2022
This fanwork is a work in progress.
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Antarctica by elennalore

Thou shalt lead and I will follow. Saying those words, Nolofinwë had not guessed that his brother would lead him all the way to Antarctica.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Fingolfin
Major Relationships: Fëanor & Fingolfin
Genres: Alternate Universe Challenges: Also Appearing
Rating: Teens Warnings: Animal Abuse
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 458
Posted on 17 June 2022 Updated on 17 June 2022
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But Not Always Sweet by Grundy

A collection of short responses, both drabbles and ficlets, to the prompts for the Vintage challenge.

Major Characters: No major characters listed
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: No genre listed Challenges: Vintage
Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 4 Word Count: 2, 014
Posted on 15 June 2022 Updated on 16 June 2022
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Candles and Confidences by grey_gazania

Elrond and Gil-galad play a game and discuss some painful truths about their families.

Major Characters: Elrond, Gil-galad
Major Relationships: Elrond & Gil-galad
Genres: General Challenges: Vintage
Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 479
Posted on 14 June 2022 Updated on 14 June 2022

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Music for the Breaking of the Heart by StarSpray

Daeron first fell in love beneath the dark tree-shadows of Neldoreth, not far from the starlit waters of the Esgalduin.

Major Characters: Daeron
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Ficlet, Fluff, General Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 581
Posted on 14 June 2022 Updated on 14 June 2022
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Letters to the West by daughterofshadows

Erferil writes letters to someone who once was very dear to her.

And even if Amrûn cannot reply, the letters still comfort her.

Major Characters: Original Female Character(s)
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Ficlet Challenges: Vintage
Rating: Teens Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 506
Posted on 12 June 2022 Updated on 12 June 2022
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Shadow'd from Heaven's Eye by kimikocha

Mairon is seduced during the Years of the Lamps.

Major Characters: Melkor, Sauron
Major Relationships: Melkor/Sauron
Genres: Slash Challenges:
Rating: Adult Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings, Mature Themes, Rape/Nonconsensual Sex, Sexual Content (Moderate), Violence (Moderate)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 959
Posted on 12 June 2022 Updated on 12 June 2022
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The Kids Are All Right Outtakes by grey_gazania

Scenes that didn't make it into "The Kids Are All Right", whether because I couldn't make them fit or because they were from the wrong POV.

Major Characters: Original Male Character(s), Unnamed Female Canon Character(s), Celebrimbor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Alternate Universe, General Challenges: Vintage
Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 2 Word Count: 1, 501
Posted on 26 May 2022 Updated on 11 June 2022

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A Momentary Pause in the Act of Death by grey_gazania

It wasn't supposed to end like this.


A short scene in Doriath.

Major Characters: Curufin, Maglor
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Experimental Challenges:
Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 236
Posted on 6 April 2011 Updated on 10 June 2022
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Family by grey_gazania

Elrond has an uncomfortable conversation with one of Maedhros' followers.

Major Characters: Original Female Character(s), Elrond
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: General Challenges:
Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 657
Posted on 3 June 2022 Updated on 10 June 2022

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Fathoms Below by Raiyana

Uinen moves, fluid as water, sinuous as a snake, her limbs – green-webbed fingers longer than fingers ought to be, skin decorated with the lumps of pale barnacles clinging to her, a body that is thick and feels strangely nurturing in a sense he does not quite understand, ending in a mass of squid-like tentacles each thicker than his legs – flowing like she is following her own current.

Ossë laughs, high and bright, and an elf-shaped hand darts into view, gripping his shoulder. The bruise beneath flares to life, hot and painful, and the best reminder than this is no drowning-dream.

He is fathoms below, dropped into the depths of the sea.

Major Characters: Maglor, Ossë, Uinen
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Drama, General Challenges:
Rating: Teens Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 656
Posted on 9 June 2022 Updated on 9 June 2022
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Water Music by grey_gazania

Elrond, newly arrived to Balar, has a brief conversation with Gil-galad that makes him reassess his situation.

Major Characters: Elrond, Gil-galad
Major Relationships: Elrond & Gil-galad
Genres: General Challenges: Vintage
Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 563
Posted on 7 June 2022 Updated on 7 June 2022

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The hammer and the star by Chiara Cadrich

A voluble dwarf delights the inn with a legend adulterated by his drunken elucubrations. It's up to you to disentangle the true from the false...

Major Characters: Narvi
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Horror Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings: Violence (Graphic)
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 542
Posted on 6 June 2022 Updated on 6 June 2022
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Full of Gorgeous Life by StarSpray

Three of Nerdanel's sons come home: a trio of double-drabbles.

Major Characters: Caranthir, Celegorm, Curufin, Nerdanel
Major Relationships: No major relationships listed
Genres: Family, Fixed-Length Ficlet, Fluff Challenges: Vintage
Rating: General Warnings: No warnings apply
Chapters: 1 Word Count: 623
Posted on 5 June 2022 Updated on 5 June 2022

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